Dataset Selection | Archive Information Request System | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Archive Information Request System (AIRS)

Some of NCEI's data holdings are archived on a Hierarchical Data Storage System (HDSS), which includes a tape robotics system for data archived on tape. NCEI provides direct online access to these data though the Archive Information Request System (AIRS). Other services for archived data are available elsewhere on the NCEI website, so this is not a compilation of all HDSS-archived datasets. As with all of our online services, we provide the data and products at no cost to customers. Files are generally delivered in their native formats as archived by NCEI. Click on data categories below to view a list of available datasets. Information will include brief descriptions, periods of record, links to documentation, and ordering options.

NOAA Climate Data Records

The National Research Council (NRC) defines a CDR as a time series of measurements of sufficient length, consistency, and continuity to determine climate variability and change.   More »


Land-based (in situ) observations are collected from instruments sited at locations on every continent.   More »

Ocean / Marine

NCDC archives meteorological data from ships at sea, moored and drifting buoys, coastal stations, rigs, and platforms.   More »


NCDC provides near-real-time access to weather model forecast data in addition to historical model data.  More »


NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar) currently comprises 160 sites throughout the United States and select overseas locations.  More »


NOAA manages a constellation of geostationary and polar-orbiting meteorological spacecrafts. Geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites provide raw radiance data that are collected by ground stations and archived by NCDC.   More »

Upper Air

Weather data from the atmosphere, beginning at three meters above the Earth's surface, are considered weather balloon or upper air data. These observations include vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, and geopotential height.  More »