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OAS project Detail for CeNCOOS
<< previous |revision: 2
projects_id: 710
Code: 709
Acronym: CeNCOOS
Name: Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System
Native Name:
Funding Institutions: US DOC; NOAA; NOS; Integrated Ocean Observing System Program
Funding Organization (deprecated):
Country (deprecated):
Comments: The Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS) spans the coastal ocean from the California/Oregon border south to Point Conception. The fundamental CeNCOOS approach is to develop long-term monitoring of environmental conditions such as water quality, productivity, and connectivity in support of marine protected area management in central and northern California.

web portals:
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 2
Keydate: 2015-10-29 19:35:52+00
Editdate: 2018-01-26 17:40:38+00