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OAS project Detail for Beaufort Sea Mesoscale Circulation Study
projects_id: 636
Code: 684
Name: Beaufort Sea Mesoscale Circulation Study
Native Name:
Funding Institutions:
Funding Organization (deprecated):
Country (deprecated): United States
Comments: This study was funded in part by the Minerals Management Service, Department of the Interior, Department of Commerce, as part of the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program. A portion of the meteorological measurements were funded by the Office of Naval Research, Arctic Programs. The Barrow Canyon moorings were funded by the National Science Foundation, Division of Polar Programs.
The Beaufort Sea Mesoscale Circulation Study is a contribution to the Marine Services Project of the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. It was initiated in 1986 to develop a quantitative and dynamically founded understanding of the circulation over the Beaufort Sea shelf and its atmospheric and oceanic forcing. The study was conducted within the overall context of a regional environmental assessment related to petroleum exploration and development.
TIMING: The field work began in autumn 1986 and continued through spring 1986.
For more information about this project, see
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 0
Keydate: 2011-11-07 15:32:17+00
Editdate: 2011-11-07 15:32:17+00