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OAS project Detail for OTRANTO
<< previous |revision: 2
projects_id: 617
Code: 654
Acronym: OTRANTO
Name: Hydrodynamics and Geochemical Fluxes in the Strait of Otranto
Native Name:
Funding Institutions:
Funding Organization (deprecated): European Union
Country (deprecated): Greece, Italy
Comments: The main goal of the project is to give an interdisciplinary picture of the fluxes of the different water masses and the related exchanges of nutrients and particulate matter across the Otranto Strait.

Begin date: 1993-07-01
End date: 1996-06-30

For more information about OTRANTO, go to
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 2
Keydate: 2011-06-28 14:29:56+00
Editdate: 2011-06-28 20:23:57+00