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OAS project Detail for FRAM III
<< previous |revision: 1
projects_id: 53
Code: 315
Acronym: FRAM III
Native Name:
Funding Institutions:
Funding Organization (deprecated): National Science Foundation
Country (deprecated): United States
Comments: On the fourteenth of March 1981, Fram 3, the third in a series of four U.S. manned ice camps, was established in the eastern Arctic Ocean at 84.32°N, 20.07°E for oceanographic and geophysical research in the Eurasian Basin north of the Greenland-Spitzbergen Passage.

Investigators from several institutions in the United States, as well as from Canada and England, participated in studies of physical and chemical oceanography, low-frequency underwater acoustics, geophysics, and the mechanics and propagation of waves through sea ice. A Bell 204 helicopter and crew were stationed at Fram 3 throughout the drift in order to support research efforts and camp operations. Several oceanographic buoys that used satellite telemetry were deployed during this time period.

Manley, T. O., L. A. Codispoti, K. L. Hunkins, H. R. Jackson, E. P. Jones, V. Lee, S. Moore, J. Morison, T. T. Packard, and P. Wadhams (1982), The Fram 3 expedition, Eos Trans. AGU, 63(35), 627, doi:10.1029/EO063i035p00627.
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 1
Keydate: 2000-02-23 05:00:00+00
Editdate: 2012-02-21 19:53:05+00