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OAS platform Detail for HARMAJA
<< previous |revision: 1
platforms_id: 4049
ICES Code: 34HG
Countries: FINLAND
Comments: Updated information from ICES for the lighthouse HARMAJA from FI: FINLAND.

Code : 34HG
Country(s) : FI: FINLAND (ISO Country Code)
Platform Class : 14: Land/onshore structure
Native Name: Gråhara
Notes : F/S Fixed station - lighthouse

General Comments:
F/S removed from name and added note for "Fixed Station" and platform class land/coastal structure.

In the Canadian ICES platform codes, 18 Canadian codes correspond to lighthouses but are wrongly assigned to “fishing vessel”:

The Canadian government has been measuring water temperature and salinity at several fixed coastal locations, including lighthouses, since 1914; data are available from a Canadian website.

Furthermore, 24 additional ICES platform codes from the USA, Finland and Norway with “F/S” in the name, and they seem to correspond to lighthouses as well, but they (most if not all) are assigned to “fishing vessel”

Update confirmed by NOAA on 2018-10-11 (FY2019).
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 1
Keydate: 2003-03-25 00:00:00+00
Editdate: 2018-10-11 15:41:34+00