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OAS platform Detail for FRAM IV
<< previous |revision: 2
platforms_id: 12007
ICES Code: 33IJ
Comments: Updated information from ICES for the vessel FRAM IV from UNITED STATES.

Name : FRAM IV
Flag : UNITED STATES - US (ISO Country Code)
Platform Class : 91 ice island
Commissioned Date : 1982-03
Decommissioned Date : 1982-05
Notes : The fourth FRAM drifting ice camp, in the Nansen basin north of Spitsbergen.

Additional Information Sources:
- Johnson, G.L., The Fram Expeditions:Arctic Ocean studies from floating ice, 1979-82, Polar Record, 21 (135), 583-589, 1983

General Comments:
The fourth and final in the series of FRAM drifting ice camps, FRAM IV, was installed in the Nansen basin north of Spitsbergen from March to May 1982, and included studies of hydroacoustics, geophysics, and physical oceanography. In addition, cooperation with the Soviets enabled a visit to the North Pole 22 drifting station by members of FRAM IV. A typical FRAM ice camp would consist of approximately 20 scientists and support personnel, and the buildings consisted of prefabricated Manigan huts and Jamesway insulated tents (Parcolls), and later Weatherport buildings.

Confirmed by NOAA on 2019-02-05 (FY2019).
Submitted to ICES 2013-07-09
Deprecated: false
Metadata version: 2
Keydate: 2013-07-09 18:52:59+00
Editdate: 2019-02-05 19:48:48+00