The Ocean Archive System searches our original datasets as they were submitted to us, not individual points or profiles. If you want to search and retrieve ocean profiles in a common format, or objectively analyzed fields, your better option may be to use one of our project applications. See: Access Data

OAS accession_versions Detail for Accession 191922,1,1: archived-published, meta_version: 0. Current meta_version is: 2
meta_version: 0| next >>
accessions_id: 0191922.1.1 | published
Major version: 1
Minor version: 1
Current status: new
published: false
Remarks: accession: 191922 created for otto.
Archive unit:
Path: /nodc/archive/ingest/0191922
Size in Megabytes: 0.024
Job id:
Commit date:
Valid thru: 2019-07-27 09:37:26+00
Metadata version: 0
Keydate: 2019-07-27 02:54:24+00
Editdate: 2019-07-27 02:54:24+00