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OAS accession Detail for 9500090
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accessions_id: 9500090 | archive
Title: Zooplankton biomass data from net tows from the South Pacific Ocean from 27 January 1967 to 26 November 1967 (NODC Accession 9500090)
Abstract: Zooplankton biomass data were collected from net tows from the South Pacific Ocean. Data were collected by the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) from 27 January 1967 to 26 November 1967. Zooplankton samples were obtained from oblique tows and parameters include maximum tow depth, total water volume passed through net, small plankton volume, total plankton volume, and standard haul factor.
Date received: 20020729
Start date: 19670127
End date: 19671126
Seanames: North Pacific Ocean, South Pacific Ocean
West boundary: -126.12
East boundary: -75.7
North boundary: 21.766667
South boundary: -20.05
Observation types: biological, tows, tows - oblique tows, tows - plankton tows
Instrument types: net, net - plankton net, net - zooplankton net
Submitter: Longhurst, Dr. Alan R.
Submitting institution: Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information:
Availability date:
Metadata version: 3
Keydate: 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00
Editdate: 2013-03-19 16:56:29+00