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OAS accession Detail for 9400003, meta_version: 6. Current meta_version is: 9
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accessions_id: 9400003 | archive
Title: Air temperature, barometric pressure, sea surface temperature and water depth from drifting buoys in the Bali Sea, Indian Ocean and others from 1993-12-01 to 1993-12-31 (NCEI Accession 9400003)
Abstract: The drifting buoy data in this accession was collected over a one month period from buoys deployed by National Data Buoy Center, Stennis Space Center, MS in TOGA Area - Pacific (30 N to 30 S). The data was collected as part of Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere project in December 1993.

This data type contains time series ocean circulation data determined by tracking the movement of drifting buoys, drogues or other instrumented devices. Movement is reported as point-to-point geographic locations determined by shore-based, surface ship, aircraft or satellite observations. Data from both ocean currents and sea ice movement can be reported in this format over time periods ranging from minutes to months. Directions and speeds between individual observations may be computed from these data and presented in graphic or summary listing form to provide information on circulation patterns and mass transport in offshore and nearshore regions.

Platform name (for platform acquiring data or deploying device), drogue characteristics, start and end positions and times, and observation frequency (if constant time interval) are reported for each series of observations. The data record comprises position, date and time for each observation. Other surface meteorological or oceanographic parameters (e.g., water temperature and salinity, air temperature and pressure, wind, waves) and subsurface data (depth, pressure, temperature) may also be reported. Text records may be used to report general comments or to describe individual drogue observations.

The water depth and other drifting buoy data submitted by Mr. Michael K. Burdette has been processed by NODC and is currently available in F156 Drifting Buoy file format.
Date received: 19940118
Start date: 19931201
End date: 19931231
Seanames: Bali Sea, Indian Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean, South Pacific Ocean
West boundary: -162.38333
East boundary: 114.41667
North boundary: -8.13333
South boundary: -51.96667
Observation types: meteorological, physical, surface measurements, time series
Instrument types: buoy - drifting buoy
Submitter: Burdette, Mr. Michael K.
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center
Collecting institutions: US DOC; NOAA; NWS; National Data Buoy Center
Contributing projects: TOGA
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: These data files are in NODC F156 format. Documentation of this format and the codes used in this format are available in the about/ directory of this accession.

Note: Metadata for this accession were extracted from a legacy database maintained by the U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). The design of the database did not exactly reflect the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM).

Principal Investigator (PI) and organization contact information accurately represents all available information from the legacy database at the time that this description was created. However, proper attribution of a PI to a specific institution or the role (submitting or collecting) taken by an institution may not be correct due to inexact mapping between fields in the legacy database and the CSDGM. Due to this uncertainty, the contact information was initially recorded in the Supplemental Information element of the CSDGM description.

To develop more accurate metadata, NCEI reviews metadata for all accessions on an ongoing basis.

Points of contact for this data set include:
Contact info:
PI: Burdette, Mr. Michael
address: BLDG. 1100
state: MS
postal: 39529-6000

In this accession, NCEI has archived multiple versions of these data. The latest (and best) version of these data has the largest version number.
Availability date: 19940118
Metadata version: 6
Keydate: 2002-11-19 19:40:22+00
Editdate: 2020-04-08 16:42:05+00