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OAS accession Detail for 0000614, meta_version: 1. Current meta_version is: 4
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accessions_id: 0000614
Title: Tampa Bay seagrass beds (NODC Accession 0000614)
Abstract: The coverage is the extent of seagrass beds in Tampa Bay.
Date received: 20011026
Start date: 19980101
End date: 19981231
Seanames: Tampa Bay
West boundary: -82.853179
East boundary: -82.379408
North boundary: 28.054281
South boundary: 27.497178
Observation types: GIS product
Instrument types:
Submitter: Ward, David
Submitting institution: Florida Marine Research Institute
Collecting institutions: Florida Marine Research Institute
Contributing projects:
Number of observations: 0
Supplementary information: These data are for historical reference only, more current data are available. This coverage has an .AAT but no associated item values.
Availability date: 20011026
Metadata version: 1
Keydate: 2001-10-29 15:19:23+00
Editdate: 2006-02-15 16:32:25+00