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OAS accession Detail for 0278269, meta_version: 2. Current meta_version is: 6
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accessions_id: 0278269 | archive
Title: Microplastic concentrations on the beaches of Holbox Island, Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-19 (NCEI Accession 0278269)
Abstract: This study estimated the concentration of microplastics (i.e. plastics measuring less than 5mm, reported in unit of pieces/m2) on the beaches of Holbox Island, Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-19. Microplastic data were collected using a PVC cylinder. This dataset contains the results from all 40 beach sand samples, in a spreadsheet format.
Date received: 20230511
Start date: 20180518
End date: 20180519
West boundary: -87.39198333
East boundary: -87.3683
North boundary: 21.5317
South boundary: 21.5162667
Observation types: in situ, laboratory analyses
Instrument types: microscope, sediment sieve
Datatypes: microplastic concentration
Submitting institution:
Collecting institutions: Mississippi State University
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Submission Package ID: GFGLY1
Availability date:
Metadata version: 2
Keydate: 2023-05-15 15:00:28+00
Editdate: 2023-05-15 18:16:18+00