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OAS accession Detail for 0242882, meta_version: 7. Current meta_version is: 12
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accessions_id: 0242882 | archive
Title: NCCOS Assessment: Modeling at-sea density of marine birds to support renewable energy planning on the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf of the contiguous United States (NCEI Accession 0242882)
Abstract: This dataset provides seasonal spatial rasters of predicted long-term (1980-2017) density of 33 individual species and 13 taxonomic groups of marine birds throughout the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and adjacent waters off the contiguous United States at 2-km spatial resolution. Two indications of the uncertainty associated with the model predictions are also provided: 1) seasonal spatial layers indicating areas with no survey effort and 2) seasonal spatial rasters of the precision of predicted density of each species/group characterized as its coefficient of variation (CV). Predicted density should always be considered in conjunction with these two indications of uncertainty. This dataset also includes spatial rasters of environmental predictor variables that were used in the predictive modeling.
Date received: 20211020
Start date: 19800101
End date: 20171231
Seanames: Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary
West boundary: -131
East boundary: -117.1
North boundary: 49
South boundary: 29.8
Observation types: model output
Instrument types: visual analysis
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; NOS; National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Collecting institutions: Point Blue Conservation Science
Contributing projects:
Platforms: Bell M. Shimada (3322), David Starr Jordan (31JD), Discoverer (31DS), McArthur (31M4), McArthur II (33MH), NEW HORIZON (32NM), OCEAN STARR (32I1), Reuben Lasker (33UD), ROBERT GORDON SPROUL (32QU), Roger Revelle (33RR), Sally Ride (33P4)
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Submission Package ID: 4LFC6T

Methods: ## This analysis relied mainly on two types of data: counts of marine birds at sea from sighting surveys and information about the environment in the Pacific OCS region. Sighting datasets were provided by various state and federal agencies, academic institutions, and private organizations. Available spatial information describing the environment in the Pacific OCS region was compiled and synthesized by NCCOS. Environmental data came from a range of sources including remote sensing datasets and an ocean model dataset. Spatial environmental variables were characterized as spatial rasters, with dynamic variables represented by seasonal long-term climatologies. Spatial predictive modeling was applied to the sighting data to account for spatial and temporal heterogeneity in survey effort, platform, and protocol. An ensemble machine-learning technique, component-wise boosting of hierarchical zero-inflated count models, was used to relate the counts of each species or taxonomic group to the environmental predictor variables while accounting for survey heterogeneity and the aggregated nature of sightings. The modeling technique allowed for complex non-linear relationships between response and predictor variables and interacting effects among predictors. Bootstrapping was used to derive estimates of the uncertainty in model predictions. For a complete description of the methods see Leirness et al. (2021).

File Information

:## Total File Size: 615 MB total, 404 files in 4 folders (unzipped), 563 MB (zipped) Data File Format(s): • Comma-separated value (.CSV) • GeoTiff .TIF • ShapeFile .SHP (and ancillary files .DBF, .PRJ, .SHX) Data File Compression: N/A Data File Resolution: 2 km GIS Projection: WGS 1984 Hotine Oblique Mercator Azimuth Center Data Files: • model_input_predictors/ o climate_indices.CSV o [predictor].TIF ? chlorophyll_a_[season] ? chlorophyll_a_front_strength_[season] ? depth ? distance_to_canyon ? distance_to_land ? eddy_frequency_anticyclonic_[season] ? eddy_frequency_cyclonic_[season] ? mixed_layer_depth_[season] ? mixed_layer_depth_standard_deviation_[season] ? planform_curvature_10km ? planform_curvature_20km ? profile_curvature_10km ? profile_curvature_20km ? projected_latitude ? projected_longitude ? salinity_[season] ? salinity_standard_deviation_[season] ? sea_surface_height_[season] ? sea_surface_height_standard_deviation_[season] ? sea_surface_temperature_[season] ? sea_surface_temperature_anomaly_frequency_[season] ? sea_surface_temperature_front_strength_[season] ? sea_surface_temperature_standard_deviation_[season] ? slope_10km ? slope_20km ? slope_of_slope_10km ? slope_of_slope_20km ? surface_current_divergence_[season] ? surface_current_speed_[season] ? surface_current_velocity_eastwest_[season] ? surface_current_velocity_northsouth_[season] ? surface_current_vorticity_[season] ? turbidity_[season] ? turbidity_standard_deviation_[season] ? upwelling_[season] ? wind_divergence_[season] ? wind_stress_eastwest_[season] ? wind_stress_northsouth_[season] • model_output_predictions/ o [species]_[season]_[prediction].TIF ? predicted_density ? predicted_density_CV o survey_effort_mask_[season].SHP (and ancillary files .DBF, .PRJ, .SHX) Documentation Files: • Pacific_marine_bird_mapping_browse_graphic_PFSH_summer.JPG • Pacific_marine_bird_mapping_preview_graphic_PFSH_summer.JPG • Pacific_marine_bird_mapping_preview_graphic_PFSH_summer_CV.JPG • DataDocumentation.PDF Table 1: Climate Indices Data Dictionary Column Variable Definition Units Range 1 year year of corresponding climate index value none [1980, 2017] 2 month calendar month of corresponding climate index value (1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, 3 = Mar, etc.) none [1, 12] 3 mei multivariate El Niño-Southern Oscillation index none [-1.89, 3.01] 4 mei_lag12 multivariate El Niño-Southern Oscillation index from 1 year (12 months) prior none [-1.89, 3.01] 5 npgo North Pacific Gyre Oscillation index none [-2.47, 2.74] 6 npgo_lag12 North Pacific Gyre Oscillation index from 1 year (12 months) prior none [-2.47, 2.74] 7 pdo Pacific Decadal Oscillation index none [-1.98, 2.63] 8 pdo_lag12 Pacific Decadal Oscillation index from 1 year (12 months) prior none [-1.98, 2.63] Table 2: Model Input Spatial Predictors Data Dictionary Predictor Variable Code: Definition Units Source chlorophyll_a: seasonal mean climatologies of sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration mg / m3 NASA OceanColor Aqua and Terra MODIS and VIIRS (1997-2017); Leirness et al. (2021) chlorophyll_a_front_strength: seasonal mean climatologies of gradient magnitude of fronts derived from sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration log(mg / m3) / km NOAA CoastWatch (2002-13); Leirness et al. (2021) depth: seafloor depth m multibeam bathymetry data; NOAA Okeanos Explorer; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute; NOAA Olympic Coast NMS; USGS; University of Washington; Oregon State University; NOAA CRM; GEBCO; Leirness et al. (2021) distance_to_canyon: distance to nearest seafloor canyon m Global Seafloor Geomorphology; Leirness et al. (2021) distance_to_land: distance to nearest land m GSHHG; Leirness et al. (2021) eddy_frequency_anticyclonic, eddy_frequency_cyclonic: seasonal climatologies of proportion of days with anticyclonic and cyclonic eddy rings none AVISO (1994-2015); Leirness et al. (2021) mixed_layer_depth, mixed_layer_depth_standard_deviation: seasonal mean and standard deviation climatologies of depth at which temperature differed from the surface by =0.5 ºC m HYCOM (1992-2012); Leirness et al. (2021) planform_curvature_10km, planform_curvature_20km: curvature of the seafloor along the line of intersection between the depth surface and the horizontal plane at 10 km and 20 km scales; indicates whether seafloor is convex (>0), concave (0), or flat (0) radians / 100 m Leirness et al. (2021) projected_latitude: latitude in projected coordinate system m Leirness et al. (2021) projected_longitude: longitude in projected coordinate system m Leirness et al. (2021) salinity, salinity_standard_deviation: seasonal mean and standard deviation climatologies of sea surface salinity psu HYCOM (1992-2012); Leirness et al. (2021) sea_surface_height, sea_surface_height_standard_deviation: seasonal mean and standard deviation climatologies of sea surface height m CMEMS; Leirness et al. (2021) sea_surface_temperature, sea_surface_temperature_standard_deviation: seasonal mean and standard deviation of sea surface temperature ºC CMEMS; Leirness et al. (2021) sea_surface_temperature_anomaly_frequency: seasonal climatologies of proportion of days where daily sea surface temperature was more than 1ºC greater than the monthly mean ocean surface temperature none CMEMS; Leirness et al. (2021) sea_surface_temperature_front_strength: seasonal mean climatologies of gradient magnitude of fronts derived from water temperature at the ocean surface ºC / km NOAA CoastWatch (2003-12); Leirness et al. (2021) slope_10km, slope_20km: steepness of the seafloor at 10 km and 20 km scales degrees Leirness et al. (2021) slope_of_slope_10km, slope_of_slope_20km: rate of change in slope of the seafloor at 10 km and 20 km scales degrees of degrees Leirness et al. (2021) surface_current_divergence: seasonal mean climatologies of sea surface current divergence none HYCOM (1992-2012); Leirness et al. (2021) surface_current_speed: seasonal mean climatologies of sea surface current speed m / s HYCOM (1992-2012); Leirness et al. (2021) surface_current_velocity_eastwest, surface_current_velocity_northsouth: seasonal mean climatologies of sea surface current velocity in east-west and north-south directions m / s HYCOM (1992-2012); Leirness et al. (2021) surface_current_vorticity: seasonal mean climatologies of sea surface current vorticity none HYCOM (1992-2012); Leirness et al. (2021) turbidity, turbidity_standard_deviation: seasonal mean and standard deviation climatologies of sea surface turbidity (reflectance at 447 nm) 1 / sr NASA OceanColor Aqua and Terra MODIS (2000-17); Leirness et al. (2021) upwelling: seasonal mean climatologies of Ekman upwelling m /s NOAA CoastWatch (1999-2009); Leirness et al. (2021) wind_divergence: seasonal mean climatologies of sea surface wind shear stress divergence 1 / s NOAA CoastWatch (1999-2009); Leirness et al. (2021) wind_stress_eastwest, wind_stress_northsouth: seasonal mean climatologies of sea surface wind shear stress in east-west and north-south directions Pa NOAA CoastWatch (1999-2009); Leirness et al. (2021) Table 3: Model Output Predictions Data Dictionary Prediction Variable Code Definition Units predicted_density model-predicted density of each species/group and season, 2-km resolution none (proportional to number of birds / km2) predicted_density_CV coefficient of variation of model-predicted density of each species/group and season, 2-km resolution none Survey effort masks seasonal shapefiles with polygons indicating areas without survey effort Table 4: Species and Modeled Seasons Data Dictionary Species Code Common Name Scientific Name Spring Summer Fall Winter ANMU Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus X ASSP Ashy Storm-Petrel Hydrobates homochroa X X X BFAL Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes X X X X BLKI Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla X X X BLSP Black Storm-Petrel Hydrobates melania X X X BOGU Bonaparte’s Gull Chroicocephalus philadelphia X X X BRAC Brandt’s Cormorant Phalacrocorax penicillatus X X BRPE Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis X X X X BULS Buller’s Shearwater Ardenna bulleri X X BVSH Black-vented Shearwater Puffinus opisthomelas X X X CAAU Cassin’s Auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus X X X X CAGU California Gull Larus californicus X X X X CATE Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia X X COLO Common Loon Gavia immer X X COMU Common Murre Uria aalge X X X X COPE Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cookii X X X CORM Cormorant spp. Phalacrocorax spp. X X COTE-ARTE Common/Arctic Tern Sterna hirundo/paradisaea X X X DCCO Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus X X FTSP Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel Hydrobates furcatus X X X X HEEG Heermann’s Gull Larus heermanni X X X HERG-ICGU Herring/Iceland Gull Larus argentatus/glaucoides X X X X JAEG Jaeger spp. Stercorarius pomarinus/parasiticus/ longicaudus X X X X LAAL Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis X X LESP Leach’s Storm-Petrel Hydrobates leucorhous X X X X LOON Loon spp. Gavia spp. X X X X MAMU Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus X X MUPE Murphy’s Petrel Pterodroma ultima X NOFU Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis X X X X PAJA-LTJA Parasitic/Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus/longicaudus X X X PECO Pelagic Cormorant Phalacrocorax pelagicus X X PFSH Pink-footed Shearwater Ardenna creatopus X X X PHAL Phalarope spp. Phalaropus spp. X X X X PIGU Pigeon Guillemot Cepphus columba X X POJA Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus X X X X RHAU Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata X X X X ROYT-ELTE Royal/Elegant Tern Thalasseus maximus/elegans X X X RTLO Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata X X SAGU Sabine’s Gull Xema sabini X X X SCMU-GUMU-CRMU Scripps’s/Guadalupe/Craveri’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus scrippsi/hypoleucus/craveri X SCOT Scoter spp. Melanitta spp. X X X X SPSK South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki X STTS-SOSH-FFSH Short-tailed/Sooty/Flesh-footed Shearwater Ardenna tenuirostris/grisea/carneipes X X X X TUPU Tufted Puffin Fratercula cirrhata X X WEGR-CLGR Western/Clark’s Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis/clarkii X X X WEGU-WGWH-GWGU Western/Glaucous-winged Gull Larus occidentalis/glaucescens X X X X ##
Availability date:
Metadata version: 7
Keydate: 2021-11-08 21:31:09+00
Editdate: 2021-12-06 22:58:42+00