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OAS accession Detail for 0209090, meta_version: 4. Current meta_version is: 6
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accessions_id: 0209090 | archive
Title: Water temperature, salinity, methane, methane stable isotopes, and others chemical parameters collected by CTD and Niskin bottles from research vessel Hugh R. Sharp in Mid-Atlantic Bight from 2017-08-25 to 2017-09-05 (NCEI Accession 0209090)
Abstract: This dataset includes measurements of water temperature, salinity, methane concentration, methane stable isotopes, and others chemical parameters collected by CTD and Niskin bottles from research vessel Hugh R. Sharp in Mid-Atlantic Bight from 2017-08-25 to 2017-09-05. Measurements of methane concentration and stable isotopes were then used to calculate the fraction oxidized, or the fraction of methane that has been microbially oxidized since entering the water column, either from seafloor gas seeps or in-situ methane production. Data are in CSV format.
Date received: 20200210
Start date: 20170825
End date: 20170905
West boundary: -74.8405
East boundary: -74.15517
North boundary: 37.53883
South boundary: 35.5238
Observation types:
Instrument types:
Submitter: Leonte, Mihai
Submitting institution: University of Rochester
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Submission Package ID: 0MJEMC
Availability date:
Metadata version: 4
Keydate: 2020-02-18 20:55:19+00
Editdate: 2020-02-20 04:50:49+00