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OAS accession Detail for 0167450, meta_version: 1. Current meta_version is: 2
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accessions_id: 0167450 | archive
Title: Digital video collected during Johnson-Sea-Link II submersible dive 2634 by Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in the Gulf of Mexico on 1995-08-28 (NCEI Accession 0167450)
Abstract: This Archival Information Package (AIP) contains videographic data of ocean floor biology and geology at a suspected hydrocarbon seep site in the Gulf of Mexico, captured on 1995-08-28 from the manned submersible Johnson-Sea-Link II during dive number 2634. The timespan of this AIP is a single day and constitutes video from a single dive.

This AIP is part of a dataset of 149 submersible dives from 48 different lease block areas over the course of 15 dive seasons ranging from 1988 to 2002, collected for studies funded by the Minerals Management Service, now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). Seep communities were found in all but four dives, although sparse community development was common. Because BOEM is tasked with protecting sensitive benthic communities from impacts of operational activities on the outer continental shelf and continental slope, locating these communities is an important task. Although use of surface attributes, particularly strength of seabed reflectivity (from 3-D seismic data) has been very successful in identifying areas of hard bottom (seep-related carbonate) and gas-filled sediment, visual evidence is still considered the best and most irrefutable data. The submersible video database will provide a valuable foundation of observational data for cold seep communities on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope.

The video in the dataset of which this AIP is a part was originally captured on several different analog video formats. To create the digital video files which comprise the entire collection, the analog video was transferred to DVD, extracted as .avi files, and transcoded at a final stage to MPEG-2 files identified with the extension .mpg. The entire dataset comprises 3,533 .mpg clips of duration 5 minutes or less, representing a total of 280 hours of bottom time. In a few cases, the intermediate .avi files have been archived as well. In one dive (JSL_2634), video has been archived in .VOB and .mp4 format.
Date received: 20171017
Start date: 19950828
End date: 19950828
Seanames: Gulf of Mexico
West boundary: -91.222183
East boundary: -91.222183
North boundary: 27.74625
South boundary: 27.74625
Observation types: visual observation
Instrument types: video camera
Datatypes: Video Transect Images
Submitter: Blythe, Jonathan
Submitting institution: US DOI; Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Collecting institutions: US DOI; Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Contributing projects:
Platforms: Johnson-Sea-Link II (33YU)
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Since the mid-1980s, the Minerals Management Service, now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other national funding agencies have supported studies of natural hydrocarbon seeps on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico. A key part of the database generated from these studies is video of the seafloor associated with each site visited, which were taken using research submersibles to observe and sample the sensitive benthic biology and geology of seep sites. These seep communities, found in all but four dives, are at risk from the impacts of operational activities on the outer continental shelf and continental slope. Locating these communities is an important task, and visual evidence is still considered the best and most irrefutable data. These submersible video data contribute to the valuable foundation of observational data for cold seep communities on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope.
Availability date:
Metadata version: 1
Keydate: 2017-10-20 16:50:33+00
Editdate: 2017-10-20 17:03:38+00