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OAS accession Detail for 0014927, meta_version: 18. Current meta_version is: 18
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accessions_id: 0014927 | archive
Title: Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Atlas: Aleutian Islands, Alaska, maps and geographic information systems data (NCEI Accession 0014927)
Abstract: This dataset comprises the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps for the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. ESI data characterize coastal environments and wildlife by their sensitivity to spilled oil. The ESI data include information for three main components: shoreline habitats; sensitive biological resources; and human-use resources. This atlas was developed to be utilized within desktop GIS systems and contains GIS files and related data files. Associated files include MOSS (Multiple Overlay Statistical System) export files, .PDF maps, and detailed user guides and metadata.

Geographic features data such as fault lines, geothermal activity, and volcanoes data from the 1950s. Biological and shoreline data utilized in this atlas data from the late 1970s to 2001. Data sources are documented within the included metadata. Data were compiled during 2000-2001.

Date received: 20070315
Start date: 19550101
End date: 20011231
West boundary: 172.42
East boundary: -158.81002
North boundary: 58.13312
South boundary: 48.351629
Observation types:
Instrument types:
Submitter: Petersen, Jill
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; National Ocean Service - Seattle, WA
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:

Information from left side of disc - May 2000, Seattle, Washington

Besides the above warning, there are no use constraints on these
data. Note that the ESI database should not be used to the exclusion of other pertinent data or information held by state or federal agencies or other organizations. Likewise, information contained in the database cannot be used in place of consultations with environmental, natural resource, and cultural resource agencies, or in place of field surveys. Recognize that the information contained in the ESI database represents known concentration areas or occurrences of natural, cultural, and human-use resources, but does not necessarily represent the full distribution or range of each species or resource. This is particularly important to recognize when considering potential impacts to protected resources, such as endangered species, wetlands, etc.

Acknowledgment of the originators, publishers, contributors, and sources listed would be appreciated in products derived from these data.

The original disk for this NCEI accession has been transferred to the NOAA Central Library. A copy of each disk can be generated using the .iso files in the data/0-data/disc_image/ directory.

Additional Alaskan ESI data are available from the following NODC accessions:

DVD Digital data re-release, April, 2007, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas Alaska, Prince William Sound-2000, Aleutians-2001, Bristol Bay 2004, maps and geographic information systems data archived in NCEI accession 0014162.

DVD Digital data release, June, 2005, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, North Slope, Alaska, Volume 1, geographic information systems data and Volume 2, maps in portable document format archived in NCEI accession 0014928.

CD digital data release, April 2001 (vs.2), Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, Prince William Sound, Alaska, Volume 1 and Volume 2, geographic information systems data archived in NCEI accession 0019218.

CD digital data release, March 2004, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, Kodiak, maps and geographic information systems data archived in NCEI accession 0026418.

CD digital data release, June 2004, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, Bristol Bay, Alaska, maps and geographic information systems data archived in NCEI accession 0033382.

CD digital data release, June 2003, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, Cook Inlet, Alaska, maps and geographic information systems data archived in NCEI accession 0046027.

CD digital data release, October 2002, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, NW Arctic, Alaska - Volume 2, maps and geographic information systems data, archived in NCEI accession 0046028.

CD digital data release, February 2003 (vs. 3), Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, Southeast Alaska - Volume 1, geographic information systems data and Volume 2, maps in portable document format archived in NCEI accession 0046029.

CD digital data release, July 2003, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas, Western Alaska - Volume 1, geographic information systems data and data tables and Volume 2, maps in portable document format archived in NCEI accession 0046030.

DVD Digital Data Re-release, September 2008, Seattle, Washington titled - ESI Atlas Alaska-2 Northwest Arctic-2002, North Slope-2005, Western-2003, maps and geographic information systems data, archived in NCEI accession 0049913.

DVD Digital Data Re-release, January, 2009, Seattle, Washington titled - Alaska ESI (2) Cook Inlet-2002, Kodiak-1998, Southeast-2002, Bristol Bay-2004, Prince William Sound-2000, Aleutians-2001, maps and geographic information systems data archived in NCEI accession 0050372.
Availability date: 20070317
Metadata version: 18
Keydate: 2007-04-27 13:20:39+00
Editdate: 2024-02-18 16:06:32+00