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OAS accession Detail for 0276517
<< previous | |revision: 14 |
accessions_id: | 0276517 | archive |
Title: | Along-channel velocity and calculated total suspended sediment measurements using an acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway at Larose, Louisiana from 2022-04-21 to 2022-05-01 (NCEI Accession 0276517) |
Abstract: | An acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) was deployed in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) near Larose (LA) using a 6000 kHz Nortek Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV). The cross section is about 75 m wide, with a depth of ~4.5 m toward the center and ~4 m toward the side. The instrument was deployed about 3 m from the bank, where the water depth is about 4 m. The three-dimensional velocity was recorded 0.4 m above the bed. Both the 3-dimensional velocity and the backscatter was recorded continuously at a frequency of 8 Hz. In post-processing, data were converted into bursts of 16 seconds, which were then averaged to give a single measurement per burst. The backscatter signal-to-noise ratio (S) [dB] was converted to TSS [mg/l] using a laboratory-calibrated formula (TSS=10^(0.052S+0.04). A text file of the calculated TSS (mg/l) and along channel velocity (m/s) at depth is provided along with a .hdr that describes the headers of each file provided, a .dat that describes the data configuration from the instrument, and a .sen file that describes the instrument set up. |
Date received: | 20230130 |
Start date: | 20220421 |
End date: | 20220501 |
Seanames: | |
West boundary: | -90.380757 |
East boundary: | -90.380757 |
North boundary: | 29.577382 |
South boundary: | 29.577382 |
Observation types: | |
Instrument types: | |
Datatypes: | |
Submitter: | Mariotti, Giulio |
Submitting institution: | Louisiana State University |
Collecting institutions: | |
Contributing projects: | |
Platforms: | |
Number of observations: | |
Supplementary information: | These files (GIWW318.VEC, GIWW318.vhd, GIWW318.pck) are mentioned in the .HDR file provided but were not provided to NCEI and therefore are not in this archive. |
Availability date: | |
Metadata version: | 14 |
Keydate: | 2023-02-03 02:16:21+00 |
Editdate: | 2024-09-10 13:57:56+00 |