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OAS accession Detail for 0255938
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accessions_id: 0255938 | archive
Title: Oceanographic and biological water parameter data collected from the M110 and M110X moorings in Lake Michigan, Great Lakes region to support the long-term ecological research Muskegon transect studies by NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory from 2020-08-12 to 2021-05-19 (NCEI Accession 0255938)
Abstract: Two moorings were deployed near the M110 station by the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) from August 2020 to May 2021 and October 2020 to May 2021. These observations support the GLERL Long-Term Ecological Research program. The M110 station is part of the Muskegon Transect in Lake Michigan near the NOAA Lake Michigan Field Station, Muskegon, MI. The first mooring, “M110”, is an oceanographic mooring containing a temperature string and an acoustic doppler current profiler approximately 200 meters from the temperature string. The second mooring, “M110X”, is a physical and biological mooring that collects temperature and fluorometer measurements near the surface and bottom over the winter. The approximate depth of this mooring location was 110 m.

The M110 deployment’s temperature string collects vertical water temperatures at hourly and sub-hourly time intervals at 16 depths by Hobo Onset and Tidbits thermistors. Current speed and direction were collected at sub-hourly time intervals at 49 depths by a Teledyne RDI WorkHorse acoustic doppler current profiler. The data files for this mooring contain the station name “noaa-glerl-michigan-lter-m110-” in the file name.

The physical and biological mooring collects surface and bottom temperature and fluorometer measurements hourly. The temperature sensors were Sea-Bird 39. The Wet Labs fluorometers measured voltage, which were converted to chlorophyll concentrations. Please see the “Supplemental Information” for more information about the chlorophyll concentrations. The data files for this mooring contain the station name “noaa-glerl-michigan-lter-m110x-” in the file name.

All measurements were collected continuously during this time period. Included in this data package are two data formats, netCDF and CSV. Metadata is included in the netCDF file, the CSV files also contain a data dictionary explaining the column headings.
Date received: 20220707
Start date: 20200812
End date: 20210519
West boundary: -86.6
East boundary: -86.5
North boundary: 43.25
South boundary: 43.2
Observation types:
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Submitter: Mason, Lacey
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; OAR; Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
Collecting institutions:
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Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Data from the fluorometers represents raw output from the sensor. This data was then converted to chlorophyll fluorescence by applying linear scaling constants. The fluorometers deployed at this location were calibrated by the manufacturer WetLabs, in December of 2019 using a Thalassiora weissflogii phytoplankton culture. The characterization sheets for each instrument are included in this data accession. No further calibrations for freshwater environments or specific chlorophyll species were performed in our Laboratory prior to deployment. The fluorometer chlorophyll values should be used as approximate values to understand trends in chlorophyll over the deployment period. Do not use the fluorometer chlorophyll values as exact values, as actual environmental conditions will affect the calibration scaling constants. Extracted chlorophyll values can be found in the water quality sampling data collected for this and a nearby location.
Availability date:
Metadata version: 10
Keydate: 2022-07-13 16:30:28+00
Editdate: 2024-09-10 14:34:20+00