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OAS accession Detail for 0241617
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accessions_id: 0241617 | archive
Title: MOCNESS profile and ichthyoplankton and decapod specimen identification data collected during NRDA Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24 (NCEI Accession 0241617)
Abstract: This data package contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data and other ichthyoplankton and decapod specimen identification data collected during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey was part of a series of NS NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The data package includes the original profile data representing environmental samples (e.g., temperature, salinity, pressure) for individual MOCNESS tows as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Dataset also includes sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered) and specimen data (e.g., taxonomic identification, length, number of individuals).
Date received: 20210824
Start date: 20101016
End date: 20101024
West boundary: -92.5
East boundary: -89
North boundary: 28
South boundary: 27
Observation types:
Instrument types:
Submitter: Sigdel, Bipana
Submitting institution: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information & Data Cooperative
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Submission Package ID: NEB16J

Data parameters and units: 1. GRIIDC dataset R6.x815.000:0026; MOCNESS ichthyoplankton data. Data parameters and units included are: Archive number (number assigned to the sample in the Deepwater Horizon Plankton Assessment Archive, typically one archive number per field sample id), cruise name, cruise number, station id (B# stations are from the NOAA SEAMAP Grid), DayNightSample (time of day associated with the sample where D (day) is 1 hour after sunrise to 1 hour before sunset, N (night) is 1 hour post-sunset to 1 hour pre-sunrise), DeepShallowSample (general depths targeted by MOCNESS tow, where S is shallow (0-160 m) and D is deep (0-1500+ m)), DeploymentID (unique identifier for each MOCNESS tow), field sample id (unique identifier for each depth discrete net sample within the MOCNESS tow), sample date (MM/DD/YY), sample date start (MM/DD/YY), sample date end (MM/DD/YY), sample time (hh:mm:ss am/pm, local time), tow start time (hh:mm:ss am/pm, local time), tow end time (hh:mm:ss am/pm, local time), upper depth (m), lower depth (m), maximum deployment depth (m), volume (volume of water filtered through the net, m^3), volume source (source of volume number such as MOCNESS instrument file), StartLat (start latitude of tow, decimal degrees), StartLon (start longitude of tow, decimal degrees), EndLat (end latitude of tow, decimal degrees), EndLon (end longitude of tow, decimal degrees), latitude (target coordinates, not actual sampling coordinates), longitude (target coordinates, not actual sampling coordinates), sampling notes, NetNo (net number if applicable), sample_taxon_id (unique identifier for the taxonomic sample, field sample id + sort category + unique identifier), sort_category (sample type, where I = ichthyoplankton 25mm, and N = nekton), taxon (lowest taxonomic identification), aliquot (portion of the field sample quantified for ichthyoplankton specimens), displacement_volume (displacement volume of the field sample, ml), number_of_vials (number of vials containing specimens from taxonomic sample), description (life stage assigned to specimen at time of identification), min_meas (smallest specimen measurement, mm), max_meas (largest specimen measurement, mm), RND1-10 (measurements taken of randomly selected specimens, mm), measured_count (number of specimens measured), not_measured_count (number of specimens not measured), total specimens (total number of specimens in the vial), identifier comments, rank (lowest taxonomic level of the identification taxon name), kingdom, phylum, subphylum, superclass, class, subclass, infraclass, superorder, order, suborder, superfamily, family, subfamily, tribe, genus, species.

2. GRIIDC dataset R6.x815.000:0029; MOCNESS profile data. Data parameters and units included are: Time [Julian Days since 2010-01-01 00:00:00], latitude [degrees], longitude [degrees], pressure [dBar], temperature [deg C], potential temperature [deg C], salinity [PSU], sigma_t [kg/m^3], signal strength/echo intensity [counts], net angle, water flow [number of revolutions], horizontal velocity [knots], vertical velocity [m/s], volume filtered [m^3]. Note: Sample time in xxxx.PRO files are UTC, and in xxxx_all.csv file is Central time. For the detailed dataset information including file descriptions, file naming conventions, and all the headers descriptions, please refer to the Readme file (MOCNESS_README_FILE_NSPC4.xlsx) included in the dataset.

3. GRIIDC dataset R6.x815.000:0032; MOCNESS decapod data. Data parameters and units included are: Archive number (number assigned to the sample in the Deepwater Horizon Plankton Assessment Archive, typically one archive number per field sample ID), cruise name, cruise number, station ID (B# stations are from the NOAA SEAMAP Grid), DayNightSample (time of day associated with the sample where D (day) is 1 hour after sunrise to 1 hour before sunset, N (night) is 1 hour post-sunset to 1 hour pre-sunrise), DeepShallowSample (general depths targeted by MOCNESS tow, where S is shallow (0-160 m) and D is deep (0-1500+ m)), field sample ID (unique identifier for each depth discrete net sample within the neuston tow), sample date (MM/DD/YY), sample date start (MM/DD/YY), sample date end (MM/DD/YY), sample time (hh:mm:ss am/pm, local time), tow start time (hh:mm:ss am/pm, local time), tow end time (hh:mm:ss am/pm, local time), upper depth (m), lower depth (m), maximum deployment depth (m), volume (volume of water filtered through the net, m^3), volume source (source of volume number such as MOCNESS instrument file), StartLat (start latitude of tow, decimal degrees), StartLon (start longitude of tow, decimal degrees), EndLat (end latitude of tow, decimal degrees), EndLon (end longitude of tow, decimal degrees), latitude (target coordinates, not actual sampling coordinates), longitude (target coordinates, not actual sampling coordinates), sampling notes, flow meter start (starting number on the flowmeter), flow meter end (ending number on the flowmeter), filter method (gear/net type used), sample_taxon_id (unique identifier for the taxonomic sample, field sample id + sort category + unique identifier), sort_category (sample type, where D = decapods 25mm), taxon (lowest taxonomic identification), aliquot (portion of the field sample quantified for decapod specimens), displacement_volume (displacement volume of the field sample, ml), number_of_vials (number of vials containing specimens from taxonomic sample), description (life stage assigned to specimen at time of identification), min_meas (smallest specimen measurement, mm), max_meas (largest specimen measurement, mm), RND1-10 (measurements taken of randomly selected specimens, mm), measured_count (number of specimens measured), not_measured_count (number of specimens not measured), total specimens (total number of specimens in the vial), identifier comments, rank (lowest taxonomic level of the identification taxon name), kingdom, phylum, subphylum, superclass, class, subclass, infraclass, superorder, order, suborder, superfamily, family, subfamily, tribe, genus, species.

Cruise Name/ID: M/V Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) Chief scientist: Mark Benfield

Submission Package ID: NEB16J
Availability date:
Metadata version: 6
Keydate: 2021-10-05 20:00:50+00
Editdate: 2021-10-07 16:19:18+00