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OAS accession Detail for 0241610
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accessions_id: 0241610 | archive
Title: HCBC 2015 Hawaii Bleaching Analysis Ready Clustered Data (NCEI Accession 0241610)
Abstract: The analysis-ready data described here result from performing hierarchical clustering of individual coral bleaching surveys conducted across the Hawaiian Archipelago in 2015. In order to resolve issues of spatial autocorrelation, the surveys were grouped into distinct clusters with a spatial resolution of 1km. This dataset contains environmental data paired for all 2015 observations, used to analyze drivers of the coral bleaching event. This dataset also contains weights assigned to each observation.
Date received: 20210929
Start date: 20151002
End date: 20151118
West boundary: -157.9427222
East boundary: -155.8289395
North boundary: 21.48226739
South boundary: 19.36915
Observation types:
Instrument types:
Submitter: Trick, Kevin
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information:
Availability date:
Metadata version: 8
Keydate: 2021-10-04 18:00:41+00
Editdate: 2024-09-10 15:31:41+00