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OAS accession Detail for 0232032
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accessions_id: 0232032 | archive
Title: Short-lived radioisotope, sediment core photographs, and bulk density/porewater data from sediment cores collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II and R/V Justo Sierra cruises in the Gulf of Mexico from 2015-07-30 to 2015-10-01 (NCEI Accession 0232032)
Abstract: This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad), sediment core photographs, and bulk density/porewater data from sediment cores collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II and R/V Justo Sierra cruises in the Gulf of Mexico from 2015-07-30 to 2015-10-01. Bulk density/porewater data reports measurements of sediment sample wet weight (g) and dry weight (g) for core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for “surficial unit” and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data were generated for selected core sub-samples. For sediment-core photograph data, sediment cores were longitudinally split and photographed with a Nikon D5100 digital camera with a scale in metric units (cm and mm) for a visual representation of sediment stratigraphy, color, and visual properties.
Date received: 20210409
Start date: 20150730
End date: 20151001
West boundary: -97.223
East boundary: -84.97275
North boundary: 29.7453
South boundary: 18.69698
Observation types:
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Submitter: Sigdel, Bipana
Submitting institution: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information & Data Cooperative
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information:
Availability date:
Metadata version: 7
Keydate: 2021-04-29 20:08:00+00
Editdate: 2024-09-10 16:03:55+00