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OAS accession Detail for 0172044
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accessions_id: 0172044 | archive
Title: CTD cast data collected during R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-02 in the Northern Gulf of Mexico from 2010-11-26 to 2010-12-02 (NCEI Accession 0172044)
Abstract: This dataset includes conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) data from casts performed in the northern Gulf of Mexico during R/V Atlantis cruise (AT18-02) from November 26 to December 02, 2010. The cruise departed from Galveston, Texas and ended in Gulfport, Mississippi.
Date received: 20180327
Start date: 20101126
End date: 20101202
West boundary: -90.5683
East boundary: -88.3097
North boundary: 28.8525
South boundary: 27.3668
Observation types:
Instrument types:
Submitter: Sigdel, Bipana
Submitting institution: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information & Data Cooperative
Collecting institutions:
Contributing projects:
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Data Parameters and Units: AT18-02_CTD.csv file includes - cast (consecutive cast number of the instrument), event (unique event number. The first one or two digits before the decimal are the station number), date_start_utc (date at start of CTD cast; UTC mm/dd/YYYY), time_start_utc (time at start of CTD cast; 24-hour clock; UTC; in hours and decimal minutes;, lat_start (latitude at start of cast; postive values = North; decimal degrees), lon_start (longitude at start of cast; negative values = West; decimal degrees), depth (meters), press (pressure; decibars), alt (altimeter reading; meters), time_elapsed (number of seconds elapsed from the start of the cast; seconds), lat (latitude; postive values = North; decimal degrees), lon (longitude; negative values = West; decimal degrees), temp (primary temperature measurement; degrees Celsius), temp2 (secondary temperature measurement; degrees Celsius), cond (primary conductivity measurement in Siemens per meter; S/m), cond2 (secondary conductivity measurement in Siemens per meter; S/m), sal (primary salinity measurement; PSU); sal2 (secondary salinity measurement; PSU), density (primary measure of density in kilograms per cubic meter; kg/m^3), density2 (secondary measure of density in kilograms per cubic meter; kg/m^3), O2_v (raw voltage from SBE43 oxygen sensor; volts), O2_mg_L (oxygen in milligrams per liter; mg/L), O2_umol_kg_SBE (oxygen in micromoles per kilograms measured by SBE43 sensor; umol/kg), O2_umol_kg_W (oxygen in micromoles per kilograms measured by Weiss sensor; umol/kg), trans (beam transmission; %), potemp (primary measure of potential temperature; degrees Celsius), potemp2 (secondary measure of potential temperature; degrees Celsius), chl_a_fluor (fluorescence measured by WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL in milligrams per cubic meter; mg/m^3), turbidity (turbidity measured by WET Labs ECO; NTU), CDOM (colored dissolved organic matter fluorescence in milligrams per cubic meter; mg/m^3), fluor_ug_L (CDOM measured by fluorescence in micrograms per liter; ug/L), fluor_ppb (fluorescence measured by Turner SCUFA in parts per billion; ppb), sound_vel_avg (average sound velocity in meters per second; m/s), bottles_fired (number of bottle fired), error_count (modulo error count)

Cruise ID: AT18-02

Submission Package ID: 0RKMH7
Availability date:
Metadata version: 2
Keydate: 2018-04-02 21:15:51+00
Editdate: 2018-04-03 21:33:00+00