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OAS accession Detail for 0159172
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Title: National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Benthic Images Collected from Climate Stations across the Hawaiian Archipelago from 2013-07-12 to 2013-10-30 (NCEI Accession 0159172)
Abstract: Photoquadrat benthic images were collected at National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) climate stations and permanent sites identified by the Ocean and Climate Change team across the Hawaiian archipelago in 2013 according to protocols established by the Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP) and the NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. The imagery allows for a quantitative analysis using image analysis software to derive an estimate of benthic percent cover.

Climate stations are 3-4 sites per island that were selected in a stratified random fashion to be roughly equally spaced around the island, along the 15 m contour, on hard bottom, and at least 1 km away from a river mouth or embayment. Once selected we assess multiple features of the coral reef environment including in-situ temperature (STR), seawater carbonate, net carbonate accretion (CAU), bioerosion (BMU), and cryptobiota diversity (ARMS).
Date received: 20161230
Start date: 20130712
End date: 20131030
Seanames: Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, North Pacific Ocean, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
West boundary: -178.378
East boundary: -154.818
North boundary: 28.4529
South boundary: 18.9686
Observation types: biological, in situ, physical
Instrument types: camera
Submitter: Kanemura, Troy
Submitting institution: US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center; Ecosystem Sciences Division; Coral Reef Ecosystem Program
Collecting institutions: US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center; Ecosystem Sciences Division; Coral Reef Ecosystem Program
Contributing projects: CORAL REEF STUDIES, CRCP, NCRMP, Pacific RAMP
Platforms: Hi'ialakai (33HL), Oscar Elton Sette (33OC)
Number of observations:
Supplementary information: Submission Package ID: P7J92L
Availability date:
Metadata version: 6
Keydate: 2017-01-17 14:25:03+00
Editdate: 2017-04-06 13:55:06+00