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Global Holocene Mean Surface Temperature Reconstructions


Kaufman, D.S.; McKay, N.P.; Routson, C.; Erb, M.P.; Dätwyler, C.; Sommer, P.; Heiri, O.; Davis, B.A.S.

Citation Information:

Darrell Kaufman, Nicholas McKay, Cody Routson, Michael Erb, Christoph Dätwyler, Philipp Sommer, Oliver Heiri, Basil Davis. 2020. Holocene global mean surface temperature, a multi-method reconstruction approach. Scientific Data. . doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0530-7
Lat:0, Lon:0

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National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce

Resource Description (data set id):


Data Coverage:

Southernmost Latitude: -90
Northernmost Latitude: 90
Westernmost Longitude: -180
Easternmost Longitude: 180
Minimum Elevation: Unknown
Maximum Elevation: Unknown
Earliest Year: 12000 cal yr BP (-10050 CE)
Most Recent Year: 0 cal yr BP (1950 CE)

Science Keywords:

Air Temperature Reconstruction


earth science>paleoclimate>reconstructions>air temperature


age  calendar year before present  100-year bins
air temperaturemultiple proxies degree Celsiusannualanomalizedmedian across ensemble members of all methods; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE
air temperaturemultiple proxiespercentiledegree Celsiusannualanomalized5th percentile across ensemble members of all methods; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE
air temperaturemultiple proxiespercentiledegree Celsiusannualanomalized95th percentile across ensemble members of all methods; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE
air temperaturemultiple proxiesensemble memberdegree CelsiusannualanomalizedStandard calibrated composite method; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE
air temperaturemultiple proxiesensemble memberdegree CelsiusannualanomalizedDynamic calibrated composite method; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE
air temperaturemultiple proxiesensemble memberdegree CelsiusannualanomalizedGeneralized additive model method; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE
air temperaturemultiple proxiesensemble memberdegree CelsiusannualanomalizedComposite plus scale method; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE
air temperaturemultiple proxiesensemble memberdegree CelsiusannualanomalizedPairwise comparison (PaiCo) method; anomalized relative to 1800-1900CE


An extensive new multi-proxy database of paleo-temperature time series (Temperature 12k) enables more robust analysis of global mean surface temperature (GMST) and associated uncertainties than was previously available. We applied five different statistical methods to reconstruct the GMST of the past 12,000 years (Holocene). Each method used different approaches to averaging the globally distributed time series and to characterizing various sources of uncertainty, including proxy temperature, chronology and methodological choices. The results were aggregated to generate a multi-method ensemble of plausible GMST and latitudinal-zone temperature reconstructions with a realistic range of uncertainties. The warmest 200-year-long interval took place around 6500 years ago when GMST was 0.7C (0.4, 1.8) warmer than the 19th Century (median, 5th, 95th percentiles). Following the global thermal maximum, GMST cooled at an average rate -0.08C per 1000 years (-0.24, -0.05). The multi-method ensembles and the code used to generate them highlight the utility of the Temperature 12k database, and they are now available for future use by studies aimed at understanding Holocene evolution of the Earth system.

Study Notes:

Global mean surface temperature (GMST) and associated uncertainties for the past 12,000 years using five different statistical methods. The reconstructions are based on v1.0 of the Temperature 12k Database available at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/27330

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Contact Information:

National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
325 Broadway, E/NE31
Boulder, CO 80305-3328