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Secret Lake, NW Greenland Holocene Chironomid d18O and Inferred Temperature


Lasher, G.E.; Axford, Y.; McFarlin, J.M.; Kelly, M.A.; Osterberg, E.; Berkelhammer, M.B.

Citation Information:

G. Everett Lasher, Yarrow Axford, Jamie M. McFarlin, Meredith A. Kelly, Erich C.Osterberg, Max B. Berkelhammer. 2017. Holocene temperatures and isotopes of precipitation in Northwest Greenland recorded in lacustrine organic materials. Quaternary Science Reviews, 170, 44-55. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.06.016
Lat:0, Lon:0

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National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce

Resource Description (data set id):


Data Coverage:

Latitude: 76.58021
Longitude: -68.65907
Minimum Elevation: 250 m
Maximum Elevation: 250 m
Earliest Year: 7730 cal yr BP (-5780 CE)
Most Recent Year: -64 cal yr BP (2014 CE)


earth science>paleoclimate>paleolimnology>reconstruction
earth science>paleoclimate>paleolimnology>oxygen isotopes


data typewhatmaterialunitseasonalitydetailmethodinfo
CLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONSPALEOLIMNOLOGYage calendar year before present   
PALEOLIMNOLOGYage calendar year before present   3 point moving average of sample_age values
PALEOLIMNOLOGYdelta 18Omidgeper mil VSMOW  isotope ratio mass spectrometry
PALEOLIMNOLOGYdelta 18Olake waterper mil VSMOW differenced sample_d18O_chiron - 22.4 per mil (methods outlined in Lasher et al. 2017
PALEOLIMNOLOGYdelta 18Omidgeper mil VSMOW averaged 3 point moving average of sample_d18O_chiron values
PALEOLIMNOLOGYdelta 18Olake waterper mil VSMOW averaged 3 point moving average of sample_inferred_lw_d18O values
CLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONSPALEOLIMNOLOGYmaximum temperaturedelta 18Odegree Celsiusannualanomalizedregression analysisThule annual temp-d18O: reconstruction_d18O relative to depth 0 (age -64 cal yr BP) / 0.44
CLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONSPALEOLIMNOLOGYtemperaturedelta 18Odegree Celsiusannualanomalizedregression analysisGlobal temp-d18O: reconstruction_d18O relative to depth 0 (age -64 cal yr BP) / 0.67
CLIMATE RECONSTRUCTIONSPALEOLIMNOLOGYtemperaturedelta 18Odegree CelsiusJun-Auganomalizedregression analysisThule summer temp-d18O: reconstruction_d18O relative to depth 0 (age -64 cal yr BP) / 0.59


Reconstructions of Holocene lake water isotopic composition based upon subfossil aquatic organic material offer new insights into Arctic climate. We present quantitative estimates of warmth during the Holocene Thermal Maximum in northwest Greenland, inferred from oxygen isotopes of chironomid head capsules and aquatic moss preserved in lake sediments. d18O values of chironomids from surface sediments of multiple Greenland lakes indicate that these subfossil remains record the d18O values of the lake water in which they grow. Our lake water d18O reconstruction is supported by downcore agreement with d18O values in aquatic moss and chironomid remains. d18O of both organic materials from Secret Lake decrease after 4 ka (ka = thousands of years ago) by 3 permil into the Neoglacial. We argue that lake water at Secret Lake primarily reflects precipitation d18O values, which is strongly correlated with air temperature in NW Greenland, and that this signal is biased towards summer and early autumn conditions. Other factors may have influenced Secret Lake d18O values through the Holocene, including evaporation of lake water and changing seasonality and source of precipitation. The maximum early Holocene summer and early autumn-biased temperature anomaly at Secret Lake is 2.5-4C warmer than present from 7.7 (the beginning of our record) to ~6 ka. The maximum late Holocene cold anomaly (which includes the Little Ice Age) is 1.5-3C colder than present. These ranges of possible temperature anomalies reflect uncertainty in the d18O - temperature relationship for precipitation at the study site through the Holocene.

Study Notes:

Oxygen isotope record measured on chironomid head capsule macrofossils, with inferred temperatures. Paleo lake water is inferred from chironomid d18O values. Provided Keywords: Holocene, Paleolimnology, Paleoclimatology, Greenland, Stable isotopes, Chironomids

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Contact Information:

National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
325 Broadway, E/NE31
Boulder, CO 80305-3328