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National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce

Resource Description (data set id):


Data Coverage:

Latitude: 46.8083
Longitude: 7.5972
Minimum Elevation: 575 m
Maximum Elevation: 575 m
Earliest Year: 215 cal yr BP (1735 CE)
Most Recent Year: -40 cal yr BP (1990 CE)

Science Keywords:

Abies alba Mill.
silver fir
European silver fir

Tree Species:

ABAL (Abies alba Mill.)
  silver fir
  European silver fir


earth science>paleoclimate>tree-ring>width>ring width


ageyear Common Era
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0017T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0018T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0047T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0069T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0225T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0232T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0263T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP0404T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP2168T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP2239T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP2350T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP2558T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP2791T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP5012T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP5058T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: OP5240T1; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterunits are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999

Study Notes:

Collection purpose: # Plentering # # # # Cores are stored at: # disposed # # # Notes: # Formerly Oppligen_Tanne_n16_1990.fh # # # References: # Zingg, A., (1996): # Diameter and Basal Area Increment in Permanent Growth and Yield Plots in Switzerland. # In: Spiecker, H.; Mielikainen, K.; Kohl, M.; Skovsgaard, J.P. (eds) # Growth Trends in European Forests. European Forest Institute Research Report No.5. NOAA Template Raw Measurements file added 2019-02-05.

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Contact Information:

National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
325 Broadway, E/NE31
Boulder, CO 80305-3328