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Solomina - Esso, Kamchatka - LAGM - ITRDB RUSS211


Solomina, O.; Jacoby, G.C.; D'Arrigo, R.D.; Gostev, M.

Citation Information:

Cook, E.R., K.J. Anchukaitis, B.M. Buckley, R.D. D'Arrigo, G.C. Jacoby, and W.E. Wright. 2010. Asian Monsoon Failure and Megadrought During the Last Millennium. Science, 328(5977), 486-489. doi: 10.1126/science.1185188
Lat:0, Lon:0

Download Data:

Esso, Kamchatka
Correlation Statsruss211.txt
Raw Measurementsruss211.rwl
Raw Measurements - NOAA Template Fileruss211-rwl-noaa.txt

Use Constraints:

Please cite original publication, online resource, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, title, online resource, and date accessed. The appearance of external links associated with a dataset does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of external Web sites or the information, products or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities, the Department of Commerce/NOAA does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. These links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this Department of Commerce/NOAA Web site.


National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce

Resource Description (data set id):


Data Coverage:

Latitude: 55.9
Longitude: 158.8
Minimum Elevation: 1276 m
Maximum Elevation: 1276 m
Earliest Year: 318 cal yr BP (1632 CE)
Most Recent Year: -47 cal yr BP (1997 CE)

Science Keywords:

PAGES 2k Network
PAGES Asia 2k

Tree Species:

LAGM (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen.=L.kurulensis(Maxim ex Regel)Pilg.=L.dahuricaTurcz.exTratv=Larix cajanderi Mayr)
  Dahurian larch


earth science>paleoclimate>tree-ring>width>ring width


ageyear Common Era
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_03; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_01; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_02; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_04; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_05; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_06; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_07; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_08; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_09; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_10; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_11; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_12; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: ess_13; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_01; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_02; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_03; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_04; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_05; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_06; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_07; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_08; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_09; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_10; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_11; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_12; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_13; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_14; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_15; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterTree ID: esn_16; units are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999
total ring widthmillimeterunits are 0.01 mm if end-of-series marker is 999 and 0.001 mm if end-of-series marker is -9999


The Asian monsoon system affects more than half of humanity worldwide, yet the dynamical processes that govern its complex spatiotemporal variability are not sufficiently understood to model and predict its behavior, due in part to inadequate long-term climate observations. Here we present the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas (MADA), a seasonally resolved gridded spatial reconstruction of Asian monsoon drought and pluvials over the past millennium, derived from a network of tree-ring chronologies. MADA provides the spatiotemporal details of known historic monsoon failures and reveals the occurrence, severity, and fingerprint of previously unknown monsoon megadroughts and their close linkages to large-scale patterns of tropical Indo-Pacific sea surface temperatures. MADA thus provides a long-term context for recent monsoon variability that is critically needed for climate modeling, prediction, and attribution.

Study Notes:

Purpose of Collection: # Climatology - precipitation analysis NOAA Template Raw Measurements file added 2019-04-08. July 2024: Elevation added by WDS-Paleo using get_elev_point() from the elevatr R package with the AWS Terrain Tiles (aws) and WGS 84 reference frame.

More Information:

Contact Information:

National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
325 Broadway, E/NE31
Boulder, CO 80305-3328