NCEI tracks GHCN-Daily stations that experience consecutive days with temperature and precipitation values which exceed or fall short of various thresholds ("streaks"). These streaks are updated with the most recent daily data available. There is a 2–4 day lag in data processing which can affect the length of a streak depicted on this site. Late arriving or missing data could result in "re-setting" a streak. Only stations with recent data (within 6 days of analyses) are included in this project. Users can self-investigate the thresholds on their own by selecting the station in question to access the daily station data. This product does not take into account station climatologies, so some locales may appear to be dry for long periods of time which could be typical for the season. "Normal" temperatures are based on the 1991-2020 climatological mean. Please visit the latest 30-year Climate Normals for more information on station climatologies.
One "unintended benefit" of this project is it has highlighted some stations that may inaccurately report missing precipitation data as "0.00" instead of "-9999". These erroneous data could appear as long streaks without precipitation in both historical and active stations. A general clean-up of these stations has taken place, but there could be more. Please notify NCEI.Monitoring.Info@noaa.gov for questions and comments.
Code | Definition |
500 | Consecutive Days with No Precipitation (non-zero amounts and traces break the streak) |
501 | Consecutive Days with Precipitation >= 0.1" |
505 | Consecutive Days with Precipitation >= 0.5" |
510 | Consecutive Days with Precipitation >= 1.0" |
590 | Consecutive Days with No Measurable Precipitation (only non-zero amounts break the streak) |
591 | Consecutive Days with Measurable Precipitation |
600 | Consecutive Days with Maximum Temperature >= 100°F |
632 | Consecutive Days with Maximum Temperature <= 32°F |
690 | Consecutive Days with Maximum Temperature >= 90°F |
710 | Consecutive Days with Minimum Temperature <= 10°F |
720 | Consecutive Days with Minimum Temperature <= 20°F |
732 | Consecutive Days with Minimum Temperature <= 32°F |
765 | Consecutive Days with Minimum Temperature >= 65°F |
800 | Consecutive Days with Average Temperature Above Normal |
801 | Consecutive Days with Average Temperature Below Normal |
820 | Consecutive Days with Average Temperature <= 20°F |
832 | Consecutive Days with Average Temperature <= 32°F |
880 | Consecutive Days with Average Temperature >= 80°F |
890 | Consecutive Days with Average Temperature >= 90°F |