
2021 U.S. Blake Plateau Mapping 1 (Mapping)

Vessel: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer; Expedition Dates: August 15, 2021 to September 02, 2021

Ports: Newport, RI to Port Canaveral, FL

Project Principals: Sam Candio, NOAA/OAR/OER (Expedition Coordinator and Mapping Lead)

2021 U.S. Blake Plateau Mapping 1 (Mapping) Overview Map

From August 15- September 2, 2021, NOAA Ocean Exploration conducted mapping operations on the Blake Plateau within U.S. waters, aiding in closing the gaps within this region. This cruise consisted of a strategic transit from Newport, Rhode Island to the primary working grounds off of the U.S Southeast, aimed at collecting data over previously mapped and potentially new seeps along the edge of the continental shelf. EX-21-05 collected 13,054 square kilometers of bathymetry and associated water column data, 12,989 square kilometers of which were within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone and Territorial Sea deeper than 200 m. The cruise concluded in Port Canaveral, FL on September 2, 2021. The exploratory mapping operations conducted during this cruise will provide initial characterization of the region, as well as data to support further exploration with remotely operated vehicles planned for EX-21-07.

Expedition Data and Resources

Mapping Summary Report (PDF - 1.4 MB) Open Click to open link
Mapping Products Download Use zip utility to open file
Shipboard CTDs Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship Navigation Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (NetCDF) Open NetCDF file format: Special software needed to read
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Educational Resources

Education Materials Collection Open Click to open Education Materials

Links to Archived Data and Resources

Water Column Sonar Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Single-beam and Sub-bottom Data Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Physical, Chemical, and Biological Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Expedition Metadata Open Click to view Metadata in xml format