
Okeanos Explorer (EX1304L2): Northeast U.S. Canyons Exploration

Vessel: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer; Expedition Dates: July 31 - August 17, 2013

Project Principals: Brian Kennedy, NOAA/OAR/OER (Expedition Coordinator); Adam Skarke, NOAA/OAR/OER (Mapping Lead)

Okeanos Explorer (EX1304L2): Northeast U.S. Canyons Exploration Overview Map

From July 31 to August 16, the Northeast U.S. Canyons 2013 Expedition continued exploration of the geomorphology and benthic ecology of deep-sea canyons and Mytilus Seamount along the Northeast US Atlantic margin. During Leg 2 of this mission, ROV Deep Discoverer (D2) surveyed the area extending between Alvin and Block canyons in the west and Heezen Canyon (eastern limit of the EEZ) to the east. Fifteen dives, ranging in depth from 490 to 3300 m were completed at five named canyons (Nygren, Heezen, Oceanographer, Lydonia, and Welker), one minor canyon (unnamed near Shallop Canyon), two intercanyon sites, two USGS geohazards targets, and Mytilus Seamount.

Expedition Data and Resources

Ship Navigation Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (NetCDF) Open NetCDF file format: Special software needed to read
Shipboard CTDs Download Use zip utility to open file
Mapping Products Download Use zip utility to open file
GIS Products Download Use zip utility to open file

Submersible Data and Resources

Dive Track KMLs Download Use zip utility to open file
Event Logs Open Click to open link
Cruise Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Click to open link
Submersible Navigation/Sensor Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file

Educational Resources

Expedition Education Module Open Click to open Education Module
Lesson Plans (K-12) Open Click to open Lesson Plans
Education Materials Collection Open Click to open Education Materials

Links to Archived Data and Resources

Multibeam Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Water Column Sonar Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Singlebeam and Subbottom Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Oceanographic Data Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Collection of Documents Get Data Click to Access Archive
Expedition Metadata Open Click to view Metadata in xml format


Cruise Plan Open Click to open document
Cruise Report Open Click to open document
Mapping Report Open Click to open document
Dive Summaries Open Click to open document
Publications Open Click to open document

USGS Hazard 1

Dive Track


USGS Hazard 1; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 01, 2013
Max Depth: 784.1 Meters
Bottom Time: 7 Hours 1 Minutes 29 Seconds


The purpose of this proposed dive is to investigate small, potentially recent, landslide debris deposits and scarps within a larger landslide scar on the upper continental slope. The scientific rationale for this site is: 1. To determine if these small landslide debris features are relatively young and if they pose a hazard in terms of tsunami generation. 2. To evaluate the long term stability of landslide scars and test hypotheses about their evolution. 3. To attempt to develop a means of using biologic activity on the scarps and deposits as a means of determining relative ages of the features and the response of bottom communities to catastrophic events.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 663 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 227 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 45.3 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 3.99 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 3.4 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 336 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Minor Canyon near Shallop Canyon

Dive Track


Minor Canyon near Shallop Canyon; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 02, 2013
Max Depth: 1139.8 Meters
Bottom Time: 5 Hours 34 Minutes 25 Seconds


The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities in a minor canyon near Shallop Canyon. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 966 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 176 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 43.3 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 3.9 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 2.9 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 256 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Oceanographer Canyon 1

Dive Track


Oceanographer Canyon 1; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 03, 2013
Max Depth: 1239.3 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 34 Minutes 59 Seconds


The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities at a depth of ~1200 m in Oceanographer Canyon. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 842 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 169 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 39 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.28 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 3.6 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 379 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Mytilus Seamount North

Dive Track


Mytilus Seamount North; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 04, 2013
Max Depth: 3271.4 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 25 Minutes 56 Seconds


Despite a significant level of past effort, the New England seamounts, a major chain of undersea mountains, remains largely unexplored. Building on previous work, we will conduct the first ecological explorations of the New England seamounts. Of those seamounts within the US EEZ, Mytilus Seamount has yet to be visited in this regard. This dive will explore steep terrain along the north side of the seamount to characterize deep sea coral and sponge communities.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 876 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 102 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 18.6 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 5.53 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 5.5 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 510 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Mytilus Seamount South

Dive Track


Mytilus Seamount South; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 05, 2013
Max Depth: 3262.3 Meters
Bottom Time: 7 Hours 4 Minutes 29 Seconds


Despite a significant level of past effort, the New England seamounts, a major chain of undersea mountains, remains largely unexplored. Building on previous work, we will conduct the first ecological explorations of the New England seamounts. Of those seamounts within the US EEZ, Mytilus Seamount has yet to be visited in this regard. This dive will explore steep terrain along the south side of the seamount to characterize deep sea coral and sponge communities.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 769 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 85 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 30 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 5.76 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.1 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 456 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Nygren Canyon Mid Deep

Dive Track


Nygren Canyon Mid Deep; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 06, 2013
Max Depth: 1590.4 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 24 Minutes 57 Seconds


The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities at a depth of ~1300-1600 m on the southwestern wall of Nygren Canyon. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 882 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 169 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 36.1 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.33 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.3 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 354 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Heezen Canyon Deep

Dive Track


Heezen Canyon Deep; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 07, 2013
Max Depth: 1723.4 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 6 Minutes 39 Seconds


The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities at a depth of ~1400-1700 m on the southwestern wall of Heezen Canyon. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 844 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 152 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 24.4 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.21 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.1 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 226 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Nygren Canyon Shallow

Dive Track


Nygren Canyon Shallow; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 08, 2013
Max Depth: 914.6 Meters
Bottom Time: 7 Hours 18 Minutes 53 Seconds


The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities at a depth of ~900 m on the northeastern wall of Nygren Canyon. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 896 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 228 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 34.2 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.29 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.4 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 428 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Heezen Canyon Shallow

Dive Track


Heezen Canyon Shallow; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 09, 2013
Max Depth: 925.9 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 35 Minutes 42 Seconds


The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities at a depth of ~1400-1700 m on the southwestern wall of Heezen Canyon. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 1.1 MB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 220 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 42.8 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.42 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.4 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 450 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Nygren/Heezen Intercanyon

Dive Track


Nygren/Heezen Intercanyon; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 11, 2013
Max Depth: 824.3 Meters
Bottom Time: 7 Hours 13 Minutes 26 Seconds


The New England and Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Councils are particularly interested in intercanyons to provide more information on depth boundaries for deep-sea coral protection. The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 874 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 229 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 30.2 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.28 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.5 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 459 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Lydonia/Powell Intercanyon

Dive Track


Lydonia/Powell Intercanyon; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 12, 2013
Max Depth: 662.8 Meters
Bottom Time: 7 Hours 32 Minutes 7 Seconds


The New England and Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Councils are particularly interested in intercanyons to provide more information on depth boundaries for deep-sea coral protection. The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 807 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 234 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 38.7 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.29 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.7 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 361 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Lydonia Canyon

Dive Track


Lydonia Canyon; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 13, 2013
Max Depth: 1238.9 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 23 Minutes 59 Seconds


The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 935 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 189 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 42.9 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.79 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 5.4 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 606 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Oceanographer Canyon 2

Dive Track


Oceanographer Canyon 2; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 14, 2013
Max Depth: 1247.6 Meters
Bottom Time: 6 Hours 44 Minutes 47 Seconds


This dive track is along the approximate location of Alvin dive 1035 from 1980 and 3702 from 2001 and will examine potential changes in the biology and geology of the area over 30+ years. The purpose of the dive was to: 1. Characterize the submarine canyon geomorphology and benthic habitats, including possible coral and sponge communities. 2. Groundtruth a model of predicted deep-sea coral occurrence.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 876 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 170 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 35.8 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.48 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 4.9 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 485 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

Welker Canyon

Dive Track


Welker Canyon; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 15, 2013
Max Depth: 1445.4 Meters
Bottom Time: 5 Hours 8 Minutes 35 Seconds


The dive track was chosen based on a combination of regional habitat prediction models for deep sea corals and local identification of high slope features from 20 m multibeam mosaics. Past experience and modeling in this region indicates that deep sea coral habitats are often found in the canyons in areas with slopes > 360.

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Dive Summary Report (PDF - 836 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 244 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 925 KB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 5.83 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 8.8 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 492 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool

USGS Hazard 3

Dive Track


USGS Hazard 3; Northeast U.S. Canyons


Date: August 16, 2013
Max Depth: 899.3 Meters
Bottom Time: 7 Hours 11 Minutes 57 Seconds


The purpose of this proposed dive is to investigate small, potentially recent, landslide debris deposits and scarps within a larger landslide scar on the upper continental slope. The scientific rationale for this site is to: 1. Determine if these small landslide debris features are relatively young and if they pose a hazard in terms of tsunami generation. 2. Evaluate the long term stability of landslide scars and test hypotheses about their evolution. 3. Attempt to develop a means of using biologic activity on the scarps and deposits as a means of determining relative ages of the features and the response of bottom communities to catastrophic events.

Download & View Files

Dive Summary Report (PDF - 752 KB) View/Download Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Dive Summary Report
Dive Track (KML - 222 KB) View/Download Requires Google Earth or equivalent client to view the Dive Track
ROV Ancillary Data (Zip - 36.6 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Camera Platform Sensor Data (Zip - 4.29 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Low-Resolution Video Clips (Zip - 5 GB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Underwater Still Images (Zip - 439 MB) Download Link takes you to a public FTP server
Dive Video Collection Self-Service Portal Open Link takes you to an online video discovery and access tool