
Okeanos Explorer (EX1202L1): Gulf of Mexico Exploration

Vessel: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer; Expedition Dates: February 27 - March 14, 2012

Project Principals: Mashkoor Malik, NOAA/OAR/OER (Expedition Coordinator and Mapping Lead)

Okeanos Explorer (EX1202L1): Gulf of Mexico Exploration Overview Map

EX1202 Leg I focused on exploration of the North Eastern region of the Gulf of Mexico using the Kongsberg EM302 multibeam sonar, EK 60 and Knudsen sub-bottom profiler. The planned transit line from Charleston, SC to the working grounds was ~ 1000 nautical miles and took about 5 days at an average speed of 8.5 knots. Multibeam mapping operations were conducted 24 hours a day, and included regular XBT casts. Shore-based scientists worked simultaneously with the ship via telepresence.

Expedition Data and Resources

Mapping Products Download Use zip utility to open file
Shipboard CTDs Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship Navigation Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (ASCII) Download Use zip utility to open file
Ship SCS/Sensor Data (NetCDF) Open NetCDF file format: Special software needed to read

Educational Resources

Expedition Education Module Open Click to open Education Module
Lesson Plans (K-12) Open Click to open Lesson Plans
Education Materials Collection Open Click to open Education Materials

Links to Archived Data and Resources

Multibeam Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Water Column Sonar Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Trackline Data (Single-beam and Sub-bottom) Get Data Click to Access Archive
Physical, Chemical, and Biological Archive Collection Get Data Click to Access Archive
Collection of Documents Get Data Click to Access Archive
Expedition Metadata Open Click to view Metadata in xml format


Cruise Plan Open Click to open document
Mapping Report Open Click to open document
Publications Open Click to open document