
Bioluminescence in the Deep Sea Benthos II

Vessel: R/V Pelican, Global Explorer ROV; Expedition Dates: July 13, 2015 to July 27, 2015; Ports: Cocodrie, LA to Cocodrie, LA

Project Principals: Tamara Frank¹

Co-Project Principals: None

PI Institution(s): ¹Nova Southeastern University

Partnerships: Duke University, Florida International University, Ocean Research and Conservation Association

Grant #: NA14OAR0110264; Award Period: September 01, 2014 - August 31, 2017

Bioluminescence in the Deep Sea Benthos II Overview Map

This project extended the exploration on vision and bioluminescence in the deep-sea benthos to the Gulf of Mexico using the remotely operated vehicle Global Explorer, which has excellent imaging and collection capabilities. Images taken during the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2012 Gulf of Mexico expedition suggested that there are numerous examples of cnidarian/crustacean symbioses, leading to the intriguing possibility that they too may be selectively feeding on pelagic organisms that impact the benthic structures, a virtually unexplored type of benthic/pelagic coupling. This project aimed to significantly expand the exploration of deep-sea benthic bioluminescence, examine interactions between vision and bioluminescence and benthic bioluminescence, and characterize the communities of organisms in two relatively unknown deep-sea habitats - one on the northern West Florida Escarpment and the other at the base of the West Florida Escarpment. Funding for this project was provided by NOAA Ocean Exploration via its Ocean Exploration Fiscal Year 2014 Funding Opportunity.

Project Datasets

Physical, Chemical, & Biological Archive Collection Open
Hypack Data Download

Additional Resources

NOAA Ocean Exploration Project Website Open
Expedition Metadata Open
Deep Ocean Education Project Website Open
WhaleTimes.Inc. Open
Deep-Sea Biology Society Open
Ocean Conservancy Open
Oceanscape Network Open
Oceanwire Open
Map of Life Open


NOAA Central Library Bibliography LibGuide Open
Decapod Diversity Associated with Deep-Sea Octocorals in the Gulf of Mexico Open
Cruise Plan Open

Data Citation

Frank, Tamara (2023). Environmental data and products from NOAA Ocean Exploration Grant Award NA14OAR0110264 Project: Bioluminescence in the Deep Sea Benthos II. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Project Datasets. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/waf/ocean-exploration-nofo/15biolum/15biolum_cruise_landing_page.html. Accessed [date].