NOAA’s National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges: Data Set Dashboard (Cruise)

NOAA Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP)

Report last ran on 2024-07-31

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Nancy Foster, June 2014

  • Dataset ID: NOAA_NF-14-08
  • Database Version: 20240726-0
  • Data Provider: Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
  • Data Contact: Reed, John:

Locator Map

Geographic Range

  • Ocean: North Atlantic
  • Fishery Management Council Region(s): South Atlantic
  • Large Marine Ecosystem(s): Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf
  • Marine Ecoregion(s): Carolinian

Bounding box

Coordinates are in WGS 84: EPSG:4326

  • Minimum Latitude: 30.43862
  • Maximum Latitude: 34.21698
  • Minimum Longitude: -80.20678
  • Maximum Longitude: -76.07964


Note: The numbers below only reflect published records. Additional records may be retained by the Program for further review.

  • Number of records: 1,265
  • Number of coral records: 563
  • Number of sponge records: 702
  • Records with images: 1265
  • Record type(s): still image | video observation
  • Minimum depth (meters): 46
  • Maximum depth (meters): 166
  • Number of records flagged as <50 meters depth: 136
  • Time frame: 2014 to 2014

Data Set Description: This is a subset of the Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program’s National Database. The data was acquired for the National Database from the research cruise aboard the Nancy Foster in June 2014. ROV and multibeam surveys of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Shelf Edge MPAs were conducted. Changes to the original dataset may have been made to conform to the National Database Schema and for quality control purposes.

Collection methodogy details:

ROV and multibeam surveys of the the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Shelf Edge MPAs

Data Set Level Citation

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. Observation date range: 2014 to 2014. Coral or sponge occurrence observations submitted to the NOAA National Database for Deep Sea Corals and Sponges ( Principal investigator: Harter, Stacey: . DSCRTP Dataset ID: NOAA_NF-14-08. Database version: 20240726-0.

Note: Individual records within a data set may have additional citations in the ‘Citation’ field.

Expedition Details

SurveyID Vessel VehicleName SamplingEquipment RecordType
NF-14-08 Nancy Foster R/V Mohawk ROV ROV still image | video observation

Taxonomic Summary

Percent of coral, sponge, and fish records by lowest taxonomic rank.


Number of coral records: 563

Taxon rank Percent of all
coral records
subclass 12 %
order 12 %
family 12 %
genus 38 %
species 26 %
NA 0 %


Number of sponge records: 702

Taxon rank Percent of all
sponge records
class 44 %
subclass 0 %
order 2 %
family 33 %
genus 16 %
species 5 %


Number of fish records: 0

## No fish records in this data set.

Coral Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no coral taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Anthomastus 125285 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 2
Antipatharia 22549 Antipatharia NA 52
Antipathes 103302 Antipatharia Antipathidae 1
Antipathes atlantica 283882 Antipatharia Antipathidae 17
Bebryce 125308 Malacalcyonacea Paramuriceidae 1
Chironephthya caribaea 418846 Malacalcyonacea Siphonogorgiidae 3
Clavulariidae 125270 Malacalcyonacea Clavulariidae 39
Diodogorgia 206386 Scleralcyonacea Spongiodermidae 95
Ellisella 125298 Scleralcyonacea Ellisellidae 61
Ellisellidae 125274 Scleralcyonacea Ellisellidae 28
Leptogorgia 125302 Malacalcyonacea Gorgoniidae 7
Malacalcyonacea 1609357 Malacalcyonacea NA 8
Muricea 177745 Malacalcyonacea Plexauridae 3
Nicella 125299 Scleralcyonacea Ellisellidae 45
Octocorallia 1341 NA NA 67
Oculina varicosa 287102 Scleractinia Oculinidae 2
Pennatuloidea 1609360 Scleralcyonacea NA 1
Scleractinia 1363 Scleractinia NA 7
Stichopathes luetkeni 1287835 Antipatharia Antipathidae 85
Swiftia exserta 286416 Malacalcyonacea Plexauridae 6
Tanacetipathes hirta 291175 Antipatharia Myriopathidae 25
Titanideum frauenfeldii 291226 Scleralcyonacea Spongiodermidae 1
Virgularia presbytes 286712 Scleralcyonacea Virgulariidae 7

Sponge Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no sponge taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Agelas 131771 Agelasida Agelasidae 5
Aiolochroia crassa 169632 Verongiida Aplysinidae 11
Aplysina 131975 Verongiida Aplysinidae 2
Auletta 131773 Bubarida Bubaridae 3
Callyspongia (Cladochalina) aculeata 166205 Haplosclerida Callyspongiidae 3
Chondrilla 132021 Chondrillida Chondrillidae 2
Clathria 131868 Poecilosclerida Microcionidae 3
Cliona 132026 Clionaida Clionaidae 1
Corallistidae 131679 Tetractinellida Corallistidae 7
Demospongiae 164811 NA NA 309
Desmapsamma anchorata 169121 Poecilosclerida Desmacididae 1
Dictyoceratida 131595 Dictyoceratida NA 9
Erylus 132004 Tetractinellida Geodiidae 1
Farrea 132107 Sceptrulophora Farreidae 5
Geodia 132005 Tetractinellida Geodiidae 7
Heteroscleromorpha 607950 NA NA 2
Ircinia 131751 Dictyoceratida Irciniidae 21
Ircinia campana 165009 Dictyoceratida Irciniidae 13
Ircinia strobilina 165051 Dictyoceratida Irciniidae 3
Leiodermatium 132086 Tetractinellida Azoricidae 54
Neofibularia nolitangere 168323 Biemnida Biemnidae 1
Niphates 166770 Haplosclerida Niphatidae 4
Poecilosclerida 131599 Poecilosclerida NA 1
Scopalina 131797 Scopalinida Scopalinidae 1
Spirastrellidae 131674 Clionaida Spirastrellidae 222
Spongosorites 131818 Suberitida Halichondriidae 1
Tetillidae 131683 Tetractinellida Tetillidae 2
Tetractinellida 597812 Tetractinellida NA 4
Xestospongia 131849 Haplosclerida Petrosiidae 2
Xestospongia muta 166894 Haplosclerida Petrosiidae 2

Fish Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no fish taxa were observed.

## No fish records in this data set.

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