NOAA’s National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges: Data Set Dashboard (Cruise)

NOAA Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP)

Report last ran on 2024-04-01

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Henry Bigelow, June, 2017

  • Dataset ID: NOAA_HB-17-03
  • Database Version: 20240325-0
  • Data Provider: NOAA, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
  • Data Contact: Nizinski, Martha: , Nizinski, Martha |

Locator Map

Geographic Range

  • Ocean: North Atlantic
  • Fishery Management Council Region(s): New England
  • Large Marine Ecosystem(s): Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
  • Marine Ecoregion(s): Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy

Bounding box

Coordinates are in WGS 84: EPSG:4326

  • Minimum Latitude: 40.61688
  • Maximum Latitude: 43.9589
  • Minimum Longitude: -67.84882
  • Maximum Longitude: -66.53917


Note: The numbers below only reflect published records. Additional records may be retained by the Program for further review.

  • Number of records: 7,584
  • Number of coral records: 3,060
  • Number of sponge records: 3,024
  • Records with images: 6084
  • Record type(s): still image
  • Minimum depth (meters): 159
  • Maximum depth (meters): 1,016
  • Number of records flagged as <50 meters depth: 0
  • Time frame: 2017 to 2017

Data Set Description: This dataset is provided by the NOAA, Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Coral or sponge occurrence observations submitted to the NOAA National Database for Deep Sea Corals ( These observations were derived from still images collected from the R/V Henry B. Bigelow (Survey ID: HB1704) and the samplling vehicle, ROPOS ROV in 2017. The DSCRTP Dataset ID is NOAA_HB-17-04. Principle investigator: Nizinski, Martha. Data contact: Nizinski, Martha | . Reporter: Nizinski, Martha. Repository: NOAA, Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program. Web site:

Collection methodogy details:

See link for methods.

Data Set Level Citation

NOAA, Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Observation date range: 2017 to 2017. Coral or sponge occurrence observations submitted to the NOAA National Database for Deep Sea Corals and Sponges ( Principal investigator: Nizinski, Martha. DSCRTP Dataset ID: NOAA_HB-17-03. Database version: 20240325-0.

Note: Individual records within a data set may have additional citations in the ‘Citation’ field.

Expedition Details

SurveyID Vessel VehicleName SamplingEquipment RecordType
HB1703 Henry B. Bigelow R/V ROPOS ROV still image

Taxonomic Summary

Percent of coral, sponge, and fish records by lowest taxonomic rank.


Number of coral records: 3,060

Taxon rank Percent of all
coral records
subclass 0 %
order 1 %
family 3 %
subfamily 2 %
genus 63 %
species 31 %
NA 0 %


Number of sponge records: 3,024

Taxon rank Percent of all
sponge records
phylum 89 %
class 8 %
genus 3 %


Number of fish records: 1,500

Taxon rank Percent of all
fish records
class 1 %
order 13 %
suborder 0 %
family 7 %
subfamily 21 %
genus 30 %
species 23 %
NA 5 %

Coral Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no coral taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Acanella 125303 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 1
Acanthogorgia 125293 Malacalcyonacea Paramuriceidae 73
Anthomastinae 1510270 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 76
Anthothela 125324 Malacalcyonacea Alcyoniidae 168
Balticina 146534 Scleralcyonacea Balticinidae 1
Bathypathes 103304 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 3
Clavularia 125286 Malacalcyonacea Clavulariidae 40
Desmophyllum dianthus 135159 Scleractinia Caryophylliidae 483
Desmophyllum pertusum 1245747 Scleractinia Caryophylliidae 168
Keratoisididae 1544106 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 84
Keratoisis 125306 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 1
Lateothela 1045585 Malacalcyonacea Alcyoniidae 3
Malacalcyonacea 1609357 Malacalcyonacea NA 9
Octocorallia 1341 NA NA 4
Paragorgia 125326 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 38
Paramuricea 125311 Malacalcyonacea Paramuriceidae 354
Parantipathes 103306 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 24
Pennatula 128495 Scleralcyonacea Pennatulidae 1215
Pennatulidae 128484 Scleralcyonacea Pennatulidae 2
Pennatuloidea 1609360 Scleralcyonacea NA 1
Primnoa resedaeformis 125411 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 239
Protoptilum 128498 Scleralcyonacea Protoptilidae 1
Schizopathidae 266964 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 1
Scleractinia 1363 Scleractinia NA 12
Solenosmilia variabilis 135168 Scleractinia Caryophylliidae 51
Stauropathes 267854 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 1
Telopathes 740050 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 7

Sponge Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no sponge taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Hexactinellida 22612 NA NA 239
Polymastia 132046 Polymastiida Polymastiidae 98
Porifera 558 NA NA 2687

Fish Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no fish taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Aldrovandia affinis 126637 Notacanthiformes Halosauridae 20
Anarhichas minor 126759 Perciformes Anarhichadidae 3
Anguilliformes 10295 Anguilliformes NA 3
Antimora rostrata 126486 Gadiformes Moridae 35
Apristurus manis 105808 Carcharhiniformes Pentanchidae 25
Arctozenus risso 126352 Aulopiformes Paralepididae 5
Brosme brosme 126447 Gadiformes Lotidae 2
Bythitidae 125503 Ophidiiformes Bythitidae 1
Coelorinchus 268809 Gadiformes Macrouridae 16
Coryphaenoides 125748 Gadiformes Macrouridae 43
Coryphaenoides rupestris 158960 Gadiformes Macrouridae 7
Cottunculus 126167 Perciformes Psychrolutidae 8
Elasmobranchii 10193 NA NA 6
Gadidae 125469 Gadiformes Gadidae 4
Gadus morhua 126436 Gadiformes Gadidae 7
Gaidropsarus ensis 126453 Gadiformes Lotidae 3
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus 127136 Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectidae 8
Harriotta raleighana 105829 Chimaeriformes Rhinochimaeridae 1
Hydrolagus 105734 Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae 1
Liparidae 234519 Perciformes Liparidae 22
Lophius americanus 159184 Lophiiformes Lophiidae 4
Lumpenus lampretaeformis 154675 Perciformes Stichaeidae 2
Lycodes esmarkii 127103 Perciformes Zoarcidae 1
Macrouridae 125471 Gadiformes Macrouridae 50
Macrourinae 154232 Gadiformes Macrouridae 149
Macrourus berglax 126472 Gadiformes Macrouridae 1
Malacoraja senta 158554 Rajiformes Rajidae 3
Melanogrammus aeglefinus 126437 Gadiformes Gadidae 99
Merluccius 125762 Gadiformes Merlucciidae 79
Myxine 101166 Myxiniformes Myxinidae 21
Myxini 10189 NA NA 6
Nemichthys 125639 Anguilliformes Nemichthyidae 1
Neocyttus helgae 127423 Zeiformes Oreosomatidae 7
Nezumia 125754 Gadiformes Macrouridae 52
Notacanthus chemnitzii 126643 Notacanthiformes Notacanthidae 2
Ophidiiformes 10314 Ophidiiformes NA 32
Osteichthyes 152352 NA NA 70
Phycidae 125475 Gadiformes Phycidae 20
Phycis chesteri 158988 Gadiformes Phycidae 22
Pleuronectidae 125579 Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectidae 1
Pleuronectiformes 10331 Pleuronectiformes NA 5
Pollachius virens 126441 Gadiformes Gadidae 93
Rajidae 105711 Rajiformes Rajidae 4
Sebastes 126175 Perciformes Sebastidae 2
Sebastinae 154407 Perciformes Sebastidae 160
Squaliformes 10211 Squaliformes NA 161
Synaphobranchus 125656 Anguilliformes Synaphobranchidae 189
Urophycis 125774 Gadiformes Phycidae 40
Zoarcoidei 151739 Perciformes NA 4

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