NOAA’s National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges: Data Set Dashboard (Cruise)

NOAA Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP)

Report last ran on 2024-07-31

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Southeastern U.S. Deep-sea Exploration; Okeanos Explorer, November, 2019.

  • Dataset ID: NOAA_EX-19-07
  • Database Version: 20240726-0
  • Data Provider: NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research
  • Data Contact: Bassett, Rachel:

Locator Map

Geographic Range

  • Ocean: North Atlantic
  • Fishery Management Council Region(s): South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico
  • Large Marine Ecosystem(s): Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico
  • Marine Ecoregion(s): Carolinian, Bahamian, Floridian, Greater Antilles

Bounding box

Coordinates are in WGS 84: EPSG:4326

  • Minimum Latitude: 23.97587
  • Maximum Latitude: 31.0249
  • Minimum Longitude: -83.39341
  • Maximum Longitude: -78.38429


Note: The numbers below only reflect published records. Additional records may be retained by the Program for further review.

  • Number of records: 5,012
  • Number of coral records: 3,295
  • Number of sponge records: 1,717
  • Records with images: 5012
  • Record type(s): still image
  • Minimum depth (meters): 347
  • Maximum depth (meters): 1,215
  • Number of records flagged as <50 meters depth: 0
  • Time frame: 2019 to 2019

Data Set Description: This is a subset of the Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program’s National Database. The 2019 Southeastern U.S. Deep-sea Exploration was a 43-day, two-part expedition led by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. Its purpose was to collect critical baseline information about largely unexplored deepwater areas of the Southeastern U.S. continental margin. It addressed scientific themes and priority areas suggested by scientists and managers from NOAA, management agencies in the region, other federal agencies, and the ocean science community. During this expedition off the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, the expedition team mapped and explored a variety of habitats and features, including coral mounds, terraces, slopes, escarpments, and boulders. The data represent observations of deep-sea corals and sponges observed during deepwater ROV surveys by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer off of the Southeastern United State in the following localities: Southern Blake Plateau, Stetson Mesa, Million Mounds East, Stetson Mesa West, Stetson Mound Field 01, Stetson Mound Field 02, Isolated Mound, Central Blake Plateau, Habitat Response 01, Miami Terrace, Key Largo Deep, Pourtales Terrace, Key West Deep, and Berg Bits. This research and exploration cruise was conducted between November 1 through November 19, 2019. Changes to the original dataset may have been made to conform to the National Database Schema and for quality control purposes. Further information can be found at:

Collection methodogy details:

See link for methods.

Data Set Level Citation

NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research. Observation date range: 2019 to 2019. Coral or sponge occurrence observations submitted to the NOAA National Database for Deep Sea Corals and Sponges ( Principal investigator: Farrington, Stephanie | Galvez, Kimberly. DSCRTP Dataset ID: NOAA_EX-19-07. Database version: 20240726-0.

Note: Individual records within a data set may have additional citations in the ‘Citation’ field.

Expedition Details

SurveyID Vessel VehicleName SamplingEquipment RecordType
EX1907 Okeanos Explorer R/V Deep Discoverer ROV ROV still image

Taxonomic Summary

Percent of coral, sponge, and fish records by lowest taxonomic rank.


Number of coral records: 3,295

Taxon rank Percent of all
coral records
subclass 3 %
order 10 %
family 62 %
subfamily 2 %
genus 16 %
species 8 %
NA 0 %


Number of sponge records: 1,717

Taxon rank Percent of all
sponge records
phylum 44 %
class 24 %
family 31 %
genus 1 %
species 0 %


Number of fish records: 0

## No fish records in this data set.

Coral Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no coral taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Acanella 125303 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 60
Acanthogorgia 125293 Malacalcyonacea Paramuriceidae 27
Anthomastinae 1510270 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 60
Anthoptilum 128489 Scleralcyonacea Anthoptilidae 1
Antipatharia 22549 Antipatharia NA 25
Bathypathes pseudoalternata 1578714 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 1
Chrysogorgiidae 125273 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 118
Clavularia 125286 Malacalcyonacea Clavulariidae 9
Coralliidae 125280 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 19
Desmophyllum pertusum 1245747 Scleractinia Caryophylliidae 172
Enallopsammia 135112 Scleractinia Dendrophylliidae 2
Enallopsammia profunda 157965 Scleractinia Dendrophylliidae 44
Enallopsammia rostrata 135190 Scleractinia Dendrophylliidae 6
Keratoisididae 1544106 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 516
Leiopathes 103305 Antipatharia Leiopathidae 108
Madrepora 135123 Scleractinia Bathyporidae 4
Madrepora oculata 135209 Scleractinia Bathyporidae 24
Malacalcyonacea 1609357 Malacalcyonacea NA 2
Narella 125319 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 3
Nephtheidae 146762 Malacalcyonacea Nephtheidae 92
Octocorallia 1341 NA NA 83
Paramuricea 125311 Malacalcyonacea Paramuriceidae 37
Pennatuloidea 1609360 Scleralcyonacea NA 10
Plexauridae 125277 Malacalcyonacea Plexauridae 407
Plumarella 177839 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 90
Primnoidae 125278 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 266
Schizopathidae 266964 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 33
Scleractinia 1363 Scleractinia NA 298
Solenosmilia variabilis 135168 Scleractinia Caryophylliidae 20
Stichopathes 103308 Antipatharia Antipathidae 144
Stylasteridae 22805 Anthoathecata Stylasteridae 579
Swiftia 125314 Malacalcyonacea Plexauridae 10
Trissopathes 267926 Antipatharia Cladopathidae 5
Umbellula 128499 Scleralcyonacea Umbellulidae 1
Victorgorgia 267946 Malacalcyonacea Victorgorgiidae 19

Sponge Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no sponge taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Aphrocallistidae 131686 Sceptrulophora Aphrocallistidae 147
Chondrocladia 131894 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae 21
Cladorhizidae 131644 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae 19
Demospongiae 164811 NA NA 298
Euplectellidae 131692 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 135
Farreidae 131689 Sceptrulophora Farreidae 177
Hexactinellida 22612 NA NA 112
Hyalonematidae 131684 Amphidiscosida Hyalonematidae 51
Phakellia 131779 Bubarida Bubaridae 4
Porifera 558 NA NA 752
Vazella pourtalesii 172121 Lyssacinosida Rossellidae 1

Fish Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no fish taxa were observed.

## No fish records in this data set.

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