NOAA’s National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges: Data Set Dashboard (Cruise)

NOAA Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP)

Report last ran on 2024-07-31

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Deep-sea coral and sponge records from Okeanos Explorer cruise, July 2017

  • Dataset ID: NOAA_EX-17-06
  • Database Version: 20240726-0
  • Data Provider: NOAA, Office of Exploration and Research | Hawai’i Undersea Research Laboratory, University of Hawai’i, NOAA, Deep Sea Coral Research & Technology Program and Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History
  • Data Contact: Putts, Meagan: , Moser, William: | Ahlfeld, Katie:

Locator Map

Geographic Range

  • Ocean: North Pacific
  • Fishery Management Council Region(s): Western Pacific
  • Large Marine Ecosystem(s): Insular Pacific-Hawaiian
  • Marine Ecoregion(s): Hawaii

Bounding box

Coordinates are in WGS 84: EPSG:4326

  • Minimum Latitude: 14.05435
  • Maximum Latitude: 21.23414
  • Minimum Longitude: -171.99344
  • Maximum Longitude: -158.07257


Note: The numbers below only reflect published records. Additional records may be retained by the Program for further review.

  • Number of records: 6,323
  • Number of coral records: 4,614
  • Number of sponge records: 1,709
  • Records with images: 609
  • Record type(s): video observation, specimen
  • Minimum depth (meters): 363
  • Maximum depth (meters): 2,599
  • Number of records flagged as <50 meters depth: 0
  • Time frame: 2017 to 2017

Data Set Description: This is a subset of the Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program’s National Database. The data represent observations of deep-sea corals and sponges observed during deepwater ROV surveys by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer off Oahu in the Main Hawaiian Islands (short shakedown dive), and in the Johnston Atoll Unit of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. This research and exploration cruise was conducted July 7 to August 2, 2017 as part of the 2015 to 2017 Campaign to Address Pacific monument Science, Technology, and Ocean NEeds (CAPSTONE). All identifiable ccorals and sponges observed on the video from dives in the monument were recorded. Changes to the original dataset may have been made to conform to the National Database Schema and for quality control purposes. Further information can be found at:

Data Set Level Citation

NOAA, Office of Exploration and Research | Hawai’i Undersea Research Laboratory, University of Hawai’i. Observation date range: 2017 to 2017. Coral or sponge occurrence observations submitted to the NOAA National Database for Deep Sea Corals and Sponges ( Principal investigator: Kelley, Christopher. DSCRTP Dataset ID: NOAA_EX-17-06. Database version: 20240726-0.

Note: Individual records within a data set may have additional citations in the ‘Citation’ field.

Expedition Details

SurveyID Vessel VehicleName SamplingEquipment RecordType
EX1706 Okeanos Explorer R/V Deep Discoverer ROV ROV video observation, specimen

Taxonomic Summary

Percent of coral, sponge, and fish records by lowest taxonomic rank.


Number of coral records: 4,614

Taxon rank Percent of all
coral records
subclass 0 %
order 1 %
family 7 %
subfamily 19 %
genus 42 %
species 31 %
NA 0 %


Number of sponge records: 1,709

Taxon rank Percent of all
sponge records
phylum 2 %
class 3 %
order 0 %
family 6 %
subfamily 5 %
genus 78 %
subgenus 6 %
species 0 %
subspecies 1 %


Number of fish records: 0

## No fish records in this data set.

Coral Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no coral taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Acanella 125303 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 9
Acanella weberi 286307 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 157
Acanthogorgia 125293 Malacalcyonacea Paramuriceidae 115
Alternatipathes 994317 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 2
Anthomastus 125285 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 34
Anthomastus tahinodus 286021 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 22
Anthoptilum 128489 Scleralcyonacea Anthoptilidae 11
Antipatharia 22549 Antipatharia NA 6
Antipathes sylospongia 1466700 Antipatharia Antipathidae 5
Balticina 146534 Scleralcyonacea Balticinidae 2
Bathygorgia 883738 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 4
Bathypathes 103304 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 79
Bathypathes patula 103323 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 2
Bathypathes pseudoalternata 1578714 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 5
Bellonella 267263 Malacalcyonacea Alcyoniidae 1
Calibelemnon symmetricum 288080 Scleralcyonacea Scleroptilidae 7
Callogorgia 125317 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 5
Calyptrophora 177833 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 69
Calyptrophora angularis 287649 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 28
Calyptrophora pileata 883729 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 4
Candidella 125318 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 1
Candidella gigantea 286505 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 326
Caryophylliidae 135073 Scleractinia Caryophylliidae 1
Chrysogorgia 125294 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 346
Chrysogorgia flavescens 286119 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 16
Chrysogorgia geniculata 286122 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 82
Chrysogorgiidae 125273 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 3
Chrysopathes 267316 Antipatharia Cladopathidae 1
Coralliidae 125280 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 18
Dendropathes 267376 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 11
Dendrophylliidae 135074 Scleractinia Dendrophylliidae 4
Desmophyllum dianthus 135159 Scleractinia Caryophylliidae 1
Eguchipsammia 135111 Scleractinia Dendrophylliidae 3
Eknomisis 759254 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 3
Enallopsammia rostrata 135190 Scleractinia Dendrophylliidae 32
Hemicorallium 718773 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 496
Hemicorallium abyssale 1311238 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 1
Hemicorallium ducale 1311247 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 2
Hemicorallium laauense 1311253 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 3
Heteropathes 723286 Antipatharia Cladopathidae 40
Hydrodendron gorgonoide 117612 Leptothecata Phylactothecidae 1
Iridogorgia 125295 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 4
Iridogorgia bella 286152 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 2
Iridogorgia magnispiralis 286154 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 71
Isidella trichotoma 286310 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 58
Jasonisis 759256 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 72
Keratoisididae 1544106 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 3
Keratoisidinae 1419319 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 884
Keratoisis 125306 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 7
Lepidisis 125307 Scleralcyonacea Keratoisididae 2
Lillipathes 267553 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 50
Malacalcyonacea 1609357 Malacalcyonacea NA 8
Metallogorgia melanotrichos 125355 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 84
Narella 125319 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 248
Narella alata 409567 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 3
Narella bowersi 286512 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 33
Narella calamus 1317084 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 1
Narella dichotoma 286515 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 76
Narella macrocalyx 409566 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 72
Narella merga 1317080 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 18
Narella muzikae 409564 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 1
Octocorallia 1341 NA NA 2
Parachrysogorgia chryseis 1671461 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 7
Parachrysogorgia stellata 1671474 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 2
Paragorgia 125326 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 118
Paramuriceidae 151540 Malacalcyonacea Paramuriceidae 142
Parantipathes 103306 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 4
Pennatuloidea 1609360 Scleralcyonacea NA 1
Polymyces 267758 Scleractinia Flabellidae 2
Polymyces wellsi 290839 Scleractinia Flabellidae 67
Primnoidae 125278 Scleralcyonacea Primnoidae 163
Protoptilum 128498 Scleralcyonacea Protoptilidae 2
Pseudoanthomastus 267770 Scleralcyonacea Coralliidae 1
Ramuligorgia militaris 1496012 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 94
Rhodaniridogorgia 267808 Scleralcyonacea Chrysogorgiidae 1
Schizopathidae 266964 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 1
Scleractinia 1363 Scleractinia NA 16
Solanderia 206034 Anthoathecata Solanderiidae 6
Stauropathes 267854 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 32
Stauropathes staurocrada 291113 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 114
Trissopathes 267926 Antipatharia Cladopathidae 106
Umbellapathes 267936 Antipatharia Schizopathidae 31
Umbellula 128499 Scleralcyonacea Umbellulidae 12
Victorgorgia 267946 Malacalcyonacea Victorgorgiidae 1
Victorgorgia alba 1045634 Malacalcyonacea Victorgorgiidae 34

Sponge Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no sponge taxa were observed.

ScientificName AphiaID Order Family Records
Abyssocladia 184559 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae 2
Acanthascus 171966 Lyssacinosida Rossellidae 3
Asbestopluma 131893 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae 2
Asbestopluma (Asbestopluma) 235782 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae 48
Aspidoscopulia 171733 Sceptrulophora Farreidae 85
Atlantisella 171852 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 6
Auloplax 132109 Sceptrulophora Auloplacidae 1
Bolosoma 171837 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 131
Bolosominae 171836 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 78
Caulophacus 132112 Lyssacinosida Rossellidae 102
Caulophacus (Caulodiscus) 172042 Lyssacinosida Rossellidae 41
Caulophacus (Oxydiscus) 172066 Lyssacinosida Rossellidae 4
Chonelasma 132102 Sceptrulophora Euretidae 2
Cladorhiza 131895 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae 1
Cladorhizidae 131644 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae 8
Corbitellinae 171848 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 2
Crateromorpha (Caledochone) 240426 Lyssacinosida Rossellidae 1
Demospongiae 164811 NA NA 21
Dictyaulus 171858 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 27
Euplectellidae 131692 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 8
Euretidae 131688 Sceptrulophora Euretidae 8
Euryplegma 171611 Lyssacinosida Aulocalycidae 1
Farrea occa 134391 Sceptrulophora Farreidae 8
Farrea occa erecta 171755 Sceptrulophora Farreidae 12
Farreidae 131689 Sceptrulophora Farreidae 67
Hexactinellida 22612 NA NA 25
Hyalonema 132096 Amphidiscosida Hyalonematidae 1
Hyalonema (Corynonema) 171415 Amphidiscosida Hyalonematidae 1
Hyalonematidae 131684 Amphidiscosida Hyalonematidae 3
Hyalostylus 171842 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 1
Ijimalophus 1423588 Amphidiscosida Pheronematidae 2
Lefroyella 171715 Sceptrulophora Sceptrulophora incertae sedis 11
Pheronematidae 131685 Amphidiscosida Pheronematidae 7
Poecillastra 132016 Tetractinellida Vulcanellidae 86
Poecilosclerida 131599 Poecilosclerida NA 4
Poliopogon 171579 Amphidiscosida Pheronematidae 212
Porifera 558 NA NA 27
Pyloderma 169106 Poecilosclerida Dendoricellidae 76
Regadrella 132117 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 48
Rossellidae 131694 Lyssacinosida Rossellidae 1
Saccocalyx 171844 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 2
Sclerothamnopsis 171809 Sceptrulophora Tretodictyidae 1
Sclerothamnus 171812 Sceptrulophora Tretodictyidae 63
Semperella 171590 Amphidiscosida Pheronematidae 37
Stelodoryx 169507 Poecilosclerida Myxillidae 68
Tretopleura 171623 Sceptrulophora Uncinateridae 67
Walteria 171883 Lyssacinosida Euplectellidae 297

Fish Taxa Observed

Note: Nothing will appear here if no fish taxa were observed.

## No fish records in this data set.

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