Dataset: /thredds/ncss/model-narrmonhr-b-files/201002/20100201/narrmonhr-b_221_20100201_2100_000.grb ( Dataset Description )

Base Time: 2010-03-01T00:00:00Z

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 651.0 Hour since 2010-02-01T21:00:00Z

Downward_longwave_radiation_flux_surface_648_Hour_Average = Downward longwave radiation flux (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
Downward_shortwave_radiation_flux_surface_648_Hour_Average = Downward shortwave radiation flux (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
Ground_Heat_Flux_surface_648_Hour_Average = Ground Heat Flux (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
Latent_heat_flux_surface_648_Hour_Average = Latent heat flux (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
Precipitable_water_entire_atmosphere_648_Hour_Average = Precipitable water (648_Hour Average) @ Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)
Sensible_heat_flux_surface_648_Hour_Average = Sensible heat flux (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
Upward_long_wave_radiation_flux_surface_648_Hour_Average = Upward long wave radiation flux (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
Upward_short_wave_radiation_flux_surface_648_Hour_Average = Upward short wave radiation flux (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface_648_Hour_Average = Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (648_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface

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