Dataset: /thredds/ncss/model-cfs_v2_for_mm/2023/202304/20230408/2023040818/ipvf.01.2023040818.202305.avrg.grib.grb2 ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 2023-04-08T18:00:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 0.0 calendar Month since 2023-04-08T18:00:00Z

Pressure_surface_1_Month_Average = Pressure (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Temperature_surface_1_Month_Average = Temperature (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface

with Vertical Levels ( isentrope ) : 270.0 280.0 290.0 300.0 310.0 320.0 330.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 550.0 650.0 850.0 1000.0 1250.0 1500.0 K
Lapse_rate_isentrope_1_Month_Average = Lapse rate (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level
Montgomery_stream_function_isentrope_1_Month_Average = Montgomery stream function (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level
Potential_vorticity_isentrope_1_Month_Average = Potential vorticity (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level
Relative_humidity_isentrope_1_Month_Average = Relative humidity (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level
Temperature_isentrope_1_Month_Average = Temperature (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level
Vertical_velocity_pressure_isentrope_1_Month_Average = Vertical velocity (pressure) (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level
u-component_of_wind_isentrope_1_Month_Average = u-component of wind (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level
v-component_of_wind_isentrope_1_Month_Average = v-component of wind (1_Month Average) @ Isentropic (theta) level

Choose Lat/Lon Location:

Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east


Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Vertical Level:

Choose Output Format:

NCSS Request URL:


NetCDF Subset Service Documentation