Dataset: /thredds/ncss/model-cfs_v2_for_mm/2022/202205/20220531/2022053106/ocnh.01.2022053106.202206.avrg.grib.06Z.grb2 ( Dataset Description )

Base Time: 2022-05-31T06:00:00Z

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 0.0 calendar Month since 2022-05-31T06:00:00Z

Evaporation_-_Precipitation_surface_1_Month_Average = Evaporation - Precipitation (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Ice_cover_surface_1_Month_Average = Ice cover (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Ice_thickness_surface_1_Month_Average = Ice thickness (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Momentum_flux_u-component_surface_1_Month_Average = Momentum flux, u-component (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Momentum_flux_v-component_surface_1_Month_Average = Momentum flux, v-component (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Ocean_Heat_Content_layer_between_two_depths_below_ocean_layer_1_Month_Average = Ocean Heat Content (1_Month Average) @ Layer between two depths below ocean surface layer
Sea_Surface_Height_Relative_to_Geoid_surface_1_Month_Average = Sea Surface Height Relative to Geoid (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Snow_depth_surface_1_Month_Average = Snow depth (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Temperature_surface_1_Month_Average = Temperature (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Total_Downward_Heat_Flux_at_Surface_surface_1_Month_Average = Total Downward Heat Flux at Surface (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
Tropical_Cyclone_Heat_Potential_ocean_surface_and_26C_isothermal_1_Month_Average = Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential (1_Month Average) @ Layer Ocean Surface and 26C Ocean Isothermal Level
u-component_of_ice_drift_surface_1_Month_Average = u-component of ice drift (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface
v-component_of_ice_drift_surface_1_Month_Average = v-component of ice drift (1_Month Average) @ Ground or water surface

with Vertical Levels ( bottom_of_ocean_isothermal ) : 0.0 m
Geometric_Depth_Below_Sea_Surface_bottom_of_ocean_isothermal_1_Month_Average = Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface (1_Month Average) @ Bottom of ocean isothermal layer

with Vertical Levels ( bottom_of_ocean_mixed ) : 0.0 m
Geometric_Depth_Below_Sea_Surface_bottom_of_ocean_mixed_1_Month_Average = Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface (1_Month Average) @ Bottom of ocean mixed layer

with Vertical Levels ( depth_below_sea ) : 5.0 15.0 25.0 35.0 45.0 55.0 65.0 75.0 85.0 95.0 105.0 115.0 125.0 135.0 145.0 155.0 165.0 175.0 185.0 195.0 205.0 215.0 225.0 238.0 262.0 303.0 366.0 459.0 584.0 747.0 949.0 1193.0 1479.0 1807.0 2174.0 2579.0 3016.0 3483.0 3972.0 4478.0 m
Potential_temperature_depth_below_sea_1_Month_Average = Potential temperature (1_Month Average) @ Depth below sea level
Salinity_depth_below_sea_1_Month_Average = Salinity (1_Month Average) @ Depth below sea level
Vertical_velocity_geometric_depth_below_sea_1_Month_Average = Vertical velocity (geometric) (1_Month Average) @ Depth below sea level
u-component_of_current_depth_below_sea_1_Month_Average = u-component of current (1_Month Average) @ Depth below sea level
v-component_of_current_depth_below_sea_1_Month_Average = v-component of current (1_Month Average) @ Depth below sea level

with Vertical Levels ( ocean_isotherm ) : 25.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 280.0 0.1 C
Geometric_Depth_Below_Sea_Surface_ocean_isotherm_1_Month_Average = Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface (1_Month Average) @ Ocean isotherm level

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Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east

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Single time

reset to full extension

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Single Level
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