Dataset: /thredds/ncss/cdr/gridsat/1980/ ( Dataset Description )

Base Time: 1980-08-22T09:00:00Z

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 93273.0 hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00

irwin_2 = Brightness Temperature near 11 microns (Second nadir-most from overlap regions)
irwin_cdr = NOAA FCDR of Brightness Temperature near 11 microns (Nadir-most observations)
irwin_vza_adj = Adjustment made to all IRWIN channels for view zenith angle effects
irwvp = Brightness Temperature near 6.7 microns (Nadir-most observations)
satid_ir = IRWIN_CDR Satellite Index (packed)
satid_vs = VSCHN Satellite Index (packed)
satid_wv = IRWVP Satellite Index (packed)
vschn = Visible reflectance near 0.6 microns (Nadir-most observations)

Choose Spatial Subset:

Lat/lon subset
Coordinate subset
Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east

Disable horizontal subsetting
reset to full extension

Horizontal Stride:

Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension
Add 2D Lat/Lon to file (if needed for CF compliance)

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