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Dataset { Int32 LambertConformal_Projection; Float32 x[x = 614]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float64 reftime; Float64 time[time = 1]; Float64 time1[time1 = 1]; Float64 time1_bounds[time1 = 1][2]; Float64 time2[time2 = 1]; Float64 time2_bounds[time2 = 1][2]; Float32 height_above_ground_layer[height_above_ground_layer = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground_layer_bounds[height_above_ground_layer = 1][2]; Float32 height_above_ground[height_above_ground = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer[depth_below_surface_layer = 4]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer_bounds[depth_below_surface_layer = 4][2]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer[pressure_difference_layer = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer_bounds[pressure_difference_layer = 1][2]; Float32 sigma_layer[sigma_layer = 1]; Float32 sigma_layer_bounds[sigma_layer = 1][2]; Float32 height_above_ground1[height_above_ground1 = 2]; Float32 isobaric[isobaric = 5]; Float32 height_above_ground2[height_above_ground2 = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer1[depth_below_surface_layer1 = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer1_bounds[depth_below_surface_layer1 = 1][2]; Float32 isobaric_layer[isobaric_layer = 1]; Float32 isobaric_layer_bounds[isobaric_layer = 1][2]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer1[pressure_difference_layer1 = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer1_bounds[pressure_difference_layer1 = 1][2]; Float32 height_above_ground3[height_above_ground3 = 2]; Float32 hybrid[hybrid = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground4[height_above_ground4 = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer2[pressure_difference_layer2 = 6]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer2_bounds[pressure_difference_layer2 = 6][2]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer2[depth_below_surface_layer2 = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer2_bounds[depth_below_surface_layer2 = 1][2]; Float32 height_above_ground5[height_above_ground5 = 2]; Float32 isobaric2[isobaric2 = 42]; Float32 depth_below_surface[depth_below_surface = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground_layer1[height_above_ground_layer1 = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground_layer1_bounds[height_above_ground_layer1 = 1][2]; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Absolute_vorticity_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric = 5][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric[isobaric = 5]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Absolute_vorticity_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Albedo_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Albedo_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Convective_available_potential_energy_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Convective_available_potential_energy_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Convective_available_potential_energy_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer1[pressure_difference_layer1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Convective_available_potential_energy_pressure_difference_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Convective_inhibition_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Convective_inhibition_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Convective_inhibition_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer1[pressure_difference_layer1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Convective_inhibition_pressure_difference_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Convective_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation[time1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time1[time1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Convective_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Dewpoint_temperature_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground[height_above_ground = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Dewpoint_temperature_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Geopotential_height_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric1 = 39][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Geopotential_height_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Geopotential_height_zeroDegC_isotherm[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Geopotential_height_zeroDegC_isotherm; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Geopotential_height_planetary_boundary[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Geopotential_height_planetary_boundary; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Geopotential_height_lowest_level_of_the_wet_bulb_zero[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Geopotential_height_lowest_level_of_the_wet_bulb_zero; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Geopotential_height_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Geopotential_height_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Geopotential_height_cloud_base[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Geopotential_height_cloud_base; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Haines_index_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Haines_index_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Ice_cover_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Ice_cover_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Land_cover_0__sea_1__land_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Land_cover_0__sea_1__land_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Latent_heat_net_flux_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Latent_heat_net_flux_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Maximum_relative_humidity_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum[time2 = 1][height_above_ground = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time2[time2 = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground[height_above_ground = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Maximum_relative_humidity_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Maximum_temperature_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum[time2 = 1][height_above_ground = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time2[time2 = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground[height_above_ground = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Maximum_temperature_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Minimum_temperature_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Minimum[time2 = 1][height_above_ground = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time2[time2 = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground[height_above_ground = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Minimum_temperature_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Minimum; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer[pressure_difference_layer = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_pressure_difference_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Precipitable_water_entire_atmosphere_single_layer[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Precipitable_water_entire_atmosphere_single_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Pressure_maximum_wind[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Pressure_maximum_wind; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Pressure_tropopause[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Pressure_tropopause; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Pressure_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground2 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground2[height_above_ground2 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Pressure_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Pressure_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Pressure_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_msl[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_msl; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Relative_humidity_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric1 = 39][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Relative_humidity_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Relative_humidity_zeroDegC_isotherm[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Relative_humidity_zeroDegC_isotherm; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Relative_humidity_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground[height_above_ground = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Relative_humidity_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Relative_humidity_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer2 = 6][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer2[pressure_difference_layer2 = 6]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Relative_humidity_pressure_difference_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Relative_humidity_sigma_layer[time = 1][sigma_layer = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 sigma_layer[sigma_layer = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Relative_humidity_sigma_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Sensible_heat_net_flux_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Sensible_heat_net_flux_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Snow_depth_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Snow_depth_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Soil_moisture_content_depth_below_surface_layer[time = 1][depth_below_surface_layer1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer1[depth_below_surface_layer1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Soil_moisture_content_depth_below_surface_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface[time = 1][depth_below_surface = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface[depth_below_surface = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface_layer[time = 1][depth_below_surface_layer = 4][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer[depth_below_surface_layer = 4]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Soil_type_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Soil_type_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Specific_humidity_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground1 = 2][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground1[height_above_ground1 = 2]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Specific_humidity_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Storm_relative_helicity_height_above_ground_layer[time = 1][height_above_ground_layer = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground_layer[height_above_ground_layer = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Storm_relative_helicity_height_above_ground_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Surface_roughness_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Surface_roughness_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Temperature_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric1 = 39][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Temperature_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Temperature_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground1 = 2][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground1[height_above_ground1 = 2]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Temperature_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Temperature_tropopause[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Temperature_tropopause; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Temperature_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Temperature_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Temperature_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer2 = 6][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer2[pressure_difference_layer2 = 6]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Temperature_pressure_difference_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere_single_layer[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere_single_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Total_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation[time1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time1[time1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Total_precipitation_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Turbulent_kinetic_energy_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric1 = 39][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Turbulent_kinetic_energy_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Categorical_Rain_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Categorical_Rain_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Categorical_Freezing_Rain_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Categorical_Freezing_Rain_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Categorical_Ice_Pellets_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Categorical_Ice_Pellets_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Categorical_Snow_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Categorical_Snow_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Minimum_Relative_Humidity_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Minimum[time2 = 1][height_above_ground = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time2[time2 = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground[height_above_ground = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Minimum_Relative_Humidity_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Minimum; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Snow_Cover_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Snow_Cover_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Reflectivity_hybrid[time = 1][hybrid = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 hybrid[hybrid = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Reflectivity_hybrid; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Reflectivity_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground3 = 2][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground3[height_above_ground3 = 2]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Reflectivity_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Composite_reflectivity_entire_atmosphere_single_layer[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Composite_reflectivity_entire_atmosphere_single_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Echo_Top_entire_atmosphere_single_layer[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Echo_Top_entire_atmosphere_single_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Lightning_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Lightning_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Drag_Coefficient_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Drag_Coefficient_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Frictional_Velocity_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Frictional_Velocity_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 U_Component_of_Hourly_Maximum_10m_Wind_Speed_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum[time2 = 1][height_above_ground4 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time2[time2 = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground4[height_above_ground4 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } U_Component_of_Hourly_Maximum_10m_Wind_Speed_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 V_Component_of_Hourly_Maximum_10m_Wind_Speed_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum[time2 = 1][height_above_ground4 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time2[time2 = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground4[height_above_ground4 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } V_Component_of_Hourly_Maximum_10m_Wind_Speed_height_above_ground_1_Hour_Maximum; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Ventilation_Rate_planetary_boundary[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Ventilation_Rate_planetary_boundary; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 MSLP_Eta_model_reduction_msl[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } MSLP_Eta_model_reduction_msl; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Planetary_Boundary_Layer_Height_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Planetary_Boundary_Layer_Height_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Downward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Downward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Surface_Lifted_Index_isobaric_layer[time = 1][isobaric_layer = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric_layer[isobaric_layer = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Surface_Lifted_Index_isobaric_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Best_4_layer_Lifted_Index_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer1[pressure_difference_layer1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Best_4_layer_Lifted_Index_pressure_difference_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_depth_below_surface_layer[time = 1][depth_below_surface_layer = 4][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer[depth_below_surface_layer = 4]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_depth_below_surface_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Moisture_Availability_depth_below_surface_layer[time = 1][depth_below_surface_layer2 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer2[depth_below_surface_layer2 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Moisture_Availability_depth_below_surface_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Plant_Canopy_Surface_Water_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Plant_Canopy_Surface_Water_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Blackadars_Mixing_Length_Scale_hybrid[time = 1][hybrid = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 hybrid[hybrid = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Blackadars_Mixing_Length_Scale_hybrid; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Vegetation_Type_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Vegetation_Type_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Wilting_Point_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Wilting_Point_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Liquid_Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_non_Frozen_depth_below_surface_layer[time = 1][depth_below_surface_layer = 4][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 depth_below_surface_layer[depth_below_surface_layer = 4]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Liquid_Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_non_Frozen_depth_below_surface_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Number_of_Soil_Layers_in_Root_Zone_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Number_of_Soil_Layers_in_Root_Zone_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Transpiration_Stress-onset_soil_moisture_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Transpiration_Stress-onset_soil_moisture_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Direct_Evaporation_Cease_soil_moisture_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Direct_Evaporation_Cease_soil_moisture_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Soil_Porosity_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Soil_Porosity_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Vegetation_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Vegetation_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Vertical_u-component_shear_height_above_ground_layer[time = 1][height_above_ground_layer1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground_layer1[height_above_ground_layer1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Vertical_u-component_shear_height_above_ground_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Vertical_v-component_shear_height_above_ground_layer[time = 1][height_above_ground_layer1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground_layer1[height_above_ground_layer1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Vertical_v-component_shear_height_above_ground_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Vertical_velocity_geometric_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric2 = 42][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric2[isobaric2 = 42]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Vertical_velocity_geometric_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Vertical_velocity_pressure_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric1 = 39][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Vertical_velocity_pressure_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Visibility_cloud_tops[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Visibility_cloud_tops; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Visibility_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Visibility_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation[time1 = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time1[time1 = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_surface_3_Hour_Accumulation; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 Wind_speed_gust_surface[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } Wind_speed_gust_surface; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 u-component_of_wind_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric1 = 39][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } u-component_of_wind_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 u-component_of_wind_maximum_wind[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } u-component_of_wind_maximum_wind; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground5 = 2][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground5[height_above_ground5 = 2]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 u-component_of_wind_tropopause[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } u-component_of_wind_tropopause; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 u-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } u-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 u-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer2 = 6][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer2[pressure_difference_layer2 = 6]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } u-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 v-component_of_wind_isobaric[time = 1][isobaric1 = 39][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 isobaric1[isobaric1 = 39]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } v-component_of_wind_isobaric; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 v-component_of_wind_maximum_wind[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } v-component_of_wind_maximum_wind; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground[time = 1][height_above_ground5 = 2][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 height_above_ground5[height_above_ground5 = 2]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 v-component_of_wind_tropopause[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } v-component_of_wind_tropopause; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 v-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary[time = 1][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } v-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 v-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer[time = 1][pressure_difference_layer2 = 6][y = 428][x = 614]; MAPS: Float64 time[time = 1]; Float32 pressure_difference_layer2[pressure_difference_layer2 = 6]; Float32 y[y = 428]; Float32 x[x = 614]; } v-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer; } model-nam218/202208/20220806/nam_218_20220806_1800_072.grb2;