Attributes { time { String standard_name "time"; String long_name "reference time of SST file"; String units "seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00"; String axis "T"; String comment "This is the reference time of the SST file. Add sst_dtime to this value to get pixel-by-pixel times."; String calendar "gregorian"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1; } time_bounds { String long_name "time bounds"; String units "seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00"; String comment "time bounds for each time value"; String calendar "gregorian"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 2; } lat { String standard_name "latitude"; String long_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String reference_datum "Geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum"; String axis "Y"; Float64 valid_min -90.0; Float64 valid_max 90.0; } lat_bounds { String long_name "latitude bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comment "latitude values at the north and south bounds of each grid point"; } lon { String standard_name "longitude"; String long_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String reference_datum "Geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum"; String axis "X"; Float64 valid_min -180.0; Float64 valid_max 180.0; } lon_bounds { String long_name "longitude bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comment "longitude values at the west and east bounds of each grid point"; } crs { String long_name "coordinate reference system"; String grid_mapping_name "latitude_longitude"; Float64 semi_major_axis 6378137.0; Float64 inverse_flattening 298.257223563; String epsg_code "EPSG:4326"; String comment "This is a container variable that describes the grid_mapping used by the data in this file. This variable does not contain any data; only information about the geographic coordinate system."; } sea_surface_temperature { String standard_name "sea_surface_skin_temperature"; String long_name "NOAA Climate Data Record of sea surface skin temperature"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 273.15; Float64 scale_factor 0.01; Int16 valid_min -180; Int16 valid_max 4500; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String ancillary_variables "quality_level pathfinder_quality_level l2p_flags"; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String comment "Skin temperature of the ocean"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } sst_dtime { String long_name "time difference from reference time"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "seconds"; Int32 add_offset 0; Int32 scale_factor 1; Int32 valid_min -2147483647; Int32 valid_max 2147483647; Int32 _FillValue -2147483648; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String comment "Time plus sst_dtime gives seconds after 1981-01-01 00:00:00. Note: in PFV5.3 this sst_dtime is empty. PFV6 will contain the correct sst_dtime values."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } sses_bias { String _Unsigned "false"; String long_name "SSES bias estimate"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 0.02; Int16 valid_min -127; Byte valid_max 127; Int16 _FillValue -128; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String comment "Bias estimate derived using the techniques described at Note: in PFV5.3 this sses_bias is empty. PFV6 will contain the correct sses_bias values."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } sses_standard_deviation { String _Unsigned "false"; String long_name "SSES standard deviation"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 2.54; Float64 scale_factor 0.02; Int16 valid_min -127; Byte valid_max 127; Int16 _FillValue -128; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String comment "Standard deviation estimate derived using the techniques described at Note: in PFV5.3 this sses_standard_deviation is empty. PFV6 will contain the correct sses_standard_deviation values."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } dt_analysis { String _Unsigned "false"; String long_name "deviation from last SST analysis"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "kelvin"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 0.1; Int16 valid_min -127; Byte valid_max 127; Int16 _FillValue -128; String source "NOAA Daily 25km Global Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature (OISST)"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String reference "AVHRR_OI, with inland values populated from AVHRR_Pathfinder daily climatological SST. For more information on this reference field see"; String comment "The difference between this SST and the previous day's SST."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } wind_speed { String _Unsigned "false"; String standard_name "wind_speed"; String long_name "10m wind speed"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "m s-1"; String height "10 m"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 1.0; Int16 valid_min -127; Byte valid_max 127; Int16 _FillValue -128; Float64 time_offset 1.4722000000000008; String source "NCEP/DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis (Reanalysis-2):,"; String comment "These wind speeds were created by NCEP-DOE Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP-II) reanalysis (R-2) and represent winds at 10 metres above the sea surface."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } sea_ice_fraction { String _Unsigned "false"; String standard_name "sea_ice_area_fraction"; String long_name "sea ice fraction"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "percent"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 0.01; Int16 valid_min -127; Byte valid_max 127; Int16 _FillValue -128; Float64 time_offset 1.0; String source "NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC Daily optimum interpolation(OI) SST on 1/4-degree grid:"; String comment "Sea ice concentration data are taken from the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSISAF) Global Daily Sea Ice Concentration Reprocessing Data Set ( when these data are available. The data are reprojected and interpolated from their original polar stereographic projection at 10km spatial resolution to the 4km Pathfinder Version 5.3 grid. When the OSISAF data are not available for both hemispheres on a given day, the sea ice concentration data are taken from the sea_ice_fraction variable found in the L4 GHRSST DailyOI SST product from NOAA/NCDC, and are interpolated from the 25km DailyOI grid to the 4km Pathfinder Version 5.3 grid."; String reference "Reynolds, et al.(2006) Daily High-resolution Blended Analyses. Available at"; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } aerosol_dynamic_indicator { String _Unsigned "false"; String long_name "aerosol dynamic indicator"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "percent"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 1.0; Int16 valid_min -127; Byte valid_max 127; Int16 _FillValue -128; Float64 time_offset 360.0; String source "CLASS_AVHRRPF_AOT"; String reference ""; String comment "Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) data are taken from the CLASS Pathfinder (from AVHRR) (AVHRRPF). The aerosol optical thickness/depth (AOT/AOD) measurements are extracted from PATMOS-A2 monthly mean and reprojected and interpolated from their original 1 degree x 1 degree resolution to the 4km Pathfinder Version 5.3 grid."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } quality_level { String _Unsigned "false"; String long_name "quality level of SST pixel"; String coverage_content_type "qualityInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "1"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 1.0; Byte valid_min 1; Byte valid_max 5; Byte _FillValue 0; String flag_meanings "no_data bad_data worst_quality low_quality acceptable_quality best_quality"; Byte flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; String ancillary_variables "pathfinder_quality_level"; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String comment "These are the overall quality indicators and are used for all GHRSST SSTs. Note, the native Pathfinder processing system returns quality levels ranging from 0 to 7 (7 is best quality; -1 represents missing data) and has been converted to the extent possible into the six levels required by the GDS2 (ranging from 0 to 5, where 5 is best). Below is the conversion table: GDS2 required quality_level 5 = native Pathfinder quality level 7 == best_quality GDS2 required quality_level 4 = native Pathfinder quality level 4-6 == acceptable_quality GDS2 required quality_level 3 = native Pathfinder quality level 2-3 == low_quality GDS2 required quality_level 2 = native Pathfinder quality level 1 == worst_quality GDS2 required quality_level 1 = native Pathfinder quality level 0 = bad_data GDS2 required quality_level 0 = native Pathfinder quality level -1 = missing_data The original Pathfinder quality level is recorded in the optional variable pathfinder_quality_level."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } pathfinder_quality_level { String _Unsigned "false"; String long_name "Pathfinder SST quality flag"; String coverage_content_type "qualityInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "1"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 1.0; Byte valid_min 0; Byte valid_max 7; Int16 _FillValue -1; String flag_meanings "bad_data worst_quality low_quality low_quality acceptable_quality acceptable_quality acceptable_quality best_quality"; Byte flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String comment "This variable contains the native Pathfinder processing system quality levels, ranging from 0 to 7, where 0 is worst and 7 is best. And value -1 represents missing data."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } l2p_flags { String long_name "L2P flags"; String coverage_content_type "auxiliaryInformation"; String grid_mapping "crs"; String units "1"; Float64 add_offset 0.0; Float64 scale_factor 1.0; Int16 valid_min 0; Int16 valid_max 256; String flag_meanings "microwave land ice lake river reserved_for_future_use extreme_sst unused_currently unused_currently"; Int16 flag_masks 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String comment "Bit zero (0) is always set to zero to indicate infrared data. Bit one (1) is set to zero for any pixel over water (ocean, lakes and rivers). Land pixels were determined by rasterizing the Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shoreline (GSHHS) Database from the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center. Any 4 km Pathfinder pixel whose area is 50% or more covered by land has bit one (1) set to 1. Bit two (2) is set to 1 when the sea_ice_fraction is 0.15 or greater. Bits three (3) and four (4) indicate lake and river pixels, respectively, and were determined by rasterizing the US World Wildlife Fund's Global Lakes and Wetlands Database. Any 4 km Pathfinder pixel whose area is 50% or more covered by lake has bit three (3) set to 1. Any 4 km Pathfinder pixel whose area is 50% or more covered by river has bit four (4) set to 1. Bits six (6) indicates the daytime unrealistic SST values (>39.8°C) that remain in pf_quality_level 4 to 7. Users are recommended to avoid these values."; Int32 _ChunkSizes 1, 540, 540; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3"; String title "AVHRR Pathfinder Version 5.3 L3-Collated (L3C) sea surface temperature"; String summary "This netCDF-4 file contains sea surface temperature (SST) data produced as part of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Project. These data were created using Version 5.3 of the Pathfinder algorithm and the file is nearly but not completely compliant with the GHRSST Data Specifications V2.0 (GDS2). The sses_bias and sses_standard_deviation variables are empty. Full compliance with GDS2 specifications will be achieved in the future Pathfinder Version 6. These data were created by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)."; String references " and Casey, K.S., T.B. Brandon, P. Cornillon, and R. Evans: The Past, Present and Future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST Program, in Oceanography from Space: Revisited, eds. V. Barale, J.F.R. Gower, and L. Alberotanza, Springer, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-8681-5_16."; String institution "NCEI"; String history "smigen_both ifile=1996006.b4kd3-pf53ap-n14-sst.hdf ofile=1996006.i4kd3-pf53ap-n14-sst.hdf prod=sst datamin=-3.0 datamax=40.0 precision=I projection=RECT resolution=4km gap_fill=2 ; /srv/disk1t/PFV5.3CONV/bin/Converter/hdf2nc_PFV53_L3C.x -v /srv/disk1t/PFV5.3CONV/Data_PFV53/PFV53_HDF_L3C/1996/1996006.i4kd3-pf53ap-n14-sst.hdf"; String comment "SST from AVHRR Pathfinder"; String license "These data are available for use without restriction."; String id "AVHRR_Pathfinder-NCEI-L3C-v5.3"; String naming_authority "org.ghrsst"; String product_version "PFV5.3"; String uuid "072C9CC0-9CAF-4041-BBFA-7766396FA9AA"; String gds_version_id "2.0"; String netcdf_version_id "4.1.2"; String date_created "20160513T015604Z"; String date_modified "20160513T015604Z"; String date_issued "20160301T000000Z"; String date_metadata_modified "20160125T000000Z"; Int32 file_quality_level 3; String spatial_resolution "0.0416667 degree"; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees north"; Float32 geospatial_lat_resolution 0.0416667; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees east"; Float32 geospatial_lon_resolution 0.0416667; String geospatial_bounds "-180.0000 -90.0000, 180.0000 90.0000"; String geospatial_bounds_crs "EPSG:4326"; Float32 geospatial_lon_min -180.0; Float32 geospatial_lon_max 180.0; Float32 geospatial_lat_min -90.0; Float32 geospatial_lat_max 90.0; Float32 northernmost_latitude 90.0; Float32 southernmost_latitude -90.0; Float32 easternmost_longitude 180.0; Float32 westernmost_longitude -180.0; String principal_year_day_for_collated_orbits "1996006"; String time_coverage_duration "P1D"; String time_coverage_resolution "P1D"; String start_time "19960105T211222Z"; String time_coverage_start "19960105T211222Z"; String stop_time "19960107T062223Z"; String time_coverage_end "19960107T062223Z"; String source "AVHRR_GAC-CLASS-L1B-NOAA_14-v1"; String platform "NOAA-14"; String instrument "AVHRR-2"; String sensor "AVHRR-2"; String sea_name "World-Wide Distribution"; String day_or_night "Day"; String orbit_node "Ascending"; String keywords "Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature"; String acknowledgement "Please acknowledge the use of these data with the following statement: These data were provided by GHRSST and the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). This project was supported in part by a grant from the NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) Program for satellites."; String creator_name "Kenneth S. Casey"; String creator_email ""; String creator_url ""; String creator_type "person"; String creator_institution "US DOC; NOAA; National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service; National Centers for Environmental Information"; String contributor_name "Robert Evans"; String contributor_role "Principal Investigator"; String project "Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature"; String publisher_name "GHRSST Project Office"; String publisher_email ""; String publisher_url ""; String publisher_type "group"; String processing_level "L3C"; String cdm_data_type "Grid"; String ncei_template_version "NCEI_NetCDF_Grid_Template_v2.0"; String cdr_variable "sea_surface_temperature"; String keywords_vocabulary "NASA/Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords v8.4"; String standard_name_vocabulary "Climate and Forecast (CF) Standard Name Table (Version 29, 08 July 2015)"; String platform_vocabulary "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords v8.4"; String instrument_vocabulary "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords v8.4"; String metadata_link ""; String program "NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) Program for satellites"; String cdr_program "NOAA Climate Data Record Program for satellites"; String cdr_id "gov.noaa.ncdc:C00983"; } DODS_EXTRA { String Unlimited_Dimension "time"; } }