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Dataset { String trajectory[trajectory = 1]; String wmo_id[trajectory = 1]; Int32 profile_id[profile = 979]; Float64 time[profile = 979]; Float64 latitude[profile = 979]; Float64 longitude[profile = 979]; Float64 time_uv[profile = 979]; Float64 lat_uv[profile = 979]; Float64 lon_uv[profile = 979]; Float64 u[profile = 979]; Float64 v[profile = 979]; Int32 trajectoryIndex[profile = 979]; Int32 rowSize[profile = 979]; Float64 precise_time[obs = 188101]; Float32 depth[obs = 188101]; Float32 pressure[obs = 188101]; Float32 temperature[obs = 188101]; Float32 conductivity[obs = 188101]; Float32 salinity[obs = 188101]; Float32 density[obs = 188101]; Float64 precise_lat[obs = 188101]; Float64 precise_lon[obs = 188101]; Byte platform_meta[obs = 188101]; Byte instrument_ctd[obs = 188101]; Byte conductivity_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte density_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte depth_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte precise_lat_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte lat_uv_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte precise_lon_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte lon_uv_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte latitude_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte longitude_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte pressure_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte salinity_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte temperature_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte precise_time_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte time_uv_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte time_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte u_qc[obs = 188101]; Byte v_qc[obs = 188101]; } ioos/ngdac/2018/;