netcdf GRIDSAT-B1.1999.11.13.18.v02r01 { dimensions: lon = 5143 ; lat = 2000 ; Ngeo = 5 ; StrLen = 50 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) sparse2ir = 2 ; sparse3ir = 433145 ; sparse2wv = 2 ; sparse2vs = 2 ; variables: float lat(lat) ; string lat:units = "degrees_north" ; string lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; string lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:actual_range = -70.f, 70.f ; float lon(lon) ; string lon:units = "degrees_east" ; string lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; string lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:actual_range = -180.f, 180.f ; int time(time) ; string time:long_name = "time" ; string time:standard_name = "time" ; string time:units = "hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; string time:calendar = "standard" ; float satlat(time, Ngeo) ; string satlat:long_name = "Sub-Satellite Latitude" ; string satlat:units = "degrees_north" ; satlat:valid_range = -20.f, 20.f ; satlat:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float satlon(time, Ngeo) ; string satlon:long_name = "Sub-Satellite Longitude" ; string satlon:units = "degrees_east" ; satlon:valid_range = -180.f, 360.f ; satlon:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float satrad(time, Ngeo) ; string satrad:long_name = "Sub-Satellite Orbital Radius" ; string satrad:units = "km" ; satrad:valid_range = 38000.f, 44000.f ; satrad:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; char satname(time, Ngeo, StrLen) ; string satname:long_name = "Satellite Name" ; char b1ufile(time, Ngeo, StrLen) ; string b1ufile:long_name = "B1U File Name" ; char b1file(time, Ngeo, StrLen) ; string b1file:long_name = "B1 Filename" ; string b1file:comment = "In the event of an nfs error, B1UFile will not match B1File" ; float calslp_irwin(time, Ngeo) ; string calslp_irwin:long_name = "Slope used in IRWIN_cdr calibration correction" ; string calslp_irwin:equation = "IRWIN_cdr = VZA_correction(IRWIN*CALSLP_IRWIN + CALOFF_IRWIN)" ; string calslp_irwin:comment = "Usage of correction provided by satid_ir" ; calslp_irwin:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float caloff_irwin(time, Ngeo) ; string caloff_irwin:long_name = "Offset used in IRWIN calibration correction" ; string caloff_irwin:units = "kelvin" ; caloff_irwin:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float calslp_irwvp(time, Ngeo) ; string calslp_irwvp:long_name = "Slope used in IRWVP calibration correction" ; string calslp_irwvp:equation = "IRWVP = IRWVP*CALSLP_IRWVP + CALOFF_IRWVP" ; string calslp_irwvp:comment = "Usage of correction provided by satid_wv" ; calslp_irwvp:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float caloff_irwvp(time, Ngeo) ; string caloff_irwvp:long_name = "Offset used in IRWVP calibration correction" ; string caloff_irwvp:units = "kelvin" ; string caloff_irwvp:comment = "Usage of correction provided by satid_wv" ; caloff_irwvp:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float vis_rad_slope(Ngeo) ; string vis_rad_slope:long_name = "Conversion factor to calculate radiance from reflectance" ; string vis_rad_slope:units = "watts m-2 sr-1" ; string vis_rad_slope:comment = "Radiance is calculated via: Rad = VSCHN * vis_rad_slope(satid)" ; vis_rad_slope:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float vis_dc_slope(Ngeo) ; string vis_dc_slope:long_name = "Conversion factor to calculate original digital count from reflectance" ; string vis_dc_slope:comment = "Original digital count is calculated via: DC = VSCHN * vis_dc_slope(satid) + vis_dc_offset(satid)" ; vis_dc_slope:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; float vis_dc_offset(Ngeo) ; string vis_dc_offset:long_name = "Conversion offset to calculate original digital count from reflectance" ; vis_dc_offset:satellite_name_list = "GMS-5 GOES-10 GOES-8 Meteosat-5 Meteosat-7" ; short irwin_cdr(time, lat, lon) ; string irwin_cdr:long_name = "NOAA FCDR of Brightness Temperature near 11 microns (Nadir-most observations)" ; string irwin_cdr:standard_name = "toa_brightness_temperature" ; string irwin_cdr:coordinates = "lon lat" ; string irwin_cdr:units = "Kelvin" ; string irwin_cdr:comment = "Nadir-most observations" ; irwin_cdr:scale_factor = 0.01f ; irwin_cdr:add_offset = 200.f ; irwin_cdr:valid_range = 140.f, 375.f ; irwin_cdr:missing_value = -31999s ; irwin_cdr:_FillValue = -31999s ; string irwin_cdr:Note_A = "Calibration correction of Knapp (2007) applied before VZA correction." ; string irwin_cdr:Note_B = "The IRWIN_CDR data have been View Zenith corrected using the Joyce (NCEP) algorithm" ; irwin_cdr:intergeo_cal_flag = 0s ; short irwin_2(time, lat, lon) ; string irwin_2:coordinates = "lon lat" ; string irwin_2:long_name = "Brightness Temperature near 11 microns (Second nadir-most from overlap regions)" ; string irwin_2:standard_name = "toa_brightness_temperature" ; string irwin_2:units = "Kelvin" ; string irwin_2:comment = "Second nadir-most observations" ; irwin_2:scale_factor = 0.01f ; irwin_2:add_offset = 200.f ; irwin_2:valid_range = 140.f, 375.f ; irwin_2:missing_value = -31999s ; irwin_2:_FillValue = -31999s ; string irwin_2:Note_A = "Calibration correction of Knapp (2007) applied before VZA correction." ; string irwin_2:Note_B = "The IRWIN_2 data has been View Zenith corrected using the Joyce (NCEP) algorithm" ; short irwin_3(time, sparse3ir) ; string irwin_3:long_name = "Brightness Temperature near 11 microns (Third nadir-most from overlap regions)" ; string irwin_3:standard_name = "toa_brightness_temperature" ; string irwin_3:units = "Kelvin" ; string irwin_3:comment = "Third nadir-most observations" ; irwin_3:scale_factor = 0.01f ; irwin_3:add_offset = 200.f ; irwin_3:valid_range = 140.f, 375.f ; irwin_3:missing_value = -31999s ; string irwin_3:coordinates = "lon lat" ; irwin_3:_FillValue = -31999s ; string irwin_3:Note_A = "Calibration correction of Knapp (2007) applied before VZA correction." ; string irwin_3:Note_B = "The IRWIN_3 data has been View Zenith corrected using the Joyce (NCEP) algorithm" ; short irwvp(time, lat, lon) ; string irwvp:long_name = "Brightness Temperature near 6.7 microns (Nadir-most observations)" ; string irwvp:standard_name = "toa_brightness_temperature" ; string irwvp:coordinates = "lon lat" ; string irwvp:units = "Kelvin" ; string irwvp:comment = "Nadir-most observations" ; irwvp:scale_factor = 0.01f ; irwvp:add_offset = 200.f ; irwvp:valid_range = 140.f, 375.f ; irwvp:missing_value = -31999s ; irwvp:_FillValue = -31999s ; short irwvp_2(time, lat, lon) ; string irwvp_2:coordinates = "lon lat" ; string irwvp_2:long_name = "Brightness Temperature near 6.7 microns (Second nadir-most from overlap regions)" ; string irwvp_2:standard_name = "toa_brightness_temperature" ; string irwvp_2:units = "Kelvin" ; string irwvp_2:comment = "Second nadir-most observations" ; irwvp_2:scale_factor = 0.01f ; irwvp_2:add_offset = 200.f ; irwvp_2:valid_range = 140.f, 375.f ; irwvp_2:missing_value = -31999s ; irwvp_2:_FillValue = -31999s ; short vschn(time, lat, lon) ; string vschn:long_name = "Visible reflectance near 0.6 microns (Nadir-most observations)" ; string vschn:standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance" ; string vschn:coordinates = "lon lat" ; string vschn:units = "1" ; string vschn:comment = "Nadir-most observations" ; vschn:scale_factor = 4.e-05f ; vschn:add_offset = 1.f ; vschn:valid_range = -0.2f, 5.f ; vschn:missing_value = -31999s ; vschn:_FillValue = -31999s ; string vschn:Radiance_comment = "Radiance is calculated via: Rad = VSCHN * vis_rad_slope(satid)" ; string vschn:DigitalCount_comment = "Original digital counts are calculated via: DC = VSCHN * vis_dc_slope(satid) + vis_dc_offset(satid)" ; short vschn_2(time, lat, lon) ; string vschn_2:coordinates = "lon lat" ; string vschn_2:long_name = "Visible reflectance near 0.6 microns (Second nadir-most from overlap regions)" ; string vschn_2:standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance" ; string vschn_2:units = "1" ; string vschn_2:comment = "Second nadir-most observations" ; vschn_2:scale_factor = 4.e-05f ; vschn_2:add_offset = 1.f ; vschn_2:valid_range = -0.2f, 5.f ; vschn_2:missing_value = -31999s ; vschn_2:_FillValue = -31999s ; byte satid_ir(time, lat, lon) ; string satid_ir:long_name = "IRWIN_CDR Satellite Index (packed)" ; satid_ir:valid_range = 0b, -2b ; string satid_ir:variable = "irwin_cdr" ; satid_ir:comment = "The SATID value corresponds to the index for the satellite variables (SATLAT, SATLON, SATRAD, SATNAME). It derives from the satellites used in the IRWIN_CDR composite." ; satid_ir:Usage = "The SATID can be used in conjunction with the sub-satellite latitude and longitude to determine satellite view and azimuth angles." ; satid_ir:Requirement = "Convert from signed to unsigned bytes by adding 128b to satid_ir prior to unpacking." ; satid_ir:Unpacking = "SATID = satid_ir / 15 SATID2 = satid_ir % 15 [where % is the modulo function]" ; string satid_ir:Unpacked = "14 is missing" ; satid_ir:missing_value = -1b ; byte satid_wv(time, lat, lon) ; string satid_wv:long_name = "IRWVP Satellite Index (packed)" ; satid_wv:valid_range = 0b, -2b ; string satid_wv:variable = "irwvp" ; string satid_wv:comment = "See comments on packing and unpacking for satid_ir" ; byte satid_vs(time, lat, lon) ; string satid_vs:long_name = "VSCHN Satellite Index (packed)" ; satid_vs:valid_range = 0b, -2b ; string satid_vs:variable = "vschn" ; string satid_vs:comment = "See comments on packing and unpacking for satid_ir" ; int sparse2ir(sparse2ir) ; string sparse2ir:long_name = "Coordinate used for compression by gathering (if used for irwin_2)" ; string sparse2ir:channel = "irwin_2" ; string sparse2ir:compress = "lat lon" ; string sparse2ir:comment = "Result of sparse2ir = where(irwin2 gt lowertempflag,nsparse2)" ; string sparse2ir:Size = "Size=1 - Missing (no obs. this layer) Size=2 - Data layer is not sparse, but is a 2D (lat,lon) matrix Size>2 - Data layer is stored using a sparse array" ; int sparse2wv(sparse2wv) ; string sparse2wv:long_name = "Coordinate used for compression by gathering (if used for irwvp_2)" ; string sparse2wv:channel = "irwvp_2" ; string sparse2wv:compress = "lat lon" ; string sparse2wv:comment = "Result of sparse2wv = where(wvtemp2 gt lowertempflag,nsparse2wv)" ; string sparse2wv:Size = "See sparse2ir" ; int sparse2vs(sparse2vs) ; string sparse2vs:long_name = "Coordinate for compression by gathering (if used for vschn_2)" ; string sparse2vs:channel = "vschn_2" ; string sparse2vs:compress = "lat lon" ; string sparse2vs:comment = "Result of sparse2wv = where(wvtemp2 gt lowertempflag,nsparse2wv)" ; string sparse2vs:Size = "See sparse2ir" ; int sparse3ir(sparse3ir) ; string sparse3ir:long_name = "Coordinate for compression by gathering (if used)" ; string sparse3ir:channel = "irwin_3" ; string sparse3ir:compress = "lat lon" ; string sparse3ir:comment = "Result of sparse3 = where(irwin3 gt lowertempflag,nsparse3)" ; string sparse3ir:Size = "See sparse2ir" ; byte satid_ir3(sparse3ir) ; string satid_ir3:long_name = "IRWIN_3 Satellite Index (packed)" ; satid_ir3:valid_range = 0b, -2b ; string satid_ir3:variable = "irwin_3" ; satid_ir3:comment = "The SATID_IR3 value corresponds to the index for the satellite variables (SATLAT, SATLON, SATRAD, SATNAME). It derives from the satellites used in the IRWIN_3 composite." ; satid_ir3:Usage = "The SATID can be used in conjunction with the sub-satellite latitude and longitude to determine satellite view and azimuth angles." ; string satid_ir3:Unpacked = "14 is missing" ; byte irwin_vza_adj(time, lat, lon) ; string irwin_vza_adj:coordinates = "lon lat" ; string irwin_vza_adj:long_name = "Adjustment made to all IRWIN channels for view zenith angle effects" ; string irwin_vza_adj:units = "Kelvin" ; string irwin_vza_adj:comment = "Original_temperature_observed = variable(IRWIN) - variable(IRWIN_vza_adj)" ; irwin_vza_adj:scale_factor = 0.25f ; irwin_vza_adj:add_offset = -10.f ; irwin_vza_adj:valid_range = 0s, 240s ; irwin_vza_adj:missing_value = -1b ; irwin_vza_adj:_FillValue = -1b ; // global attributes: :title = "GridSat-B1 - Gridded Satellite (GridSat) ISCCP B1 Observations" ; :summary = "Geostationary data are remapped to equal angle projection to facilitate processing and inter-calibrated using HIRS to ensure climate quality." ; :Conventions = "CF-1.6" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "CF-1.6, Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, NOAA CDR v1.0" ; :references = "" ; :source = "ISCCP.B1U.a.GMS-5.1999.11.13.1731.JMA.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.GOE-10.1999.11.13.1800.CSU.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.GOE-8.1999.11.13.1745.AES.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.MET-5.1999.11.13.1730.EUM.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.MET-7.1999.11.13.1730.EUM.gz,b1u.calibration.correction.IRWIN.v17" ; :id = "" ; :naming_authority = "gov.noaa.ncdc" ; :license = "No constraints on data access or use." ; :processing_level = "NOAA Level 3" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table (v23, 23 March 2013)" ; :cdr_program = "NOAA Climate Data Record Program for satellites, FY2010" ; :cdr_variable = "irwin_cdr" ; :software_version_id = "$Id: 43678 2013-11-08 17:29:39Z kknapp $" ; :metadata_link = "gov.noaa.ncdc:C00829" ; :product_version = "v02r01" ; :platform = "GMS-5 > Geostationary Meteorological Satellite-5, GOES-10 > Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 10, GOES-8 > Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 8, METEOSAT-5 > Meteosat Operational Programme 1 (MOP-2), METEOSAT-7" ; :sensor = "VISSR > Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer, GOES I-M IMAGER, GOES I-M IMAGER, MVIRI > Meteosat Visible and Infrared Imager, MVIRI > Meteosat Visible and Infrared Imager" ; :spatial_resolution = "Approx. 8 km at Equator" ; :keywords = "EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Clouds > Cloud Top Temperature, EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Clouds > Cloud Height, EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Reflectance, EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Longwave Radiation, EARTH SCIENCE > SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING > INFRARED WAVELENGTHS > BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE, EARTH SCIENCE > SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING > VISIBLE WAVELENGTHS" ; :keywords_vocabulary = "GCMD Science Keywords," ; :svn_info_b1u2grisat = "$Id: 43678 2013-11-08 17:29:39Z kknapp $" ; :version_info = "v02r01" ; :date_created = "2013-11-13T16:42:46" ; :date_created_format2 = "Wed Nov 13 21:42:46 2013 UTC" ; :date_created_format1 = "1384378966 seconds since 1 Jan 1970 00:00 UTC" ; :creator_name = "Ken Knapp, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC/RSAD" ; :creator_url = "" ; :creator_email = "" ; :institution = "DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC > National Climatic Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce" ; :date_modified = "2013-11-13T16:42:46" ; :Projection = "Mercator" ; :cdm_data_type = "Grid" ; :geospatial_lat_min = -70.f ; :geospatial_lat_max = 69.93001f ; :geospatial_lon_min = -180.f ; :geospatial_lon_max = 179.94f ; :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ; :geospatial_lat_resolution = 0.07f ; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ; :geospatial_lon_resolution = 0.07f ; :base_date = 1999.f, 11.f, 13.f ; :time_coverage_start = "1999-11-13T18:00:00" ; :time_coverage_end = "1999-11-13T18:30:00" ; :_satid = "_satid attributes are comma delimited arrays withsatellite information that corresponds to the satid variable (-1 is missing)" ; :Satellite_Name_satid = "GMS-5,GOES-10,GOES-8,Meteosat-5,Meteosat-7" ; :B1U_File_satid = "ISCCP.B1U.a.GMS-5.1999.11.13.1731.JMA.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.GOE-10.1999.11.13.1800.CSU.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.GOE-8.1999.11.13.1745.AES.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.MET-5.1999.11.13.1730.EUM.gz,ISCCP.B1U.a.MET-7.1999.11.13.1730.EUM.gz" ; :IRWIN_calibration_file = "b1u.calibration.correction.IRWIN.v17" ; :IRWVP_calibration_version = "v01" ; :Corrections = "IRWIN has VZA correction, All channels have parallax correction, All channels have parallax gaps filled." ; }