# West Coast USA Basin-Level Sub-Seasonal Precipitation and Runoff Reconstructions #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/32532 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/reconstructions/northamerica/usa/wise2021readme.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/reconstructions/northamerica/usa/wise2021seasonal-precip-recons.nc # Description: netCDF file of precipitation reconstructions # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/reconstructions/northamerica/usa/wise2021seasonal-runoff-recons.nc # Description: netCDF file of runoff reconstructions # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data Type: Climate Reconstructions # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: precipitation, streamflow #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-02-02 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-02-02 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: West Coast USA Basin-Level Sub-Seasonal Precipitation and Runoff Reconstructions #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Wise, E.K. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Tree-ring reconstruction of precipitation and runoff in 28 watersheds on the USA West Coast (California, Oregon, and Washington). # Reconstructions are of running 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month totals. High-resolution precipitation and runoff data from the Livneh et al. (2013) # dataset (https://psl.noaa.gov/data/gridded/data.livneh.htm) were used for calibration data. These daily data were converted to monthly totals # and aggregated to basin-scale averages for the 28 U.S. Level IV North American Watersheds with an area greater than 5000 km2 and a basin centroid # located within California or west of 120W longitude in Oregon or Washington. Start Years: 1549-1771 CE End Years: 1969-1987 CE # # ITRDB chronologies (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/paleoclimatology-data/datasets/tree-ring) with an EPS>=0.85 back to at least 1771 # were used in a point by point regression (PPR) approach with a 0.05 screening probability and a search radius of 850km from each basin's centroid. # Chronologies meeting those criteria were formed into Principal Components and entered into a stepwise regression model with entrance/exit p-value # tolerances of 0.05/0.10. This was done separately for 2688 reconstructions (2 climate variables * 4 time intervals * 12 end months * 28 watersheds). # See Wise (2021) for more complete description of data and methods. # # Provided Keywords: atmospheric rivers, climate, dendroclimatology, extremes, hydroclimate, precipitation, reconstruction models, runoff, seasonality, tree rings, watersheds, California, Washington, Oregon # # DESCRIPTION OF VARIABLES IN NETCDF files # Intervals: names of the four time intervals reconstructed (character strings) # Basins: names of the 28 basins reconstructed (character strings) # EndMonth: The 12 month names (character strings) which represent the END month of each reconstruction. For example, in the 6-month interval, 'Mar' would hold the Oct-Mar reconstruction. # year_calibration: 1-dimensional year vector for calibration data time period # year_reconstruction: 1-dimensional year vector for reconstructed data time period # CalibrationData: 4-dimensional data file containing the precipitation or runoff totals used for calibration (yearly data x intervals x basins x months) # ReconstructionData: 4-dimensional data file containing the reconstructed precipitation or runoff totals (yearly data x intervals x basins x months) # ModelAdjustedR2: 3-dimensional data file containing the adjusted R2 value for each of the final stepwise models used for reconstruction (intervals x basins x months) # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Erika K. Wise # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-01-28 # Published_Title: Sub-Seasonal Tree-Ring Reconstructions for More Comprehensive Climate Records in U.S. West Coast Watersheds # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: 48 # Edition: e2020GL091598 # Issue: 2 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1029/2020GL091598 # Online_Resource: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020GL091598 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Tree-ring records of preinstrumental hydroclimate, which contribute needed context for understanding recent drought and flood events, typically provide one value per year that represents the entire year or one particular season. This may introduce a seasonal bias to the records or omit seasonally variable moisture. Here, I use tree-ring records to reconstruct precipitation and runoff in 28 U.S. West Coast watersheds for running 1, 3, 6, and 12-month intervals. When compared on a yearly basis, the Monthly and Four-Season models have higher overall skill and better extreme capture in most basins than the Cool-Warm and Annual models. The Monthly and Four-Season versions also decrease model error in years with more intense precipitation and retain more variability in the preinstrumental period. Improved capture of year-round moisture can provide a more complete representation of the preinstrumental past and strengthen capacity to study shorter-duration and season-specific events like atmospheric rivers. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: AGS-1802024 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: West Coast USA # Location: North America>United States Of America # Country: United States Of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 49 # Southernmost_Latitude: 32 # Easternmost_Longitude: -114 # Westernmost_Longitude: -125 # Elevation: #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Wise2021hydroclimate # Earliest_Year: 1549 # Most_Recent_Year: 1987 # Time_Unit: Year CE # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # # Variables for wise2021seasonal-precip-recons.nc ## ageI_CE age, , , year Common Era, , instrumental,,,N, year_calibration ## age_CE age, , , year Common Era, , climate reconstructions; tree ring, , ,N, year_reconstruction ## precipJan precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipFeb precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMar precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipApr precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMay precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJun precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJul precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipAug precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipSep precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipOct precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipNov precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipDec precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJFM precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jan-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipFMA precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Feb-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMAM precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Mar-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipAMJ precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Apr-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMJJ precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, May-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJJA precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jun-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJAS precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jul-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipASO precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Aug-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipSON precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Sep-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipOND precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Oct-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipNDJ precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Nov-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipDJF precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Dec-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJanJun precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jan-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipFebJul precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Feb-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMarAug precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Mar-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipAprSep precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Apr-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMayOct precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, May-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJunNov precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jun-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJulDec precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jul-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipAugJan precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Aug-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipSepFeb precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Sep-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipOctMar precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Oct-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipNovApr precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Nov-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipDecMay precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Dec-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJanDec precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jan-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipFebJan precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Feb-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMarFeb precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Mar-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipAprMar precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Apr-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipMayApr precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, May-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJunMay precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jun-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipJulJun precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Jul-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipAugJul precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Aug-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipSepAug precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Sep-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipOctSep precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Oct-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipNovOct precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Nov-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## precipDecNov precipitation, ring width, , millimeter, Dec-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJan precipitation, , , millimeter, Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipFeb precipitation, , , millimeter, Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMar precipitation, , , millimeter, Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipApr precipitation, , , millimeter, Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMay precipitation, , , millimeter, May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJun precipitation, , , millimeter, Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJul precipitation, , , millimeter, Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipAug precipitation, , , millimeter, Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipSep precipitation, , , millimeter, Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipOct precipitation, , , millimeter, Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipNov precipitation, , , millimeter, Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipDec precipitation, , , millimeter, Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJFM precipitation, , , millimeter, Jan-Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipFMA precipitation, , , millimeter, Feb-Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMAM precipitation, , , millimeter, Mar-May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipAMJ precipitation, , , millimeter, Apr-Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMJJ precipitation, , , millimeter, May-Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJJA precipitation, , , millimeter, Jun-Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJAS precipitation, , , millimeter, Jul-Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipASO precipitation, , , millimeter, Aug-Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipSON precipitation, , , millimeter, Sep-Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipOND precipitation, , , millimeter, Oct-Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipNDJ precipitation, , , millimeter, Nov-Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipDJF precipitation, , , millimeter, Dec-Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJanJun precipitation, , , millimeter, Jan-Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipFebJul precipitation, , , millimeter, Feb-Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMarAug precipitation, , , millimeter, Mar-Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipAprSep precipitation, , , millimeter, Apr-Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMayOct precipitation, , , millimeter, May-Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJunNov precipitation, , , millimeter, Jun-Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJulDec precipitation, , , millimeter, Jul-Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipAugJan precipitation, , , millimeter, Aug-Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipSepFeb precipitation, , , millimeter, Sep-Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipOctMar precipitation, , , millimeter, Oct-Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipNovApr precipitation, , , millimeter, Nov-Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipDecMay precipitation, , , millimeter, Dec-May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJanDec precipitation, , , millimeter, Jan-Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipFebJan precipitation, , , millimeter, Feb-Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMarFeb precipitation, , , millimeter, Mar-Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipAprMar precipitation, , , millimeter, Apr-Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipMayApr precipitation, , , millimeter, May-Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJunMay precipitation, , , millimeter, Jun-May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipJulJun precipitation, , , millimeter, Jul-Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipAugJul precipitation, , , millimeter, Aug-Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipSepAug precipitation, , , millimeter, Sep-Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipOctSep precipitation, , , millimeter, Oct-Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipNovOct precipitation, , , millimeter, Nov-Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IprecipDecNov precipitation, , , millimeter, Dec-Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## prR2Jan precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Feb precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Mar precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Apr precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2May precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Jun precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Jul precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Aug precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Sep precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Oct precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Nov precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2Dec precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JFM precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2FMA precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2MAM precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2AMJ precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2MJJ precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JJA precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JAS precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2ASO precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2SON precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2OND precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2NDJ precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2DJF precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JanJun precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2FebJul precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2MarAug precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2AprSep precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2MayOct precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JunNov precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JulDec precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2AugJan precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2SepFeb precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2OctMar precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2NovApr precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2DecMay precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JanDec precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2FebJan precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2MarFeb precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2AprMar precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2MayApr precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JunMay precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2JulJun precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2AugJul precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2SepAug precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2OctSep precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2NovOct precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## prR2DecNov precipitation, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins # # Variables for wise2021seasonal-runoff-recons.nc ## ageI_CE age, , , year Common Era, , instrumental,,,N, year_calibration ## age_CE age, , , year Common Era, , climate reconstructions; tree ring, , ,N, year_reconstruction ## roffJan runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffFeb runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMar runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffApr runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMay runoff, ring width, , millimeter, May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJun runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJul runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffAug runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffSep runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffOct runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffNov runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffDec runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJFM runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jan-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffFMA runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Feb-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMAM runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Mar-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffAMJ runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Apr-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMJJ runoff, ring width, , millimeter, May-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJJA runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jun-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJAS runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jul-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffASO runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Aug-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffSON runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Sep-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffOND runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Oct-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffNDJ runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Nov-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffDJF runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Dec-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJanJun runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jan-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffFebJul runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Feb-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMarAug runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Mar-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffAprSep runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Apr-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMayOct runoff, ring width, , millimeter, May-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJunNov runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jun-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJulDec runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jul-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffAugJan runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Aug-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffSepFeb runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Sep-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffOctMar runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Oct-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffNovApr runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Nov-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffDecMay runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Dec-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJanDec runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jan-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffFebJan runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Feb-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMarFeb runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Mar-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffAprMar runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Apr-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffMayApr runoff, ring width, , millimeter, May-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJunMay runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jun-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffJulJun runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Jul-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffAugJul runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Aug-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffSepAug runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Sep-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffOctSep runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Oct-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffNovOct runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Nov-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roffDecNov runoff, ring width, , millimeter, Dec-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJan runoff, , , millimeter, Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffFeb runoff, , , millimeter, Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMar runoff, , , millimeter, Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffApr runoff, , , millimeter, Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMay runoff, , , millimeter, May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJun runoff, , , millimeter, Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJul runoff, , , millimeter, Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffAug runoff, , , millimeter, Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffSep runoff, , , millimeter, Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffOct runoff, , , millimeter, Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffNov runoff, , , millimeter, Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffDec runoff, , , millimeter, Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJFM runoff, , , millimeter, Jan-Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffFMA runoff, , , millimeter, Feb-Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMAM runoff, , , millimeter, Mar-May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffAMJ runoff, , , millimeter, Apr-Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMJJ runoff, , , millimeter, May-Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJJA runoff, , , millimeter, Jun-Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJAS runoff, , , millimeter, Jul-Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffASO runoff, , , millimeter, Aug-Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffSON runoff, , , millimeter, Sep-Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffOND runoff, , , millimeter, Oct-Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffNDJ runoff, , , millimeter, Nov-Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffDJF runoff, , , millimeter, Dec-Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJanJun runoff, , , millimeter, Jan-Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffFebJul runoff, , , millimeter, Feb-Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMarAug runoff, , , millimeter, Mar-Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffAprSep runoff, , , millimeter, Apr-Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMayOct runoff, , , millimeter, May-Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJunNov runoff, , , millimeter, Jun-Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJulDec runoff, , , millimeter, Jul-Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffAugJan runoff, , , millimeter, Aug-Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffSepFeb runoff, , , millimeter, Sep-Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffOctMar runoff, , , millimeter, Oct-Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffNovApr runoff, , , millimeter, Nov-Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffDecMay runoff, , , millimeter, Dec-May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJanDec runoff, , , millimeter, Jan-Dec,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffFebJan runoff, , , millimeter, Feb-Jan,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMarFeb runoff, , , millimeter, Mar-Feb,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffAprMar runoff, , , millimeter, Apr-Mar,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffMayApr runoff, , , millimeter, May-Apr,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJunMay runoff, , , millimeter, Jun-May,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffJulJun runoff, , , millimeter, Jul-Jun,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffAugJul runoff, , , millimeter, Aug-Jul,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffSepAug runoff, , , millimeter, Sep-Aug,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffOctSep runoff, , , millimeter, Oct-Sep,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffNovOct runoff, , , millimeter, Nov-Oct,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## IroffDecNov runoff, , , millimeter, Dec-Nov,instrumental,,,N,for 28 individual basins ## roR2Jan runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Feb runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Mar runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Apr runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2May runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Jun runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Jul runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Aug runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Sep runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Oct runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Nov runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2Dec runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JFM runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2FMA runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2MAM runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2AMJ runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2MJJ runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JJA runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JAS runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2ASO runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2SON runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2OND runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2NDJ runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2DJF runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JanJun runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2FebJul runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2MarAug runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2AprSep runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2MayOct runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JunNov runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JulDec runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2AugJan runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2SepFeb runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2OctMar runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2NovApr runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2DecMay runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JanDec runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jan-Dec,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2FebJan runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Feb-Jan,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2MarFeb runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Mar-Feb,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2AprMar runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Apr-Mar,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2MayApr runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, May-Apr,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JunMay runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jun-May,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2JulJun runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Jul-Jun,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2AugJul runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Aug-Jul,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2SepAug runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Sep-Aug,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2OctSep runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Oct-Sep,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2NovOct runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Nov-Oct,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins ## roR2DecNov runoff, ring width, coefficient of determination, millimeter, Dec-Nov,climate reconstructions; tree ring,,,N,adjusted R2 for 28 individual basins # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # # Data in netCDF files: wise2021seasonal-precip-recons.nc and wise2021seasonal-runoff-recons.nc #