# Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico 280 Year Maximum Temperature Reconstruction #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/31735 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/reconstructions/northamerica/usa/newmexico/sangre2020temp.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data Type: Climate Reconstructions # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: temperature #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2020-10-30 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-10-30 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico 280 Year Maximum Temperature Reconstruction #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Heeter, K.J.; Harley, G.L. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Late summer (August-September) maximum temperature reconstruction for the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, northern New Mexico, USA, 1735-2015 CE, based on tree-ring blue intensity data. # Provided Keywords: temperature reconstruction, blue intensity #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Karen J. Heeter, Grant L. Harley, Justin T. Maxwell, James H. McGee, Trevis J. Matheus # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-09-01 # Published_Title: Late summer temperature variability for the Southern Rocky Mountains (USA) since 1735 CE: applying blue light intensity to low-latitude Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm # Journal_Name: Climatic Change # Volume: 162 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 965-988 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1007/s10584-020-02772-9 # Online_Resource: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-020-02772-9 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Our study examines the application of using blue intensity (BI) methods to develop a late summer maximum temperature (Tmax) reconstruction for the Southern Rocky Mountains - a mid-latitude (i.e., 36N), arid region in North America. We reconstruct August-September (AS) Tmax for the period 1735-2015 CE using a composite latewood BI (LWB) Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.) chronology from multiple sites across the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Northern New Mexico, USA. This study presents the first BI-derived temperature reconstruction for the lower mid-latitudes (30-45N) of North America. We compare the climate response of multiple tree-ring parameters: LWB, earlywood BI (EWB), DeltaBI (earlywood BI minus latewood BI), ring width (RW), and maximum latewood density (MXD). Of all parameters, the site-composite LWB and DeltaBI chronologies show the strongest correlations with AS Tmax. Reconstructed AS Tmax demonstrates fluctuating warm and cool periods during the latter portion of the Little Ice Age (ca. 1730-1850) and pronounced warming through the early to mid-twentieth century (ca. 1920-1950s). The reconstruction also documents substantial warming over the last decade, the trend of which appears to be anomalous within the context of the past ca. 280 years. We highlight the potential for BI methods to be successfully used at high-elevation, mid-latitude locations where temperature proxy datasets are scarce or non-existent. As many places across the mid-latitudes lack contiguous, temporally resolved, decadal-scale paleotemperature proxies, we suggest here that BI methods can be effective at improving the spatial gaps in the Northern Hemisphere temperature proxy network. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Sangre de Cristo Mountains # Location: North America>United States Of America>New Mexico # Country: United States Of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 37 # Southernmost_Latitude: 36 # Easternmost_Longitude: -105 # Westernmost_Longitude: -106 # Elevation: 3600 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Sangre2020MaxTemp # Earliest_Year: 1735 # Most_Recent_Year: 2015 # Time_Unit: Year CE # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## Year age, , , year Common Era, , climate reconstructions; tree rings, , ,N, ## maxT maximum temperature, blue intensity, , degree Celsius, Aug-Sep, climate reconstructions; tree rings,,,N, ## maxT- maximum temperature, blue intensity, 95% confidence interval lower bound, degree Celsius, Aug-Sep, climate reconstructions; tree rings,,,N, ## maxT+ maximum temperature, blue intensity, 95% confidence interval upper bound, degree Celsius, Aug-Sep, climate reconstructions; tree rings,,,N, # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # Year maxT MaxT- MaxT+ 1735 24.631 23.695 25.567 1736 24.415 23.479 25.351 1737 24.226 23.29 25.162 1738 23.902 22.966 24.838 1739 24.064 23.128 25 1740 22.876 21.94 23.812 1741 23.929 22.993 24.865 1742 23.659 22.723 24.595 1743 22.499 21.563 23.435 1744 23.983 23.047 24.919 1745 23.578 22.642 24.514 1746 21.932 20.996 22.868 1747 24.523 23.587 25.459 1748 23.956 23.02 24.892 1749 24.442 23.506 25.378 1750 24.442 23.506 25.378 1751 23.74 22.804 24.676 1752 23.848 22.912 24.784 1753 22.607 21.671 23.543 1754 23.335 22.399 24.271 1755 23.308 22.372 24.244 1756 23.632 22.696 24.568 1757 24.091 23.155 25.027 1758 23.362 22.426 24.298 1759 24.739 23.803 25.675 1760 23.389 22.453 24.325 1761 20.528 19.592 21.464 1762 23.362 22.426 24.298 1763 23.038 22.102 23.974 1764 22.876 21.94 23.812 1765 23.956 23.02 24.892 1766 22.634 21.698 23.57 1767 24.091 23.155 25.027 1768 23.497 22.561 24.433 1769 23.713 22.777 24.649 1770 24.658 23.722 25.594 1771 22.715 21.779 23.651 1772 22.175 21.239 23.111 1773 23.524 22.588 24.46 1774 23.767 22.831 24.703 1775 23.632 22.696 24.568 1776 22.796 21.86 23.732 1777 23.308 22.372 24.244 1778 22.796 21.86 23.732 1779 22.715 21.779 23.651 1780 23.443 22.507 24.379 1781 23.173 22.237 24.109 1782 23.092 22.156 24.028 1783 23.551 22.615 24.487 1784 22.93 21.994 23.866 1785 22.876 21.94 23.812 1786 22.31 21.374 23.246 1787 23.821 22.885 24.757 1788 23.902 22.966 24.838 1789 23.47 22.534 24.406 1790 23.875 22.939 24.811 1791 22.957 22.021 23.893 1792 24.01 23.074 24.946 1793 23.119 22.183 24.055 1794 24.253 23.317 25.189 1795 22.634 21.698 23.57 1796 23.47 22.534 24.406 1797 24.334 23.398 25.27 1798 24.442 23.506 25.378 1799 23.929 22.993 24.865 1800 22.769 21.833 23.705 1801 24.253 23.317 25.189 1802 24.064 23.128 25 1803 24.064 23.128 25 1804 23.956 23.02 24.892 1805 21.689 20.753 22.625 1806 23.497 22.561 24.433 1807 23.929 22.993 24.865 1808 21.554 20.618 22.49 1809 24.253 23.317 25.189 1810 21.851 20.915 22.787 1811 21.635 20.699 22.571 1812 22.337 21.401 23.273 1813 23.362 22.426 24.298 1814 24.388 23.452 25.324 1815 23.281 22.345 24.217 1816 21.959 21.023 22.895 1817 23.308 22.372 24.244 1818 21.446 20.51 22.382 1819 22.499 21.563 23.435 1820 22.229 21.293 23.165 1821 23.659 22.723 24.595 1822 22.796 21.86 23.732 1823 23.335 22.399 24.271 1824 25.009 24.073 25.945 1825 25.198 24.262 26.134 1826 24.577 23.641 25.513 1827 22.607 21.671 23.543 1828 20.798 19.862 21.734 1829 22.957 22.021 23.893 1830 23.335 22.399 24.271 1831 19.61 18.674 20.546 1832 21.959 21.023 22.895 1833 23.119 22.183 24.055 1834 23.578 22.642 24.514 1835 23.335 22.399 24.271 1836 22.526 21.59 23.462 1837 23.848 22.912 24.784 1838 22.661 21.725 23.597 1839 22.31 21.374 23.246 1840 23.281 22.345 24.217 1841 23.551 22.615 24.487 1842 23.011 22.075 23.947 1843 23.443 22.507 24.379 1844 23.011 22.075 23.947 1845 23.173 22.237 24.109 1846 24.307 23.371 25.243 1847 22.742 21.806 23.678 1848 24.334 23.398 25.27 1849 24.469 23.533 25.405 1850 24.118 23.182 25.054 1851 23.686 22.75 24.622 1852 23.47 22.534 24.406 1853 24.253 23.317 25.189 1854 23.011 22.075 23.947 1855 23.929 22.993 24.865 1856 25.117 24.181 26.053 1857 23.929 22.993 24.865 1858 22.337 21.401 23.273 1859 23.551 22.615 24.487 1860 24.307 23.371 25.243 1861 24.199 23.263 25.135 1862 24.658 23.722 25.594 1863 24.82 23.884 25.756 1864 24.442 23.506 25.378 1865 24.253 23.317 25.189 1866 21.392 20.456 22.328 1867 23.686 22.75 24.622 1868 21.23 20.294 22.166 1869 24.01 23.074 24.946 1870 23.632 22.696 24.568 1871 24.496 23.56 25.432 1872 22.526 21.59 23.462 1873 23.254 22.318 24.19 1874 24.415 23.479 25.351 1875 24.334 23.398 25.27 1876 23.929 22.993 24.865 1877 23.092 22.156 24.028 1878 24.091 23.155 25.027 1879 24.739 23.803 25.675 1880 22.229 21.293 23.165 1881 24.172 23.236 25.108 1882 21.338 20.402 22.274 1883 23.686 22.75 24.622 1884 20.906 19.97 21.842 1885 23.146 22.21 24.082 1886 23.713 22.777 24.649 1887 24.037 23.101 24.973 1888 23.551 22.615 24.487 1889 24.766 23.83 25.702 1890 24.712 23.776 25.648 1891 24.415 23.479 25.351 1892 23.686 22.75 24.622 1893 23.065 22.129 24.001 1894 23.848 22.912 24.784 1895 23.821 22.885 24.757 1896 23.794 22.858 24.73 1897 24.442 23.506 25.378 1898 24.334 23.398 25.27 1899 24.793 23.857 25.729 1900 25.306 24.37 26.242 1901 24.982 24.046 25.918 1902 25.279 24.343 26.215 1903 24.658 23.722 25.594 1904 23.875 22.939 24.811 1905 24.307 23.371 25.243 1906 22.796 21.86 23.732 1907 22.607 21.671 23.543 1908 22.688 21.752 23.624 1909 21.932 20.996 22.868 1910 24.766 23.83 25.702 1911 23.848 22.912 24.784 1912 23.605 22.669 24.541 1913 23.335 22.399 24.271 1914 23.605 22.669 24.541 1915 24.01 23.074 24.946 1916 24.064 23.128 25 1917 24.226 23.29 25.162 1918 23.794 22.858 24.73 1919 25.495 24.559 26.431 1920 22.472 21.536 23.408 1921 23.794 22.858 24.73 1922 24.415 23.479 25.351 1923 23.092 22.156 24.028 1924 26.116 25.18 27.052 1925 24.577 23.641 25.513 1926 26.008 25.072 26.944 1927 24.199 23.263 25.135 1928 23.173 22.237 24.109 1929 22.391 21.455 23.327 1930 23.902 22.966 24.838 1931 24.442 23.506 25.378 1932 24.847 23.911 25.783 1933 24.145 23.209 25.081 1934 24.982 24.046 25.918 1935 23.551 22.615 24.487 1936 25.9 24.964 26.836 1937 24.766 23.83 25.702 1938 24.739 23.803 25.675 1939 25.846 24.91 26.782 1940 23.956 23.02 24.892 1941 23.389 22.453 24.325 1942 25.468 24.532 26.404 1943 25.09 24.154 26.026 1944 25.198 24.262 26.134 1945 25.549 24.613 26.485 1946 24.901 23.965 25.837 1947 25.225 24.289 26.161 1948 25.306 24.37 26.242 1949 24.766 23.83 25.702 1950 24.307 23.371 25.243 1951 25.306 24.37 26.242 1952 24.874 23.938 25.81 1953 25.657 24.721 26.593 1954 25.846 24.91 26.782 1955 23.794 22.858 24.73 1956 23.875 22.939 24.811 1957 21.284 20.348 22.22 1958 25.306 24.37 26.242 1959 23.794 22.858 24.73 1960 25.414 24.478 26.35 1961 22.715 21.779 23.651 1962 25.063 24.127 25.999 1963 24.388 23.452 25.324 1964 23.605 22.669 24.541 1965 21.635 20.699 22.571 1966 23.902 22.966 24.838 1967 21.365 20.429 22.301 1968 21.851 20.915 22.787 1969 25.441 24.505 26.377 1970 24.469 23.533 25.405 1971 21.932 20.996 22.868 1972 23.956 23.02 24.892 1973 23.011 22.075 23.947 1974 22.715 21.779 23.651 1975 22.013 21.077 22.949 1976 23.605 22.669 24.541 1977 23.713 22.777 24.649 1978 23.065 22.129 24.001 1979 23.038 22.102 23.974 1980 24.172 23.236 25.108 1981 23.173 22.237 24.109 1982 23.308 22.372 24.244 1983 23.632 22.696 24.568 1984 23.092 22.156 24.028 1985 23.956 23.02 24.892 1986 23.254 22.318 24.19 1987 23.038 22.102 23.974 1988 22.013 21.077 22.949 1989 23.47 22.534 24.406 1990 21.338 20.402 22.274 1991 21.932 20.996 22.868 1992 23.308 22.372 24.244 1993 21.905 20.969 22.841 1994 23.767 22.831 24.703 1995 22.283 21.347 23.219 1996 23.74 22.804 24.676 1997 22.283 21.347 23.219 1998 22.661 21.725 23.597 1999 22.094 21.158 23.03 2000 23.902 22.966 24.838 2001 23.47 22.534 24.406 2002 23.848 22.912 24.784 2003 20.933 19.997 21.869 2004 22.121 21.185 23.057 2005 22.607 21.671 23.543 2006 21.527 20.591 22.463 2007 23.524 22.588 24.46 2008 21.608 20.672 22.544 2009 23.038 22.102 23.974 2010 23.092 22.156 24.028 2011 23.497 22.561 24.433 2012 23.659 22.723 24.595 2013 24.361 23.425 25.297 2014 24.54 23.604 25.476 2015 25.635 24.699 26.571