# Pohl et al. 2003 Saltillo Cool Season Precipitation Reconstruction 1782-2000 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), # and date accessed when using these downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/6308 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-recon-6308.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Climate Reconstructions # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: Precipitation Reconstruction #------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/reconstructions/mexico/saltillo_precip-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Precipitation Reconstruction Data # # Original_Source_URL: # Original_Source_Description: # #------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2003-12-01 #------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2022-03-31 #------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Pohl et al. 2003 Saltillo Cool Season Precipitation Reconstruction 1782-2000 #------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Pohl, K.A.; Therrell, M.D.; Blay, J.S.; Ayotte, N.; Hernandez, J.J.C.; Diaz Castro, S.; Cornejo Oviedo, E.H.; Elvir, J.A.; Elizondo, M.G.; Opland, D.; Park, J.; Pederson, G.T.; Salazar, S.B.; Selem, L.V.; Diaz, J.V.; Stahle, D.W. #------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Reconstruction of January-June total precipitation (mm) at Saltillo in Coahuila, Mexico. Reconstruction based on earlywood width, residual chronology from Las Alazanas, Coahuila, Mexico Douglas-fir tree ring site, approximately 55km southeast of Saltillo in the Sierra Madre Oriental. (Lat= 25-17', Lon= 100-30'W, Elev= 3200m.) Three separate reconstructionsare presented, using different instrumental calibration time intervals: 1950-1998, 1977-1998, and 1950-1976. Available instrumental data from Saltillo presented in column 5. #------------------- # Publication # Authors: Pohl, K., M.D. Therrell, J.S. Blay, N. Ayotte, J.J.C. Hernandez, S.D. Castro, E.C. Oviedo, J.A. Elvir, M.G. Elizondo, D. Opland, J. Park, G. Pederson, S.B. Salazar, L.V. Selem, J.V. Diaz, and D.W. Stahle # Journal_Name: Tree-Ring Research # Published_Title: A cool season precipitation reconstruction for Saltillo, Mexico # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003-01-01 # Volume: 59 # Issue: 1 # Pages: 11-19 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees were sampled in the Sierra Madre Oriental of northeastern Mexico and used to develop a 219-year chronology of earlywood width. This chronology is correlated with monthly precipitation totals from January to June at Saltillo some 55 km northwest of the collection site. The chronology was used to reconstruct winter-spring precipitation (January-June total) from 1782-2000. The reconstruction indicates large interannual, decadal, and multidecadal variability in winter-spring precipitation over Saltillo. This variability is vaguely apparent in the short and discontinuous instrumental record from 1950-1998, with January-June totals ranging from 15 to 310 mm, multiyear droughts, and a negative trend in January-June precipitation over the last 50 years. The reconstruction indicates that severe dryness was prevalent over a 24-year period from 1857-1880. This mid-19th century drought exceeds the duration of any droughts witnessed during the 20th century. However, three episodes of winter-spring dryness have prevailed in the Saltillo region after 1950, a much higher frequency of decadal drought than estimated over the past 219 years and aggravating the regional water supply problems associated with this booming manufacturing and ranching center. #------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant_Number: #------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Las Alazanas # Location: Coahuila de Zaragoza # Northernmost_Latitude: 25.283333 # Southernmost_Latitude: 25.283333 # Easternmost_Longitude: -100.5 # Westernmost_Longitude: -100.5 # Elevation_m: 3200 #------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: precip_pohl2003 # First_Year: 1782 # Last_Year: 2000 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: reconstructions # Notes: #------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Variables format: shortname what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method, C(har) or N(umeric) data,additional information # ## age age,,,year Common Era,,climate reconstructions;tree ring,,,N, ## precipr1 precipitation,ring width,,millimeter,Jan-Jun,climate reconstructions;tree ring,,,N,"based on earlywood width; Reconstructed precipitation (mm) calibrated 1950-98, 11 years missing equation Yhat=-27.29+(162.52*EW)" ## precipr2 precipitation,ring width,,millimeter,Jan-Jun,climate reconstructions;tree ring,,,N,based on earlywood width; Reconstructed precipitation (mm) calibrated 1977-98; 2 years missing; equation Yhat=-56.92+(178.55*EW) ## precipr3 precipitation,ring width,,millimeter,Jan-Jun,climate reconstructions;tree ring,,,N,based on earlywood width; Reconstructed precipitation (mm) calibrated 1950-76; 9 years missing; equation Yhat=-17.04+(167.40*EW) ## precipobs precipitation,,,millimeter,Jan-Jun,instrumental,,,N,"Observed precipitation Jan-Jun, 1948-98, 12 yrs missing" #------------------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values: NA age precipr1 precipr2 precipr3 precipobs 1782 93.46 75.74 107.34 NA 1783 129.05 114.85 144.00 NA 1784 129.05 114.85 144.00 NA 1785 132.63 118.77 147.68 NA 1786 106.63 90.21 120.90 NA 1787 130.03 115.92 145.00 NA 1788 170.98 160.91 187.19 NA 1789 133.60 119.84 148.69 NA 1790 188.05 179.66 204.77 NA 1791 187.07 178.59 203.76 NA 1792 152.94 141.09 168.61 NA 1793 94.93 77.35 108.84 NA 1794 139.29 126.09 154.55 NA 1795 135.07 121.45 150.19 NA 1796 196.18 188.59 213.14 NA 1797 90.21 72.17 103.99 NA 1798 121.90 106.99 136.63 NA 1799 144.66 131.99 160.07 NA 1800 189.84 181.62 206.61 NA 1801 53.64 32.00 66.33 NA 1802 83.22 64.49 96.79 NA 1803 155.87 144.31 171.62 NA 1804 92.97 75.21 106.84 NA 1805 80.46 61.46 93.95 NA 1806 102.56 85.74 116.71 NA 1807 135.07 121.45 150.19 NA 1808 114.75 99.13 129.27 NA 1809 165.13 154.48 181.16 NA 1810 185.12 176.44 201.75 NA 1811 70.38 50.39 83.57 NA 1812 115.24 99.67 129.77 NA 1813 178.46 169.12 194.89 NA 1814 132.30 118.42 147.35 NA 1815 208.36 201.98 225.69 NA 1816 185.29 176.62 201.92 NA 1817 159.12 147.88 174.97 NA 1818 144.49 131.81 159.90 NA 1819 40.48 17.54 52.77 NA 1820 151.97 140.02 167.60 NA 1821 147.09 134.66 162.58 NA 1822 129.87 115.74 144.84 NA 1823 156.68 145.20 172.46 NA 1824 204.95 198.23 222.17 NA 1825 209.66 203.41 227.03 NA 1826 96.55 79.14 110.52 NA 1827 229.33 225.01 247.28 NA 1828 85.99 67.53 99.64 NA 1829 215.03 209.30 232.55 NA 1830 114.10 98.42 128.60 NA 1831 135.56 121.99 150.69 NA 1832 193.74 185.91 210.62 NA 1833 112.96 97.17 127.43 NA 1834 131.65 117.70 146.68 NA 1835 130.52 116.45 145.51 NA 1836 192.92 185.02 209.79 NA 1837 155.55 143.95 171.29 NA 1838 77.05 57.71 90.43 NA 1839 179.92 170.73 196.40 NA 1840 152.13 140.20 167.77 NA 1841 176.51 166.98 192.88 NA 1842 135.88 122.34 151.03 NA 1843 145.79 133.24 161.24 NA 1844 133.77 120.02 148.85 NA 1845 157.50 146.09 173.29 NA 1846 120.93 105.92 135.63 NA 1847 159.28 148.06 175.14 NA 1848 184.64 175.91 201.25 NA 1849 45.36 22.89 57.79 NA 1850 180.09 170.91 196.56 NA 1851 101.91 85.03 116.04 NA 1852 173.10 163.23 189.36 NA 1853 108.58 92.35 122.91 NA 1854 90.21 72.17 103.99 NA 1855 194.22 186.44 211.13 NA 1856 166.60 156.09 182.67 NA 1857 109.88 93.78 124.25 NA 1858 168.22 157.88 184.34 NA 1859 116.38 100.92 130.94 NA 1860 52.51 30.75 65.15 NA 1861 172.93 163.05 189.20 NA 1862 44.06 21.46 56.45 NA 1863 81.76 62.89 95.29 NA 1864 145.79 133.24 161.24 NA 1865 122.55 107.70 137.30 NA 1866 111.50 95.56 125.92 NA 1867 118.33 103.06 132.95 NA 1868 48.44 26.28 60.97 NA 1869 168.87 158.59 185.01 NA 1870 136.53 123.06 151.70 NA 1871 51.86 30.03 64.48 NA 1872 85.34 66.82 98.97 NA 1873 80.30 61.28 93.78 NA 1874 116.87 101.45 131.44 NA 1875 114.10 98.42 128.60 NA 1876 134.58 120.92 149.69 NA 1877 140.27 127.17 155.55 NA 1878 89.72 71.64 103.49 NA 1879 87.94 69.67 101.65 NA 1880 61.45 40.57 74.36 NA 1881 179.27 170.02 195.73 NA 1882 144.82 132.16 160.24 NA 1883 139.46 126.27 154.71 NA 1884 101.10 84.13 115.21 NA 1885 183.66 174.84 200.25 NA 1886 134.25 120.56 149.36 NA 1887 91.84 73.96 105.66 NA 1888 181.06 171.98 197.57 NA 1889 143.03 130.20 158.40 NA 1890 74.12 54.50 87.42 NA 1891 150.67 138.59 166.26 NA 1892 133.44 119.67 148.52 NA 1893 69.57 49.50 82.73 NA 1894 98.50 81.28 112.53 NA 1895 196.99 189.48 213.97 NA 1896 182.04 173.05 198.57 NA 1897 149.04 136.81 164.59 NA 1898 60.31 39.32 73.19 NA 1899 152.78 140.91 168.44 NA 1900 117.68 102.35 132.28 NA 1901 104.03 87.35 118.22 NA 1902 69.90 49.85 83.07 NA 1903 129.54 115.38 144.50 NA 1904 137.67 124.31 152.87 NA 1905 182.69 173.77 199.24 NA 1906 205.76 199.12 223.01 NA 1907 94.76 77.17 108.68 NA 1908 123.20 108.42 137.97 NA 1909 81.76 62.89 95.29 NA 1910 139.46 126.27 154.71 NA 1911 166.60 156.09 182.67 NA 1912 168.71 158.41 184.84 NA 1913 196.99 189.48 213.97 NA 1914 209.83 203.58 227.20 NA 1915 149.04 136.81 164.59 NA 1916 46.01 23.61 58.46 NA 1917 50.39 28.43 62.98 NA 1918 151.81 139.84 167.43 NA 1919 145.79 133.24 161.24 NA 1920 130.19 116.09 145.17 NA 1921 105.33 88.78 119.56 NA 1922 75.59 56.10 88.92 NA 1923 162.53 151.63 178.48 NA 1924 170.33 160.20 186.52 NA 1925 118.65 103.42 133.29 NA 1926 224.13 219.30 241.93 NA 1927 122.39 107.52 137.14 NA 1928 102.40 85.56 116.55 NA 1929 48.12 25.93 60.63 NA 1930 190.81 182.69 207.61 NA 1931 230.95 226.80 248.96 NA 1932 60.15 39.14 73.02 NA 1933 62.42 41.64 75.36 NA 1934 173.58 163.77 189.87 NA 1935 168.71 158.41 184.84 NA 1936 182.69 173.77 199.24 NA 1937 174.23 164.48 190.54 NA 1938 108.74 92.53 123.07 NA 1939 113.61 97.88 128.10 NA 1940 141.41 128.41 156.72 NA 1941 159.93 148.77 175.80 NA 1942 138.16 124.84 153.37 NA 1943 146.77 134.31 162.25 NA 1944 172.28 162.34 188.53 NA 1945 121.58 106.63 136.30 NA 1946 191.30 183.23 208.11 NA 1947 177.32 167.87 193.72 NA 1948 110.53 94.49 124.92 146.70 1949 204.46 197.69 221.67 NA 1950 156.68 145.20 172.46 175.40 1951 176.84 167.34 193.21 99.00 1952 139.94 126.81 155.21 209.50 1953 101.26 84.31 115.37 45.90 1954 108.09 91.81 122.40 89.70 1955 111.99 96.10 126.42 70.30 1956 122.88 108.06 137.64 105.20 1957 71.03 51.10 84.24 101.50 1958 134.74 121.09 149.86 168.50 1959 167.57 157.16 183.67 289.20 1960 86.96 68.60 100.64 150.60 1961 106.95 90.56 121.23 NA 1962 77.86 58.60 91.27 NA 1963 131.98 118.06 147.01 NA 1964 137.51 124.13 152.70 NA 1965 156.03 144.48 171.79 NA 1966 222.99 218.05 240.76 NA 1967 155.55 143.95 171.29 NA 1968 169.36 159.13 185.51 NA 1969 95.58 78.06 109.51 NA 1970 141.57 128.59 156.89 119.00 1971 117.84 102.53 132.45 139.50 1972 115.08 99.49 129.60 144.00 1973 103.21 86.46 117.38 174.50 1974 59.50 38.43 72.35 34.50 1975 70.38 50.39 83.57 103.20 1976 110.20 94.13 124.58 138.50 1977 107.76 91.46 122.07 102.00 1978 158.31 146.98 174.13 125.00 1979 131.33 117.34 146.34 85.50 1980 79.65 60.57 93.11 52.00 1981 199.10 191.80 216.15 307.40 1982 116.38 100.92 130.94 NA 1983 130.52 116.45 145.51 150.50 1984 93.30 75.56 107.17 NA 1985 161.88 150.91 177.81 171.50 1986 154.24 142.52 169.95 170.50 1987 197.15 189.66 214.14 202.40 1988 131.49 117.52 146.51 115.00 1989 47.47 25.21 59.96 14.00 1990 196.83 189.30 213.80 135.00 1991 103.86 87.17 118.05 105.30 1992 199.59 192.34 216.65 179.90 1993 142.22 129.31 157.56 144.10 1994 171.47 161.45 187.69 96.00 1995 85.50 66.99 99.14 29.70 1996 97.69 80.38 111.69 93.00 1997 258.75 257.33 277.58 228.10 1998 48.61 26.46 61.14 34.30 1999 92.16 74.31 106.00 NA 2000 130.68 116.63 145.67 NA