# Inner East Asia 250 Year Temperature Extremes and Soil Moisture Reconstructions #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/32198 # Description: # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/reconstructions/asia/east-asia2020temp-extremes.txt # Description: # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data_Type: Climate Reconstructions # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: air temperature #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-01-04 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-01-04 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Inner East Asia 250 Year Temperature Extremes and Soil Moisture Reconstructions #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Zhang, P.; Jeong, J.-H.; Yoon, J.-H.; Kim, H.; Wang, S.-Y.S.; Linderholm, H.W.; Fang, K.; Wu, X.; Chen, D. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: temperature extremes, tree-ring width, scale-dependent, inner East Asia #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Peng Zhang, Jee-Hoon Jeong, Jin-Ho Yoon, Hyungjun Kim, S.-Y. Simon Wang, Hans W. Linderholm, Keyan Fang, Xiuchen Wu, Deliang Chen # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-11-27 # Published_Title: Abrupt shift to hotter and drier climate over inner East Asia beyond the tipping point # Journal_Name: Science # Volume: 370 # Edition: # Issue: 6520 # Pages: 1095-1099 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1126/science.abb3368 # Online_Resource: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6520/1095 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Unprecedented heatwave-drought concurrences in the past two decades have been reported over inner East Asia. Tree-ring-based reconstructions of heatwaves and soil moisture for the past 260 years reveal an abrupt shift to hotter and drier climate over this region. Enhanced land-atmosphere coupling, associated with persistent soil moisture deficit, appears to intensify surface warming and anticyclonic circulation anomalies, fueling heatwaves that exacerbate soil drying. Our analysis demonstrates that the magnitude of the warm and dry anomalies compounding in the recent two decades is unprecedented over the quarter of a millennium, and this trend clearly exceeds the natural variability range. The "hockey stick"-like change warns that the warming and drying concurrence is potentially irreversible beyond a tipping point in the East Asian climate system. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Inner East Asia # Location: Asia>Eastern Asia # Northernmost_Latitude: 52 # Southernmost_Latitude: 40 # Easternmost_Longitude: 120 # Westernmost_Longitude: 86 # Elevation: #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: InnerEastAsiaTemperatureExtremes # Earliest_Year: 1750 # Most_Recent_Year: 2002 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: This dataset contains the reconstruction on 2-4 year timescale and the reconstruction on >4 year timescale. #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # variables format: shortname what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method,data_format,additional_information) # ## Year age,,,year Common Era,,climate reconstructions; tree rings,,,N, ## CNo_RecSC24 number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N,Number of chronology used in the reconstruction on 2-4 year timescale ## RecSC24 maximum temperature,ring width,,count per month,Jul-Aug,climate reconstructions;tree ring,anomalized,regression analysis,N,extreme high temperature days reconstruction on 2-4 year timescale based on multi-tree-species (see supplementary materials of the associated publication for more information);anomaly relative to the mean over 1979-1988;nested;linear regression ## UncerRecSC24 maximum temperature,ring width,two root mean square error,count per month,Jul-Aug,climate reconstructions;tree ring,,,N, 2 * root-mean-square error of the reconstruction on 2-4 year timescale ## CNo_RecSCa4 number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N,Number of chronology used in the reconstruction on above_4 year timescale ## RecSCa4 maximum temperature,ring width,,count per month,Jul-Aug,climate reconstructions;tree ring,anomalized,regression analysis,N,Reconstruction on above_4 year timescale based on multi-tree-species (see supplementary materials of the associated publication for more information);anomaly relative to the mean over 1979-1988;nested;linear regression ## UncerRecSCa4 maximum temperature,ring width,two root mean square error,count per month,Jul-Aug,climate reconstructions;tree ring,,,N,2 * root-mean-square error of the reconstruction on above_4 year timescale ## CNo_Rec number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N,Number of chronology used in the reconstruction ## Rec maximum temperature,ring width,,count per month,Jul-Aug,climate reconstructions;tree ring,anomalized,regression analysis,N,Reconstruction (2-4 year timescale + above_4 year timescale) based on multi-tree-species (see supplementary materials of the associated publication for more information);anomaly relative to the mean over 1979-1988;scale-dependent;nested;linear regression ## UncerRec maximum temperature,ring width,two root mean square error,count per month,Jul-Aug,climate reconstructions;tree ring,,,N, 2 * root-mean-square error of the reconstruction calculated as sqrt(rmseSC24^2 + rmseSCab4^2) # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: # Year CNo_RecSC24 RecSC24 UncerRecSC24 CNo_RecSCa4 RecSCa4 UncerRecSCa4 CNo_Rec Rec UncerRec 1750 5 -1.107 1.914 3 -7.800 2.062 8 -8.907 2.814 1751 5 0.920 1.914 3 -7.594 2.062 8 -6.674 2.814 1752 5 1.291 1.914 3 -7.449 2.062 8 -6.158 2.814 1753 5 0.013 1.914 3 -7.660 2.062 8 -7.647 2.814 1754 5 -1.921 1.914 4 -8.781 1.606 9 -10.702 2.498 1755 5 1.294 1.914 4 -8.345 1.606 9 -7.050 2.498 1756 5 -0.178 1.914 4 -8.157 1.606 9 -8.335 2.498 1757 5 0.363 1.914 4 -8.223 1.606 9 -7.860 2.498 1758 5 -1.123 1.914 4 -8.268 1.606 9 -9.391 2.498 1759 5 2.004 1.914 4 -8.869 1.606 9 -6.866 2.498 1760 5 -1.724 1.914 4 -9.754 1.606 9 -11.478 2.498 1761 5 -0.265 1.914 4 -9.783 1.606 9 -10.048 2.498 1762 5 1.331 1.914 4 -8.745 1.606 9 -7.414 2.498 1763 5 0.754 1.914 4 -7.451 1.606 9 -6.696 2.498 1764 5 -1.950 1.914 4 -6.427 1.606 9 -8.377 2.498 1765 5 1.773 1.914 4 -5.873 1.606 9 -4.100 2.498 1766 5 -1.391 1.914 4 -5.879 1.606 9 -7.270 2.498 1767 5 1.033 1.914 4 -6.559 1.606 9 -5.526 2.498 1768 5 -0.525 1.914 4 -6.872 1.606 9 -7.396 2.498 1769 5 -0.669 1.914 4 -6.127 1.606 9 -6.796 2.498 1770 5 1.661 1.914 4 -5.219 1.606 9 -3.558 2.498 1771 5 0.114 1.914 4 -5.134 1.606 9 -5.020 2.498 1772 5 -2.182 1.914 4 -5.807 1.606 9 -7.989 2.498 1773 5 1.809 1.914 4 -6.941 1.606 9 -5.132 2.498 1774 5 0.065 1.914 4 -8.122 1.606 9 -8.057 2.498 1775 5 -0.248 1.914 4 -8.812 1.606 9 -9.060 2.498 1776 5 -0.285 1.914 4 -8.187 1.606 9 -8.472 2.498 1777 5 0.626 1.914 4 -6.763 1.606 9 -6.137 2.498 1778 5 -0.509 1.914 4 -5.770 1.606 9 -6.280 2.498 1779 5 0.262 1.914 4 -5.037 1.606 9 -4.775 2.498 1780 5 0.082 1.914 4 -3.999 1.606 9 -3.917 2.498 1781 5 0.524 1.914 4 -3.484 1.606 9 -2.960 2.498 1782 5 0.356 1.914 4 -4.287 1.606 9 -3.932 2.498 1783 5 -0.475 1.914 4 -6.101 1.606 9 -6.576 2.498 1784 5 0.469 1.914 4 -7.541 1.606 9 -7.072 2.498 1785 5 -0.457 1.914 4 -7.928 1.606 9 -8.384 2.498 1786 5 1.315 1.914 4 -8.122 1.606 9 -6.807 2.498 1787 5 0.054 1.914 4 -8.571 1.606 9 -8.517 2.498 1788 5 -1.236 1.914 4 -8.599 1.606 9 -9.835 2.498 1789 5 0.585 1.914 4 -7.358 1.606 9 -6.773 2.498 1790 5 2.137 1.914 4 -5.491 1.606 9 -3.355 2.498 1791 5 -0.708 1.914 4 -4.381 1.606 9 -5.089 2.498 1792 5 -1.049 1.914 4 -4.374 1.606 9 -5.423 2.498 1793 5 0.513 1.914 4 -5.060 1.606 9 -4.547 2.498 1794 5 0.213 1.914 4 -6.355 1.606 9 -6.141 2.498 1795 5 0.640 1.914 4 -8.153 1.606 9 -7.513 2.498 1796 5 -0.961 1.914 4 -9.780 1.606 9 -10.742 2.498 1797 5 -0.003 1.914 4 -10.516 1.606 9 -10.519 2.498 1798 5 1.387 1.914 4 -10.089 1.606 9 -8.702 2.498 1799 5 0.612 1.914 4 -9.278 1.606 9 -8.665 2.498 1800 5 -1.186 1.914 4 -8.161 1.606 9 -9.347 2.498 1801 5 1.654 1.914 4 -6.592 1.606 9 -4.938 2.498 1802 5 -0.809 1.914 4 -4.765 1.606 9 -5.574 2.498 1803 5 0.358 1.914 4 -3.551 1.606 9 -3.193 2.498 1804 5 1.188 1.914 4 -3.684 1.606 9 -2.496 2.498 1805 5 -1.455 1.914 4 -4.646 1.606 9 -6.100 2.498 1806 5 0.337 1.914 4 -5.548 1.606 9 -5.211 2.498 1807 5 -0.042 1.914 4 -6.104 1.606 9 -6.146 2.498 1808 5 -0.303 1.914 4 -6.307 1.606 9 -6.610 2.498 1809 5 -0.368 1.914 4 -5.972 1.606 9 -6.340 2.498 1810 5 0.233 1.914 4 -5.282 1.606 9 -5.049 2.498 1811 5 0.964 1.914 4 -4.947 1.606 9 -3.983 2.498 1812 5 -0.040 1.914 4 -5.399 1.606 9 -5.439 2.498 1813 5 -2.442 1.914 4 -6.208 1.606 9 -8.651 2.498 1814 5 1.520 1.914 4 -6.599 1.606 9 -5.079 2.498 1815 5 0.761 1.914 4 -6.259 1.606 9 -5.498 2.498 1816 5 1.753 1.914 4 -5.554 1.606 9 -3.801 2.498 1817 5 0.937 1.914 4 -5.137 1.606 9 -4.200 2.498 1818 5 -1.088 1.914 4 -5.318 1.606 9 -6.406 2.498 1819 5 -0.898 1.914 4 -5.729 1.606 9 -6.627 2.498 1820 5 1.122 1.914 4 -5.823 1.606 9 -4.700 2.498 1821 5 0.815 1.914 4 -5.540 1.606 9 -4.725 2.498 1822 5 -0.635 1.914 4 -5.315 1.606 9 -5.950 2.498 1823 5 1.140 1.914 4 -5.556 1.606 9 -4.417 2.498 1824 5 -0.980 1.914 4 -6.182 1.606 9 -7.161 2.498 1825 5 -0.224 1.914 4 -6.814 1.606 9 -7.038 2.498 1826 5 0.505 1.914 4 -6.909 1.606 9 -6.404 2.498 1827 5 -0.894 1.914 4 -6.201 1.606 9 -7.095 2.498 1828 5 -0.058 1.914 4 -5.078 1.606 9 -5.135 2.498 1829 5 0.079 1.914 4 -4.069 1.606 9 -3.989 2.498 1830 5 0.160 1.914 4 -3.578 1.606 9 -3.418 2.498 1831 5 0.262 1.914 4 -3.701 1.606 9 -3.438 2.498 1832 5 -0.520 1.914 4 -4.151 1.606 9 -4.670 2.498 1833 5 -0.414 1.914 4 -4.726 1.606 9 -5.140 2.498 1834 5 1.013 1.914 4 -5.670 1.606 9 -4.657 2.498 1835 5 -0.483 1.914 4 -6.514 1.606 9 -6.998 2.498 1836 5 -2.086 1.914 4 -6.514 1.606 9 -8.600 2.498 1837 5 1.622 1.914 4 -5.939 1.606 9 -4.317 2.498 1838 5 1.275 1.914 4 -5.646 1.606 9 -4.371 2.498 1839 5 -0.216 1.914 4 -6.451 1.606 9 -6.667 2.498 1840 5 -2.165 1.914 4 -7.475 1.606 9 -9.640 2.498 1841 5 1.264 1.914 4 -7.896 1.606 9 -6.632 2.498 1842 5 -0.913 1.914 4 -8.199 1.606 9 -9.111 2.498 1843 6 0.413 1.872 4 -8.071 1.606 10 -7.658 2.466 1844 6 -0.026 1.872 4 -7.103 1.606 10 -7.129 2.466 1845 6 -0.650 1.872 4 -5.610 1.606 10 -6.260 2.466 1846 6 1.559 1.872 4 -5.230 1.606 10 -3.671 2.466 1847 6 -0.842 1.872 4 -6.062 1.606 10 -6.904 2.466 1848 6 0.764 1.872 4 -6.734 1.606 10 -5.970 2.466 1849 6 -0.362 1.872 4 -7.259 1.606 10 -7.621 2.466 1850 6 -0.434 1.872 4 -8.188 1.606 10 -8.621 2.466 1851 6 0.256 1.872 4 -8.637 1.606 10 -8.381 2.466 1852 6 -0.021 1.872 4 -7.699 1.606 10 -7.720 2.466 1853 6 2.041 1.872 4 -6.821 1.606 10 -4.780 2.466 1854 6 -1.792 1.872 4 -7.142 1.606 10 -8.934 2.466 1855 6 -0.123 1.872 4 -7.774 1.606 10 -7.896 2.466 1856 6 0.904 1.872 4 -7.776 1.606 10 -6.873 2.466 1857 6 2.012 1.872 4 -7.093 1.606 10 -5.081 2.466 1858 6 -0.179 1.872 4 -6.177 1.606 10 -6.357 2.466 1859 6 -1.957 1.872 4 -5.059 1.606 10 -7.016 2.466 1860 6 1.999 1.872 4 -3.772 1.606 10 -1.773 2.466 1861 6 -1.016 1.872 4 -3.126 1.606 10 -4.142 2.466 1862 6 0.427 1.872 4 -3.904 1.606 10 -3.477 2.466 1863 6 -0.355 1.872 4 -5.390 1.606 10 -5.745 2.466 1864 6 0.365 1.872 4 -6.381 1.606 10 -6.016 2.466 1865 6 1.910 1.872 4 -6.311 1.606 10 -4.401 2.466 1866 6 -0.439 1.872 4 -5.459 1.606 10 -5.898 2.466 1867 6 -2.153 1.872 4 -4.589 1.606 10 -6.742 2.466 1868 6 0.693 1.872 4 -4.483 1.606 10 -3.789 2.466 1869 6 0.781 1.872 4 -5.343 1.606 10 -4.563 2.466 1870 6 -0.903 1.872 4 -6.683 1.606 10 -7.585 2.466 1871 6 0.588 1.872 4 -7.635 1.606 10 -7.047 2.466 1872 6 -1.004 1.872 4 -7.673 1.606 10 -8.677 2.466 1873 6 0.745 1.872 4 -7.241 1.606 10 -6.496 2.466 1874 6 0.555 1.872 4 -6.962 1.606 10 -6.407 2.466 1875 6 -0.457 1.872 4 -6.578 1.606 10 -7.035 2.466 1876 6 -1.044 1.872 4 -5.427 1.606 10 -6.472 2.466 1877 6 1.132 1.872 4 -3.967 1.606 10 -2.835 2.466 1878 6 -0.788 1.872 4 -3.230 1.606 10 -4.018 2.466 1879 6 -0.059 1.872 4 -3.330 1.606 10 -3.389 2.466 1880 6 0.215 1.872 4 -4.158 1.606 10 -3.943 2.466 1881 6 2.493 1.872 4 -5.378 1.606 10 -2.885 2.466 1882 6 -1.189 1.872 4 -6.639 1.606 10 -7.828 2.466 1883 6 1.098 1.872 4 -8.107 1.606 10 -7.009 2.466 1884 6 -1.631 1.872 4 -9.535 1.606 10 -11.167 2.466 1885 6 1.102 1.872 4 -10.245 1.606 10 -9.143 2.466 1886 6 0.427 1.872 4 -10.094 1.606 10 -9.667 2.466 1887 6 -1.608 1.872 4 -8.911 1.606 10 -10.519 2.466 1888 6 0.334 1.872 4 -7.307 1.606 10 -6.973 2.466 1889 6 1.706 1.872 4 -6.004 1.606 10 -4.298 2.466 1890 6 -1.171 1.872 4 -5.127 1.606 10 -6.299 2.466 1891 6 0.069 1.872 4 -4.396 1.606 10 -4.327 2.466 1892 6 -0.254 1.872 4 -3.739 1.606 10 -3.993 2.466 1893 6 -0.145 1.872 4 -3.522 1.606 10 -3.667 2.466 1894 6 -0.099 1.872 4 -3.808 1.606 10 -3.907 2.466 1895 6 -1.000 1.872 4 -3.947 1.606 10 -4.947 2.466 1896 6 0.294 1.872 4 -3.548 1.606 10 -3.254 2.466 1897 6 1.078 1.872 4 -3.093 1.606 10 -2.015 2.466 1898 6 1.435 1.872 4 -2.920 1.606 10 -1.485 2.466 1899 6 -0.964 1.872 4 -2.963 1.606 10 -3.927 2.466 1900 6 -0.188 1.872 4 -2.948 1.606 10 -3.136 2.466 1901 6 1.056 1.872 4 -2.851 1.606 10 -1.795 2.466 1902 6 1.548 1.872 4 -2.756 1.606 10 -1.208 2.466 1903 6 -0.979 1.872 4 -2.422 1.606 10 -3.401 2.466 1904 6 0.082 1.872 4 -1.842 1.606 10 -1.760 2.466 1905 6 0.046 1.872 4 -1.235 1.606 10 -1.189 2.466 1906 6 -0.019 1.872 4 -0.749 1.606 10 -0.768 2.466 1907 6 0.315 1.872 4 -0.505 1.606 10 -0.190 2.466 1908 6 0.496 1.872 4 -0.744 1.606 10 -0.248 2.466 1909 6 1.131 1.872 4 -1.776 1.606 10 -0.645 2.466 1910 6 -0.245 1.872 4 -3.489 1.606 10 -3.735 2.466 1911 6 -1.891 1.872 4 -4.908 1.606 10 -6.799 2.466 1912 6 1.992 1.872 4 -5.105 1.606 10 -3.113 2.466 1913 6 -0.414 1.872 4 -4.261 1.606 10 -4.674 2.466 1914 6 -1.237 1.872 4 -3.201 1.606 10 -4.438 2.466 1915 6 0.871 1.872 4 -2.635 1.606 10 -1.764 2.466 1916 6 -0.182 1.872 4 -2.861 1.606 10 -3.043 2.466 1917 6 1.000 1.872 4 -3.719 1.606 10 -2.719 2.466 1918 6 -1.738 1.872 4 -4.151 1.606 10 -5.889 2.466 1919 6 0.403 1.872 4 -4.110 1.606 10 -3.708 2.466 1920 6 0.487 1.872 4 -4.334 1.606 10 -3.846 2.466 1921 6 -0.036 1.872 4 -4.473 1.606 10 -4.509 2.466 1922 6 0.724 1.872 4 -3.624 1.606 10 -2.900 2.466 1923 6 -0.998 1.872 4 -2.711 1.606 10 -3.709 2.466 1924 6 0.229 1.872 4 -2.521 1.606 10 -2.292 2.466 1925 6 -0.414 1.872 4 -2.542 1.606 10 -2.957 2.466 1926 6 -0.667 1.872 4 -2.774 1.606 10 -3.441 2.466 1927 6 1.656 1.872 4 -3.114 1.606 10 -1.458 2.466 1928 6 -1.728 1.872 4 -2.771 1.606 10 -4.498 2.466 1929 6 0.295 1.872 4 -1.707 1.606 10 -1.412 2.466 1930 6 0.180 1.872 4 -0.801 1.606 10 -0.621 2.466 1931 6 0.140 1.872 4 -0.787 1.606 10 -0.647 2.466 1932 6 0.058 1.872 4 -1.355 1.606 10 -1.297 2.466 1933 6 -0.635 1.872 4 -1.587 1.606 10 -2.223 2.466 1934 6 -0.139 1.872 4 -1.094 1.606 10 -1.233 2.466 1935 6 1.070 1.872 4 -0.473 1.606 10 0.597 2.466 1936 6 0.317 1.872 4 -0.133 1.606 10 0.184 2.466 1937 6 -1.085 1.872 4 0.214 1.606 10 -0.870 2.466 1938 6 0.713 1.872 4 0.877 1.606 10 1.590 2.466 1939 6 0.407 1.872 4 1.771 1.606 10 2.177 2.466 1940 6 -1.214 1.872 4 2.296 1.606 10 1.083 2.466 1941 6 1.962 1.872 4 1.827 1.606 10 3.789 2.466 1942 6 0.304 1.872 4 0.482 1.606 10 0.786 2.466 1943 6 -0.785 1.872 4 -1.144 1.606 10 -1.929 2.466 1944 6 -0.499 1.872 4 -2.413 1.606 10 -2.912 2.466 1945 6 -0.892 1.872 4 -2.507 1.606 10 -3.399 2.466 1946 6 1.742 1.872 4 -0.960 1.606 10 0.782 2.466 1947 6 -1.888 1.872 4 0.266 1.606 10 -1.622 2.466 1948 6 0.186 1.872 4 -0.247 1.606 10 -0.062 2.466 1949 6 0.249 1.872 4 -0.727 1.606 10 -0.478 2.466 1950 6 0.550 1.872 4 -0.207 1.606 10 0.343 2.466 1951 6 -0.340 1.872 4 0.551 1.606 10 0.210 2.466 1952 6 -1.169 1.872 4 0.885 1.606 10 -0.284 2.466 1953 6 1.073 1.872 4 0.758 1.606 10 1.830 2.466 1954 6 0.440 1.872 4 0.215 1.606 10 0.655 2.466 1955 6 0.236 1.872 4 -0.333 1.606 10 -0.097 2.466 1956 6 -0.091 1.872 4 -0.733 1.606 10 -0.825 2.466 1957 6 0.195 1.872 4 -0.715 1.606 10 -0.520 2.466 1958 6 -1.404 1.872 4 0.031 1.606 10 -1.373 2.466 1959 6 1.534 1.872 4 0.812 1.606 10 2.346 2.466 1960 6 2.317 1.872 4 0.989 1.606 10 3.305 2.466 1961 6 -2.552 1.872 4 0.903 1.606 10 -1.649 2.466 1962 6 0.341 1.872 4 0.896 1.606 10 1.237 2.466 1963 6 1.539 1.872 4 0.017 1.606 10 1.556 2.466 1964 6 0.144 1.872 4 -1.644 1.606 10 -1.499 2.466 1965 6 0.249 1.872 4 -2.553 1.606 10 -2.304 2.466 1966 6 -1.440 1.872 4 -2.133 1.606 10 -3.574 2.466 1967 6 1.041 1.872 4 -1.001 1.606 10 0.040 2.466 1968 6 0.240 1.872 4 0.021 1.606 10 0.261 2.466 1969 6 -1.364 1.872 4 0.623 1.606 10 -0.741 2.466 1970 6 0.686 1.872 4 0.738 1.606 10 1.423 2.466 1971 6 -0.088 1.872 4 0.623 1.606 10 0.535 2.466 1972 6 0.595 1.872 4 0.564 1.606 10 1.158 2.466 1973 6 -1.244 1.872 4 0.674 1.606 10 -0.571 2.466 1974 6 0.432 1.872 4 0.766 1.606 10 1.198 2.466 1975 6 -0.033 1.872 4 0.529 1.606 10 0.496 2.466 1976 6 -0.193 1.872 4 0.072 1.606 10 -0.121 2.466 1977 6 1.591 1.872 4 -0.117 1.606 10 1.475 2.466 1978 6 -1.089 1.872 4 0.470 1.606 10 -0.620 2.466 1979 6 -0.426 1.872 4 1.498 1.606 10 1.072 2.466 1980 6 1.239 1.872 4 1.846 1.606 10 3.085 2.466 1981 6 -1.330 1.872 4 0.764 1.606 10 -0.566 2.466 1982 6 0.877 1.872 4 -0.899 1.606 10 -0.022 2.466 1983 6 -0.447 1.872 4 -1.929 1.606 10 -2.376 2.466 1984 6 0.147 1.872 4 -1.724 1.606 10 -1.577 2.466 1985 6 0.568 1.872 4 -0.718 1.606 10 -0.150 2.466 1986 6 0.275 1.872 4 0.283 1.606 10 0.558 2.466 1987 6 -1.219 1.872 4 0.605 1.606 10 -0.615 2.466 1988 6 0.315 1.872 4 0.275 1.606 10 0.590 2.466 1989 6 0.480 1.872 4 -0.121 1.606 10 0.359 2.466 1990 6 0.154 1.872 4 -0.217 1.606 10 -0.062 2.466 1991 6 1.763 1.872 4 0.062 1.606 10 1.825 2.466 1992 6 -1.356 1.872 4 0.587 1.606 10 -0.769 2.466 1993 6 -1.338 1.872 4 1.340 1.606 10 0.002 2.466 1994 6 1.201 1.872 4 1.980 1.606 10 3.181 2.466 1995 6 0.587 1.872 4 2.010 1.606 10 2.597 2.466 1996 6 -0.525 1.872 4 1.712 1.606 10 1.187 2.466 1997 5 -0.794 1.920 4 1.702 1.606 9 0.908 2.503 1998 5 -1.323 1.920 4 2.145 1.606 9 0.822 2.503 1999 5 1.694 1.920 4 2.859 1.606 9 4.553 2.503 2000 4 -0.786 2.011 4 3.866 1.606 8 3.079 2.574 2001 4 -0.652 2.011 4 5.050 1.606 8 4.398 2.574 2002 3 0.875 2.324 4 6.129 1.606 7 7.004 2.825