Thornton Lakes, North Cascades National Park, Washington - WA148 Additional Site Information Kailey Marcinkowski, David L. Peterson Measurement type: Total ring width References: Marcinkowski, Kailey; Peterson, David L.; Ettl, Gregory J. 2015. Nonstationary temporal response of mountain hemlock growth to climatic variability in the North Cascade Range, Washington, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Resources, Vol. 45, pp. 676-699. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2014-0231 Funding Sources: U.S. Geological Survey Global Change Research Program and the University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Contribution of the Western Mountain Initiative COFECHA output: Chronology file name : WA148.CRN Measurement file name : WA148.RWL Date checked : 22JUN18 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1746 Ending year : 2011 Principal investigators: Kailey Marcinkowski David L. Peterson Site name : Thornton Lakes Site location : Washington Species information : TSME MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK Latitude : 4841 Longitude : -12119 Elevation : 1473M Series intercorrelation: 0.557 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.235 Avg standard deviation : 0.584 Avg autocorrelation : 0.707 Number dated series : 20 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 11 Pct problem segments : 6.67 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Thornton Lakes 14:39 Fri 22 Jun 2018 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 TL03a 1866 2011 .78 .71 .64 .72 .63 .64 2 TL05b 1799 2011 .60 .65 .61 .65 .73 .63 .58 .42 .36 3 TL20a 1828 2011 .68 .60 .58 .62 .68 .76 .70 4 TL19a 1818 2011 .45 .40 .50 .68 .50 .54 .62 .58 5 TL17b 1804 2011 .73 .69 .71 .57 .30A .46 .53 .62 6 TL14a 1780 2011 .79 .80 .60 .42 .35 .34 .51 .48 .50 7 TL07b 1860 2011 .38 .70 .65 .73 .80 .84 8 TL06a 1792 2010 .50 .47 .54 .38 .44 .49 .49 .64 .63 9 TL15a 1746 2011 .74 .76 .46 .47 .61 .60 .32A .42 .71 .77 10 TL01b 1782 2011 .59 .63 .49 .53 .56 .29A .44 .52 .46 11 TL02a 1838 2011 .57 .69 .74 .48 .50 .55 .57 12 TL09b 1797 2011 .71 .78 .72 .66 .62 .43 .22B .35B .42 13 TL04a 1820 2011 .62 .59 .58 .73 .56 .57 .22B .27A 14 TL08a 1781 2011 .56 .69 .77 .44 .26A .41 .54 .66 .68 15 TL11a 1798 2011 .58 .59 .67 .60 .53 .36 .62 .83 .77 16 TL16a 1772 2011 .72 .74 .78 .83 .66 .61 .66 .49 .38 .42 17 TL12b 1821 2011 .65 .69 .75 .71 .58 .60 .71 .70 18 TL10a 1821 2011 .64 .71 .35 .28B .28A .53 .70 .75 19 TL13b 1797 2011 .61 .66 .63 .52 .42 .25B .45 .53 .66 20 TL18a 1844 2011 .49 .51 .52 .41 .63 .58 .56 Av segment correlation .73 .64 .64 .62 .57 .57 .46 .54 .58 .60 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Thornton Lakes 14:39 Fri 22 Jun 2018 Page 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 TL03a 1866 2011 146 6 0 .653 1.76 4.25 .616 .621 .214 2.63 .373 .051 1 2 TL05b 1799 2011 213 9 0 .560 1.29 3.16 .572 .812 .203 2.64 .393 -.090 1 3 TL20a 1828 2011 184 7 0 .656 1.75 3.60 .587 .533 .260 2.58 .420 -.013 1 4 TL19a 1818 2011 194 8 0 .540 2.16 7.99 1.422 .887 .236 2.75 .537 -.011 1 5 TL17b 1804 2011 208 8 1 .575 1.47 3.99 .519 .573 .226 2.54 .303 .008 1 6 TL14a 1780 2011 232 9 0 .529 1.61 3.41 .517 .719 .182 2.61 .315 -.070 2 7 TL07b 1860 2011 152 6 0 .608 1.61 3.79 .546 .787 .175 2.81 .414 .017 1 8 TL06a 1792 2010 219 9 0 .477 1.13 3.67 .465 .390 .302 2.72 .363 -.050 1 9 TL15a 1746 2011 266 10 1 .556 1.20 4.18 .614 .656 .300 2.65 .315 -.054 1 10 TL01b 1782 2011 230 9 1 .490 1.60 4.81 .982 .878 .208 2.45 .284 -.041 1 11 TL02a 1838 2011 174 7 0 .569 1.20 3.62 .661 .891 .196 2.55 .377 -.017 1 12 TL09b 1797 2011 215 9 2 .565 1.16 2.96 .573 .828 .217 2.61 .455 -.026 1 13 TL04a 1820 2011 192 8 2 .508 .76 2.10 .358 .736 .284 2.80 .465 -.039 1 14 TL08a 1781 2011 231 9 1 .507 .81 1.95 .307 .722 .231 2.42 .273 -.040 1 15 TL11a 1798 2011 214 9 0 .586 1.19 3.55 .509 .723 .252 2.66 .432 -.022 1 16 TL16a 1772 2011 240 10 0 .632 1.19 3.52 .461 .705 .247 2.74 .497 -.060 1 17 TL12b 1821 2011 191 8 0 .660 1.92 3.35 .544 .655 .190 2.67 .466 -.022 3 18 TL10a 1821 2011 191 8 2 .504 2.00 3.97 .673 .589 .228 2.76 .418 .000 1 19 TL13b 1797 2011 215 9 1 .505 .78 2.58 .435 .764 .296 2.63 .304 -.012 1 20 TL18a 1844 2011 168 7 0 .524 1.02 2.17 .348 .671 .213 2.73 .446 -.034 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4075 165 11 .557 1.36 7.99 .584 .707 .235 2.81 .389 -.029