Sant Maurici, Spain, Pinus uncinata - SPAI053 Additional Site Information Paul Sheppard, Emilia GutiTrrez Ring width Cores are now at Department of Ecology, University of Barcelona, Spain Reference: Sheppard, P.R., P. Casals, and E, GutiTrrez. In review. Relationships between soil nutrient availability at the tree scale with dendrochronological tree growth. Proceedings of the 9th North American Forest Soils Conference (Lake Tahoe, CA). Site near the reservoir in Aiguestortas National Park, Catalunya Compared recent tree-growth trends with nutrient availability measured using ion-exchange resins buried in the soil. In the publication of above, spline detrending was the chosen to preserve 75 f the 100-year period in the index series. COFECHA output: Chronology file name : SPAI053.CRN Measurement file name : SPAI053.RWL Date checked : 30MAR05 Checked by : H. ADAMS AND J. LUKAS Beginning year : 1811 Ending year : 1996 Principal investigators: Paul Sheppard, Emilia Gutitrrez Site name : Sant Maurici Site location : Spain Species information : PIUN MOUNTAIN PINE Latitude : 4230 Longitude : 00130 Elevation : 2000M Series intercorrelation: 0.701 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.223 Avg standard deviation : 0.678 Avg autocorrelation : 0.888 Number dated series : 40 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 0 Pct problem segments : 0.00 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: spai053.rwl 16:56 Wed 30 Mar 2005 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 SM01NE 1855 1996 .60 .74 .71 .77 .83 2 SM01NW 1869 1996 .68 .73 .67 .82 .79 3 SM02NE 1831 1996 .72 .74 .64 .76 .84 .72 4 SM02NW 1820 1996 .72 .71 .73 .68 .71 .78 .67 5 SM03NE 1830 1996 .72 .72 .72 .75 .75 .79 6 SM03SW 1828 1996 .67 .69 .66 .72 .79 .79 7 SM04NE 1851 1996 .79 .83 .63 .56 .68 8 SM04SW 1831 1996 .60 .64 .75 .55 .58 .67 9 SM05E 1866 1996 .66 .64 .58 .44 .50 10 SM05W 1849 1996 .64 .65 .61 .66 .64 .62 11 SM06E 1847 1996 .84 .85 .85 .75 .76 .71 12 SM06SE 1837 1996 .85 .84 .80 .81 .89 .80 13 SM07N 1833 1996 .73 .74 .77 .73 .70 .75 14 SM07S 1844 1996 .79 .78 .76 .76 .76 .78 15 SM08NW 1828 1996 .75 .85 .66 .48 .76 .72 16 SM08SW 1835 1996 .62 .77 .72 .62 .66 .66 17 SM09E 1824 1996 .75 .75 .82 .82 .74 .72 .69 18 SM09N 1812 1996 .71 .70 .61 .58 .71 .74 .65 19 SM10E 1834 1996 .80 .77 .80 .54 .50 .45 20 SM10N 1829 1996 .80 .75 .68 .52 .40 .35 21 SM11E 1847 1996 .74 .73 .75 .66 .42 .41 22 SM11SE 1832 1996 .76 .76 .82 .54 .53 .58 23 SM12E 1857 1996 .84 .85 .75 .76 .78 24 SM12W 1828 1996 .65 .84 .78 .58 .68 .79 25 SM13E 1836 1996 .85 .78 .80 .79 .81 .82 26 SM13W 1828 1996 .72 .81 .83 .63 .66 .70 27 SM14E 1816 1996 .72 .72 .78 .81 .60 .71 .82 28 SM14W 1823 1996 .81 .81 .82 .82 .71 .78 .80 29 SM15E 1833 1996 .70 .63 .78 .77 .73 .71 30 SM15W 1825 1996 .74 .68 .67 .66 .66 .72 31 SM16N 1847 1996 .74 .79 .81 .75 .78 .80 32 SM16W 1849 1996 .54 .55 .59 .72 .77 .79 33 SM17N 1836 1996 .68 .64 .60 .59 .68 .78 34 SM17S 1823 1996 .76 .76 .46 .33 .51 .62 .81 35 SM18N 1821 1996 .81 .77 .71 .54 .58 .81 .73 36 SM18S 1817 1996 .67 .73 .84 .88 .73 .72 .79 37 SM19SW 1821 1996 .84 .83 .74 .70 .55 .54 .50 38 SM19S 1815 1996 .63 .65 .74 .75 .51 .51 .57 39 SM20NW 1811 1996 .69 .70 .73 .77 .67 .73 .81 40 SM20SW 1813 1996 .59 .62 .53 .59 .73 .79 .84 Av segment correlation .72 .73 .73 .72 .66 .69 .71 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: spai053.rwl 16:56 Wed 30 Mar 2005 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 SM01NE 1855 1996 142 5 0 .705 1.37 4.10 .627 .777 .199 3.15 .551 -.066 2 2 SM01NW 1869 1996 128 5 0 .743 1.06 2.67 .474 .817 .206 2.77 .522 -.073 1 3 SM02NE 1831 1996 166 6 0 .718 .78 4.00 .648 .900 .228 2.67 .385 -.056 1 4 SM02NW 1820 1996 177 7 0 .687 1.03 5.27 .994 .934 .212 2.64 .424 -.018 1 5 SM03NE 1830 1996 167 6 0 .739 .79 2.85 .660 .912 .237 2.65 .401 -.024 1 6 SM03SW 1828 1996 169 6 0 .708 .96 4.32 .811 .850 .235 2.70 .378 -.008 1 7 SM04NE 1851 1996 146 5 0 .725 1.16 3.20 .905 .950 .177 2.53 .392 -.033 2 8 SM04SW 1831 1996 166 6 0 .616 .99 2.52 .616 .898 .197 2.54 .403 -.040 1 9 SM05E 1866 1996 131 5 0 .571 1.02 2.28 .447 .875 .182 2.48 .386 -.010 1 10 SM05W 1849 1996 148 6 0 .637 .96 2.13 .398 .833 .190 2.56 .358 -.039 1 11 SM06E 1847 1996 150 6 0 .773 .79 2.99 .509 .871 .213 2.50 .300 -.032 2 12 SM06SE 1837 1996 160 6 0 .821 .85 3.24 .668 .892 .243 2.61 .470 -.035 1 13 SM07N 1833 1996 164 6 0 .734 1.32 4.16 .740 .915 .179 2.59 .526 -.004 1 14 SM07S 1844 1996 153 6 0 .766 1.12 2.64 .538 .838 .197 2.56 .396 -.031 1 15 SM08NW 1828 1996 169 6 0 .706 .98 2.28 .570 .909 .196 2.45 .343 -.025 1 16 SM08SW 1835 1996 162 6 0 .630 .90 3.30 .615 .882 .194 2.64 .387 -.026 1 17 SM09E 1824 1996 173 7 0 .760 .86 3.64 .805 .899 .205 2.74 .403 -.086 1 18 SM09N 1812 1996 185 7 0 .660 .93 4.00 .912 .925 .202 2.67 .422 -.087 1 19 SM10E 1834 1996 163 6 0 .635 .91 3.27 .750 .960 .178 2.61 .342 -.047 1 20 SM10N 1829 1996 168 6 0 .589 .80 3.19 .753 .967 .192 2.55 .499 -.063 1 21 SM11E 1847 1996 150 6 0 .621 .74 2.49 .514 .890 .256 2.65 .442 -.051 2 22 SM11SE 1832 1996 165 6 0 .662 .86 3.27 .657 .879 .252 2.66 .430 -.016 1 23 SM12E 1857 1996 140 5 0 .797 .80 2.02 .463 .890 .195 2.44 .279 -.045 1 24 SM12W 1828 1996 169 6 0 .730 .69 3.32 .422 .744 .252 2.53 .367 -.044 1 25 SM13E 1836 1996 161 6 0 .794 1.13 3.42 .606 .873 .195 2.59 .416 -.035 1 26 SM13W 1828 1996 169 6 0 .744 1.12 3.92 .766 .903 .188 2.56 .294 -.057 1 27 SM14E 1816 1996 181 7 0 .741 .82 5.82 1.074 .913 .340 2.61 .429 -.029 1 28 SM14W 1823 1996 174 7 0 .797 .80 5.12 .859 .882 .329 2.71 .414 -.021 2 29 SM15E 1833 1996 164 6 0 .712 .93 4.45 .856 .926 .196 2.64 .473 -.053 2 30 SM15W 1825 1996 172 6 0 .686 1.07 4.25 .938 .929 .196 2.54 .374 -.080 1 31 SM16N 1847 1996 150 6 0 .772 1.01 2.36 .513 .833 .238 2.69 .457 .009 1 32 SM16W 1849 1996 148 6 0 .679 .97 2.74 .506 .831 .226 2.66 .438 .046 1 33 SM17N 1836 1996 161 6 0 .675 1.30 3.12 .562 .847 .185 2.65 .471 -.020 2 34 SM17S 1823 1996 174 7 0 .617 1.14 3.54 .831 .915 .193 2.47 .372 -.044 1 35 SM18N 1821 1996 176 7 0 .679 .71 3.30 .631 .895 .299 2.53 .371 -.008 2 36 SM18S 1817 1996 180 7 0 .758 .91 4.08 .700 .861 .280 2.48 .305 -.025 2 37 SM19SW 1821 1996 176 7 0 .654 .92 3.31 .781 .935 .212 2.66 .450 -.041 2 38 SM19S 1815 1996 182 7 0 .620 .85 3.33 .753 .943 .222 2.62 .420 .006 2 39 SM20NW 1811 1996 186 7 0 .732 .65 2.12 .472 .900 .266 2.62 .391 -.036 1 40 SM20SW 1813 1996 184 7 0 .663 .70 2.47 .467 .866 .265 2.58 .392 .004 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 6549 247 0 .701 .94 5.82 .678 .888 .223 3.15 .406 -.034